What We Do

Resilient Miraloma Park is the name MPIC has given to its long term resiliency program that involves our residents, local businesses, churches, schools and City agencies to strengthen the Miraloma Park community so that during times of stress (whether earthquake, pandemic, heat wave, wildfire, smoke, etc) every Miraloma Park resident will feel safe and empowered.
With the help of the City’s Neighborhood Empowerment Network program, the MPIC launched our Resilient Miraloma Park program in 2014. Through our early workshops we held with residents, we explored the risks our community faced in preparing for and responding to stress events like disasters.

We took all this feedback – and generated 3 goals for our community in the years to follow.

Goal No. 1: Prepare our residents for times of stress. This included (1) the launch of our Senior Community Connectors program in 2018 (community center without walls, reduce isolation, provide activities, help vulnerable neighbors, strengthen ties among neighbors) (2) holding many types of preparedness events and trainings for residents including our Neighborfest Block Party in 2017 in coordination with Miraloma Elementary where over 500 residents attended ( and (red cross training to BC and residents, disaster prep inc for pets, distrib equipment to seniors) (3) creating a communication strategy for preparedness using our monthly newsletter and email database (Help-I’m OK sign, be prepared articles)

Goal No. 2: Create a response strategy in the event of a disaster. This included (1) reactivating the Miraloma Park NERT team, acquiring caches of emergency supplies, training and strengthening relationships with neighboring NERT teams, (2) developing relationships with our local school, businesses, juvenile hall and church and (3) development of our emergency radio operator network and (4) create an integrated activation plan to include a Neighborhood Emergency Response Center that will coordinate all activities.

Goal No. 3: Create a care and shelter strategy. This included (1) launching our Block Champions program in 2017 and (2) developing a strategy for providing mass feeding and centralized shelter for displaced residents, (3) establishing a medical reserve team.

Similar resiliency programs have been established by other neighborhood associations or collectives: Diamond Heights, West Portal, the Merced Extension Triangle, the Oceanview- Merced Terrace- Ingleside Heights Community Collaborative, the Bayview, Golden Gate Heights, Sunset, Lake Merced, Bernal Heights, Greater Excelsior and Noe Valley.

However, all the equipment in the world does not come close to the many volunteers that are needed to carry out an effective disaster response. We hope you will join us and volunteer to be a critical human resource we have in our neighborhood. We start by building a community of neighbors.

News & Events

Stay informed with our monthly newsletter and latest announcements.


Perfect for different types of events and available to rent. Plus, it's discounted for members.


Incorporated in 1936, we inform, celebrate, and advocate for the neighborhood.

What We Do

From Resilient Miraloma Park to NERT, see our list of activities and achievements or sign up to volunteer.


Miraloma Park is a community of 2,200 homes on Mount Davidson in San Francisco.