What We Do
Miraloma Park Neighborhood Emergency Response Team

The NERT program is designed to train people in personal preparedness and basic disaster skills, which will help residents be self-sufficient for at least 72 hours following a major disaster. The NERT training program consists of six modules that cover:
- Class 1 : Earthquake Awareness, Preparedness and Mitigation
- Class 2: Basic Disaster Skills – Utility Shut Off, Fire Extinguisher, Hazardous Materials
- Class 3: Disaster Medicine, Triage, and Damage Assessment
- Class 4: Light Search and Rescue, Lifting and Cribbing
- Class 5: Team Organization and Management, Terrorism and NERT
- Class 6: Hands-On Practice
The six weeks of NERT training is conducted by San Francisco Fire fighters. It is a great benefit not only to the resident, but also to their families and neighbors.
Miraloma Park has had a NERT Team since 2014. The NERT Coordinator is Joanie van Rijn, joanvanrijn@gmail.com . Prior to the Covid19 pandemic, team meetings were conducted throughout the year and held at the Miraloma Park clubhouse. Currently NERTS are invited to attend virtual trainings to keep their skills up to date.
Each year, in October and April, residents of Miraloma Park are asked to post the NEED HELP/OK sign in a front facing window. This is a drill to notify neighbors of current status. Following a disaster, residents will post their sign so that emergency responders will know quickly how individual households are doing. If your household does not have this sign, please print and keep close to a front window so it is ready to use.
View/Download Need Help / OK Sign
Many of the NERTS are member of the emergency radio operator team. Miraloma Park purchased two-way radios with District 7 Participatory Budgeting funds. The radios will facilitate emergency communication if needed. The Radio team practice frequently. You do not need to have prior experience to be a member. The Radio team practices with the Block Champions who also have two-way radios. If you are a resident of Miraloma Park and would like more information about becoming an Emergency Radio Operator please contact joanvanrijn@gmail.com
The following resources may be of help in disaster preparing the household, block and neighborhood for disaster:
- Ready.gov: Disaster Kit
- FEMA: Earthquake Checklist
- Ready.gov: BEFORE the Earthquake
- CDC: Be Ready! Earthquakes
- Sanitation – The Scoop on Poop
- Adult Go-Bag
- Pet Disaster Plan
- Children’s Go-Bag
- First Aid Kit
- Senior Go-Bag
For more information:
Miraloma Park NERT Coordinator