News & Events

Election Notice

The Miraloma Park Improvement Club is conducting an election for certain Officer and Board Member positions from June 12 through 20, 2024.

Miraloma Life’s June issue contained a photo of each candidate and a candidate’s statement. The June issue is available on the News & Events page of the MPIC website

Questions about the election should be sent to or call 415-322-0211.

Eligibility To Vote

Persons 18+ years who were dues-paying members of the Miraloma Park Improvement Club as of May 11, 2024 are eligible to vote.

Voting Procedures

This election is being conducted using electronic and paper ballot procedures. Voters may cast ballots either electronically or in-person, but not by both procedures.

Electronic Balloting from June 12 through 19

You may vote electronically, beginning June 12. If you would like to vote electronically, click on this link:

After you complete your ballot, hit the “SUBMIT” button. You will receive a message that your vote has been cast.

Electronic balloting closes on June 19 at 11:59pm.

In-Person Voting on June 20

If you would like to vote a paper ballot, you may do so at the MPIC Clubhouse, 350 O’Shaughnessy Boulevard on June 20, between 6:30pm and 7:00pm.