News & Events

Miraloma Life: April 2008

  • Social Event to Promote Neighborhood Safety
  • May Backyard and Garden Tour
  • From the President…
  • Sunnyside Park’s Recreation Center Secretly Undergoes Redesign
  • Legal Ease
  • Call for Civil Grand Jurors
  • Brisbane Acres and the Blood of the Lamb
  • Spring – a poem
  • 36 Teresita Route Changes
  • Have a Recipe to Share?
  • Arts Events Bloom at SFSOTA in April

Social Event to Promote Neighborhood Safety

by Mike Naughton

The Miraloma Park Improvement Club will be hosting a social event to promote neighborhood safety at the clubhouse from 3:30 – 5:30pm on Sunday April 6. All Miraloma Park residents are welcome and encouraged to attend.

Get to know your neighbors over refreshments and learn from experts how to:

    • Be prepared to react in case of an emergency (San Francisco NERT)
    • Keep your home safe and secure (San Francisco SAFE)
    • Prevent criminal activity through better communication with the police

Wine, soft drinks and snacks will be served. Our speakers will begin at 4:00. There will be plenty of opportunity for questions and to socialize with your neighbors.

We hope you’ll join us. Getting to know your neighbors is the first and most important step in maintaining the safety we currently enjoy, and our speakers will provide the valuable information needed to insure it.

May Backyard and Garden Tour

by JoAnn Eastep

Plans for the upcoming Backyard and Garden Tour on Sunday, May 18 are progressing nicely. Attendees will be able to visit mature gardens, newly installed gardens and gain some great ideas for using space you might never have dreamed of as a garden site.

You will have the opportunity to meet the owners and sometimes the designers of their gardens. If you are considering re-doing your garden or if you are just interested in gardens in general, the hosts are very knowledgeable about the rules and regulations for installing decks, ponds, paths, etc. This will enable you to avoid the many pitfalls having to do with setbacks for decks and the other hundreds of details that can derail your plans.

And of course you will encounter a wide variety of ornamental and flowering plants and trees that are just right for our Miraloma Park climate and microclimates. Plan on spending the afternoon of Sunday, May 18 with us from 1-4 pm in the gardens. You will receive a map of the sites to be visited. After the tour there will be a social at the Miraloma Park Clubhouse from 4 to 5:30 pm where you can partake of wine and cheese and be able to speak in greater depth to the owners and designers.

There will be no advanced ticket sales and further information about purchasing tickets will appear in the May issue of Miraloma Life.

From the President…

by Phil Laird

On April 8 the city holds an open primary to fill the 12th Congressional District seat formerly occupied by the late Tom Lantos, but for most voters the June 3 ballot will be the next milestone in an election year full of important decisions. Following are the local measures and state propositions approved for the June ballot that are of most significance to Miraloma Park residents.

Measure A proposes a $198 parcel tax to help make up for the expected loss of state funds for local schools. A parcel tax is independent of valuation and cannot be passed through to renters. Owners over 65 years of age will be exempt from the tax.

According to the text of the measure, the primary objective is to raise teacher salaries in San Francisco schools, salaries that by any standard are too low and non-competitive. A number of other communities in the Bay Area have passed parcel taxes in support of their schools—in Lafayette, for example, the school parcel tax is over $300. But other cities like Oakland and Richmond cannot afford such a tax.

Funding education with parcel taxes is problematic. Since the 1970s most states, including California, have reduced the reliance on property taxes to fund education because of constitutional requirements for equal-protection under state education statutes. California’s Propositions 98 and 111 dating from the late 1980s established a complex formula for state contributions to local schools in order to provide more equity in education funding. That formula has not worked very well, according to most analysts, and the governor has proposed major changes. But massive cuts to state subsidies plus a return to a property-tax based education system are sure to pose constitutionality questions. Despite that, the proposed cuts to school funding will be devastating unless countered in some way.

Measure B is a sizable charter amendment that, among other things, reduces the healthcare retirement benefits for City and County employees hired after January of next year, with a sliding scale of benefits based on years of service. Those with 20 or more years of service would be able to retire with full healthcare coverage; those with fewer years would get less or no coverage.

The measure also offers incentives for city and county employees to continue serving up to and past the age of 60 and limits the cost of wages and benefits for the 2009-2010 fiscal year. It is supported by the Mayor and five members of the Board of Supervisors and addresses some of the financial challenges facing the city in the coming years, especially in funding retirement benefits.

Measure E is apparently a response to Mayor Newsom’s recent firing of Susan Leal as chair of the Public Utilities Commission. It requires the Board of Supervisors to confirm the Mayor’s appointments to the PUC and sets specific qualifications for each of the five seats: one must be an environment policy specialist; one, an advocate for ratepayers and consumers; one must be experienced in project finance; one must bring knowledge of water systems, power systems, or public utilities management; and one commissioner would serve at-large. In addition it staggers the terms of the commissioners in two-year sequences.

Measures F and G provide a clear choice point for San Francisco voters as to how much affordable housing to mandate. Lennar Corporation, the sponsor of Measure G, has proposed a huge redevelopment project for the Bayview, Hunters Point, and Candlestick point areas, including Monster Park. They describe in detail the development plans, including provisions for parks, retail and commercial space, housing, and potentially a new 49ers’ stadium. Also included is rebuilding the Alice Griffith Housing area and providing the same number of housing units as now, affordable at the same income levels. In all, 25% of the built or rebuilt housing will qualify as affordable.

Measure F, on the other hand, mandates that 50% of the housing be affordable: rented or sold at below market rates. It includes a specific formula for affordability and how much at each rate. The developer, Lennar, has declared that if this measure passes it will kill their development plans. Supporter Chris Daly counters that the company, one of the largest real-estate developers in the nation, stands to make enormous profits on this project and can well afford to provide the lower-cost housing so desperately needed in San Francisco.

Finally, California Propositions 98 and 99 present another important decision for voters. Both hope to reverse the consequences of the Kelo vs. New London decision by the Supreme Court. In that decision the Court found that the power of eminent domain includes the authority of the state to take land (specifically, a private home in the Kelo case) and give it to another private party for development if that action would benefit the community. Many states have since initiated constitutional amendments to prohibit the taking of homes by eminent domain for transfer to a business or other private owner. Propositions 98 and 99 both do so too, but Prop. 98, sponsored by the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, is far more expansive. It phases out rent control ordinances and other land-use restrictions statewide; defines “just compensation”; and includes other provisions intended to protect property owners from government abuse. Should voters approve both propositions, Prop. 99 will prevail. Backers of 98 claim that rent control and other requirements will take the place of eminent domain and enable local governments to force owners out of their properties. Opponents believe that 98 needlessly drags rent control into eminent domain and that its compensation provisions could inhibit the ability to impose restrictions to protect environmental and natural resources.

Sunnyside Park’s Recreation Center Secretly Undergoes Redesign

by Andrea O’Leary

Residents are baffled why the Rec. & Park Dept. would ever consider attempting to close off half of Sunnyside’s tiny recreation center for locked “secure” employee offices in defiance of a community and Rec. & Park Commission approved open-space plan for recreation use. The changes to this surplus budget phase of the park’s renovation were discovered quite by accident and not just some small changes of the development phase, as claimed, but a complete turn-around from the concept well defined and feted-out. The justification for this action from Dennis Kern, Director of Operations, is that “delivery of services has evolved.”

During the long planning process, residents considered three major issues that from past experience needed addressing in the renovation design: 1) When non-ADA compliant walls and doors were removed they would not be replaced, maximizing the small clubhouse space for programs and community gatherings; 2) The Recreation Director would be centrally located so that s/he could conduct programs, supervise participants and facilities, and greet walk-in visitors; 3) Only the Rec. Dir. would be provided with desk space. On Sept. 7, 2007, the RP Commission asked the right questions and assured that the public process was completed before approving the open-space plan.

Also during planning, residents were considerate of the needs of staff by allocating space in the rec. center for a Rec. Dir. and the field-level building was customized and doubled in size, at great cost, to accommodate equipment storage and an office in the back half with bathrooms in the front. Other much larger parks were identified as more appropriate for secondary staff space, yet any rec. center can offer as-needed work space.

The clandestine re-design, misleading with labels like “multi-purpose room,” had been developed to construction drawings and was slated to go out to bid within days of being discovered, even though RPD had four months to discuss any new desires with the community. This surreptitious action is considered a misuse of public money and public property for employees over neighborhood needs and violates the public’s right to know; putting into question the Authority of the Commission and the Public Trust.

Having been caught in questionable acts, RPD called another community meeting for April 2 to disclose their “changes” with hopes they will gain support. Concerned residents have insisted that RPD not come with only their version of a closed-space design but that they must present the approved open-space design, developed to equal visual impact and presented with equal vigor as their redesign. Important to the discussion must be an examination of the priority of user for limited rec. center space by residents as compared to that of employees whose jobs are supposed to keep them out maintaining parks and not behind desks.

Editor’s Note: On March 18, Rec & Park announced on their website that a community meeting will be held on April 2, at 6:30 p.m. in St. Finn Barr Goode Hall,415 Edna St. at Hearst Avenue to review the redesign. SPFN has requested that the approved plan also be presented for public review at this meeting.

Legal Ease

by Mary Catherine Wiederhold, Esq.

Are you thinking about remodeling your kitchen or your bathroom or both? Then you will probably need to hire a contractor. This column concerns some of the legal guidelines that contractors must have in their contracts. My next column will discuss why a contractor can place a lien on your property and what to do about it.

First, you will want to hire a licensed contractor to do your remodeling. If you hire an unlicensed contractor, you might find that the work was done incorrectly and you might have greater difficulty trying to correct the problem later on. In order to verify that the contractor is licensed, either call the California State License Board at (800) 321-2752, or go to the Website at Once at the Website, you can put in the contractor’s name or the business name to verify if they are licensed with the State of California.

State laws protect consumers in “home improvement contracts.” Be certain all promises made by the contractor are in the written agreement because if a significant promise is not in writing, it might not happen. The law mandates the following items must be present in a contract: the name of the contractor and homeowner, the date the homeowner signs the contract, a description of the project, and a description of the materials to be used, among other items. If a down payment is made, this should be stated in the contract and cannot be more than $1,000.00 or 10% of the contract price, whichever is less. The homeowner also has the option of canceling the contract within three days after the contract is signed. If progress payments are made, these must be detailed in the contract. A “time and materials” contract (one that does not specify the completed cost of the project or the date of expected completion) is not legal because it does not provide a firm basis for ending the contract.

In addition, if any changes are made to the project, the modification to the contract must be signed by both parties. The modification contract must describe the scope of the extra work, the cost to be added or subtracted from the contract, and the effect on the schedule of progress payments.

While it may not be necessary to have an ironclad contract with the gal who cuts your shrubs, having a contract that contains the above elements will protect you should something go wrong and you need to resort to mediation or litigation.

Call for Civil Grand Jurors

Hurry: you have only about two weeks to send in your application!
Application for what?

For the hardest, least paying, and one of the most important jobs you can do for San Francisco: that of Civil Grand Juror. Unlike the Indictment Grand Jury, which returns criminal indictments against accused offenders, the Civil Grand Jury (CGJ) scrutinizes the operations of the local city and county government: its officers, departments, and agencies. Two CGJs of 19 members each are impaneled each July and serve for one year. Requirements are U.S. Citizenship, 18 years of age or older, and a working command of English. Jurors should also be able to devote at least ten hours a week to the service and possess the temperament to work in a consensus-driven, collaborative environment.

Each CGJ determines what it will investigate. It has subpoena powers, requires responses to its recommendations from responsible office holders, and presents its findings to the Board of Supervisors. Naturally the press is also keenly interested in the reports. Recent reports have criticized San Francisco’s disaster preparation facilities, misuse of disabled parking placards, and understaffing in the police department. Critique, however, is only half the story: the reports also make specific recommendations based on findings, and some CGJs issue a continuity report in the following year as to how its recommendations have been handled.

You probably will not be shocked to learn that many of the CGJ recommendations do not get implemented, at least not immediately. Many people find this frustrating. But change in a mature polity like San Francisco does not happen quickly; constructive criticism and innovative ideas can nudge the ship in the right direction. You can find out more about the CGJ and read its reports by visiting the site

Brisbane Acres and the Blood of the Lamb

by Geoffrey Coffey

April is the month of Passover, a rite from the Biblical story of Exodus wherein the enslaved Israelites win their freedom from Pharaoh. It seems a fitting context for a discussion of The Acres, an indentured ecosystem on the wildland-urban interface. These substantial and privately-held native grasslands rise between the small town of Brisbane and the state and county park of San Bruno Mountain. A walk here is like a page from the California history book – steep hoary stands of melic and fescue athwart canyons of buckeye and oak, punctuated by johnny jump-up, silver lupine, and broadleaf stonecrop, the larval food plants of rare and endangered butterflies.

Carved into jigsaw-puzzle pieces by an “unrecorded subdivision” (i.e. illegally) in the 1930s, with titles now held by hundreds of individuals, The Acres live in a state of bondage. Houses already cover twenty of the original 111 parcels (all on the lower slopes), and developers have mapped routes for possible roads and building envelopes throughout the remaining 120 wild acres. Opinions among owners radically diverge: some would like to preserve their land as open space, while others want to build. One fellow proposed turning his one-acre parcel into an Indian casino. Where is Moses when you need him?

The near-horizontal pitch of these slide-prone grades would appear to discourage your average builder – but the Bay Area real estate market is anything but average. Already the narrow private roads on the lower, comparatively gentle slopes “typically do not meet fire code standards,” according to the City of Brisbane. Some of the proposed new streets in the steeps are merely drawn on paper; others follow the mad path of Virgil Karns, an eccentric local landowner from decades ago who joyrode his bulldozer up and down these sheer ridges in his spare time.

Below the water tower, near the intersection of Beatrice and Margaret (two of Virgil’s former dozer runs), a footpath splits off from the road. Perhaps an old Indian trail or a current corridor for wildlife, it plunges through poison oak and fords a seasonal stream, then climbs into an old-growth forest of gnarled oak, dwarfed madrone, fruiting toyon, ocean spray, and blooming Ceanothus. The sounds of the city grow faint beneath the epic silence of these woods as they stood centuries ago; the intervening years fall away, and suddenly there were no years. Welcome to California circa 1700.

The once and former Eastwood manzanita Arctostaphylos glandulosa stretches its red serpentine branches for the light that pushes through openings in the canopy. This tree-like shrub grows to 6-8 feet tall and grows from a large basal burl, from which it will readily resprout after fire. Specimens so regenerated can live for hundreds of years. But flames have not touched this landscape within memory, and the manzanitas look tired. They crave a good burn.

After another switchback the path rises into grassland, where the rare and endangered Diablo Helianthella (Helianthella castenea) waves its golden sunflower blossoms and the aromatic hummingbird sage (Salvia spathacea) grows in thousand-square-foot patches. Thick 3-foot clumps of California fescue (Festuca californica) hold the hill, while the silvery inflorescence of melic grass (Melica californica) dances with the purple owl’s clover (Castilleja exserta), goldfields (Lasthenia californica), and many other spring wildflowers. In a quick informal survey, we counted 50 species.

Wherever the trail passes an exposed slab of greywacke, the slate-colored foundation stone of the mountain, we look for the broadleaf stonecrop (Sedum spathulifolium), a spreading succulent clinging to cracks in the rock. Each exquisite rosette of slightly reddish green pushes up thumb-sized flower stalks, whose yellow inflorescence shines against the greyish stone.

This plant feeds the caterpillars of the Bay Area endemic and federally protected San Bruno elfin butterfly. Home gardeners and commercial landscapers, take note – it also makes a wonderful accent in any exposed stone hardscaping, and a handsome addition to the rock garden.

Noteworthy among the many other standouts this month is the coast larkspur (Delphinium decorum ssp. decorum), a gorgeous dark-blue flower with a nodding 2-foot habit and a prominent spur. The Mendocino Indians prized larkspur for its narcotic properties, but please note this genus contains toxic alkaloids that have killed cattle, so no “experimentation” is advised.

Glorious in bloom, these lands and their many animal inhabitants lie in limbo. Will it require the plague of locusts, thundershower of frogs, and death of the firstborn of Egypt to liberate these natives from private ownership? Who among ye will daub the blood of the lamb on their doorposts? We Will, answered the city of Brisbane. Heeding calls from citizens who value the wilderness over the subdivision, the city began buying parcels of The Acres in 1997, using money set aside annually for open space acquisitions and with grants from the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service and the California Coastal Commission.

This on-going program has stewarded 23 parcels (with six more currently in escrow) covering more than 30 acres into city-owned open space, including one contiguous block of the canyons and grasslands southwest of the water tower and another in the prime butterfly habitat of the upper Bayshore Ridge. This is good cause for rejoicing. Nonetheless, dangers remain. Some would like to build a dream house here, capitalizing on that million-dollar view of San Francisco. Rampant populations of blue gum Eucalyptus, broom, fennel, and other weeds have escaped from residential areas into untrammeled zones; these degrade the native diversity and kill off local species. Brisbane’s vegetation management plan spends $20,000 annually to combat exotic invasives, with the optimistic goal of total eradication.

But native plants also invade – coastal scrub, for example, encroaches into grassland when not checked by fire. Fred Smith, assistant to the Brisbane city manager, named “succession to scrub” alongside development and weeds as the top three threats facing The Acres today. he book of Exodus gives explicit instructions for Passover, including the preparation and consumption of the sacrificial lamb. “You shall let none of it remain until the morning,” warns the Lord. “Anything that remains until the morning you shall burn.” More easily said than done. A controlled burn two summers ago in Wax Myrtle Canyon, for example, jumped its planned 5-acre boundary and spread to 75 acres, ending up a stone’s throw from residential housing. Judged by the rejuvenated landscape, this project was a tremendous success – but the risk to human settlements raised some eyebrows.

Such are the paradoxes of the wildland-urban interface. Proceed at your own risk and reward. Writer and landscape designer Geoffrey Coffey has opened the door for Elijah. Find his work online at


Blood begins to press harder like
water swelling slightly just before the boil.
Limbs twitch for no reason and the heart,
always greedy for something special,
now wants something unnamable.

The smell of a leather shop intoxicates,
nostrils flare, snatch at grilled meat scents,
a riotous excitement spawns and grows
slowly at first, then with maddening lunges
like those of the rocking-horse winner
clinging to his silently plunging steed.

This morning I found myself swinging
the garden rake at a high outside acorn,
connecting above the trademark and sending
a vicious line drive up the middle¾
caught by an outstretched branch!
I haven’t been so giddy since I was seven.
Wound tight as thread around a baseball’s core,
I can barely stop myself from screaming
for the whole street to hear¾
Play ball!

Copyright ©2008 by Dan Liberthson, all rights reserved.
Illustration by Nicolette Ausschnitt, ©2008

Note: This selection is from a forthcoming book of poetry about baseball written by Miraloma Park writer and poet Dan Liberthson. For more about the book, which will be available in late April, be sure to check out the next issue Miraloma Life. – Ed.


36 Teresita Route Changes

by Gary Noguera

Is Miraloma Park going to lose some of our MUNI service? The answer is YES the way it stands now. As part of the SF MTA’s Transit Effectiveness Project, all of MUNI’s operations and service routes have been closely examined over many months of effort. The PROPOSED recommendations for how the new MUNI will look are now out.

For Miraloma Park, the changes to our primary bus line, the 36 Teresita are significant. In summary [quoted directly from MTA]: Rerouted to provide more direct service and connection to Glen Park BART. Route segment north of Myra [Reposa- ed] discontinued; Woodside Avenue, Forest Hill Station, and North Midtown Terrance route segments picked up by 52-Excelsior Warren Drive segment abandoned due to very low ridership; Route segment south of Monterey Boulevard discontinued, as it is duplicated by the 43-Masonic Extension to Glen Park also to picks up segment of 26-Valencia along Chenery Terminates at 30th & Mission Safeway; Less frequent peak hour service [every 30 minutes]

Note that there will no longer be service to the Portola Commercial Strip, nor to the Forest Hill Metro station. Service will start at Myra at the top of the hill, and terminate at 30 and Mission.

For detailed information and maps of the 36 and all the routes, please see: It’s important that the MTA gets feedback.

To do so, use the link above, or call 311 ask tell the agent you want to take the TEP feedback survey. Let your opinion be heard to help prevent the changes!

Have a Recipe to Share?

We invite you to send us your favorite recipe and have it published in these pages. You can email a recipe to or mail it to 350 O’Shaughnessy Blvd., 94127. This recipe for Chinese Spicy Chicken received a first-place award at the 2005 Holiday Party:

¾ to 1 pound chicken pieces (wings or thighs best)
½ tsp salt
2 scallions
2/3 C oil (preferably peanut oil)
1 dried red chili, halved lengthwise
½ tsp finely chopped ginger root
1 tsp chili bean sauce (from Asian supermarket or food store)
1 1/3 C chicken stock
½ tsp ground roasted Sichuan peppercorns (optional)
½ tsp granulated sugar
2 tsp dark soy sauce
¼ to ½ C rice wine or dry sherry

Rub chicken pieces with salt and let them sit for about 30 minutes.
Cuts scallions into 2-inch pieces.
Heat 2/3 C of oil in a wok over high heat; add the dried chili to flavor to oil until it turns black (30 sec. to 1 min.).
Turn down the heat and slowly brown the chicken pieces, a few at a time, skin-side down. Then turn them over and brown the other side. Drain cooked pieces on paper towels.

Heat a clean wok or skillet and add 1 tsp oil. Fry scallions, ginger, and chili bean sauce, taking care not to have the heat too high, or the sauce will burn. A few seconds later add the chicken stock, Sichuan peppercorns (if using), sugar, and dark soy sauce. Then turn down the heat to low and add the chicken pieces.
Cover and finish cooking the chicken in this sauce, turning the pieces from time to time. This should take 20 to 30 minutes. Serve the chicken with the sauce, first removing any surface fat.

Serves: 4

Spring Has Sprung INSERT PICTURE
Note from the editor: Miraloma Life has received many comments regarding the article on gathering mushrooms printed in the March edition. One writer cautioned “ The liver transplant program at UCSF is a very busy one. There have been a number of patient’s needing their services (the lucky ones) after enjoying what they were sure to be fresh, innocuous mushrooms. My family has even had a “mushroom expert” friend die at the hands of these fungi.”

While it should be unnecessary to print a disclaimer/safety notice attached to an article such as the mushroom article, the MPIC Board felt that it should warn the community of the danger of collecting and eating wild mushrooms. The author of the article was well aware of the risk of consuming Aminita but we feel we should strongly remind people that to eat any collected mushroom is a great risk.

Arts Events Bloom at SFSOTA in April

by Caroline Grannan

San Francisco School of the Arts (SOTA) will present a variety of performance and visual arts events throughout April at the school, 555 Portola Drive at O’Shaughnessy. . The public is welcome at SOTA performances. SOTA is an acclaimed San Francisco public high school that admits by audition or judging in nine artistic disciplines.

Saturday, April 5, at 7:30 p.m., the San Francisco School of the Arts Instrumental Music Department presents a concert by SOTA’s Wind Ensemble on the SOTA Main Stage, 555 Portola Drive at O’Shaughnessy. Information:

Thursday, April 10, at 5:30 p.m., the San Francisco School of the Arts Visual Arts Department presents a Senior Class Visual Arts Show and Reception in the Galleries on the third floor of SOTA’s main building, 555 Portola Drive at O’Shaughnessy. Information:

Friday, April 11, and Saturday, April 12, both evenings at 7:30 p.m., the San Francisco School of the Arts Creative Writing Department presents works by its Playwriting class in the SOTA Drama Studio, 555 Portola Drive at O’Shaughnessy. Information:

Sunday, April 13, at 2 p.m., the San Francisco School of the Arts Vocal Music Department will present “An Afternoon at the Opera,” a special fundraising gala, on the SOTA Main Stage, 555 Portola Drive at O’Shaughnessy, San Francisco. Information:

Friday, April 18, at 7:30 p.m., the San Francisco School of the Arts Instrumental Music Department presents a Concerto concert on the SOTA Main Stage, 555 Portola Drive at O’Shaughnessy. A concerto is a work for soloist and orchestra, and the concert will feature solos by top senior instrumental students. Information:

Wednesday, April 23, at 5:30 p.m., the San Francisco School of the Arts Visual Arts Department presents a Sophomore Class Visual Arts Show and Reception in the Galleries on the third floor of SOTA’s main building, 555 Portola Drive at O’Shaughnessy. Information: .

For more information on these events and others, plus map, directions and more, go to