News & Events

Miraloma Life: February 2012

  • The Redistricting Process: Status and Implications
  • Supervisor Elsbernd Talks to the MPIC Board About the Bicycle Plan: Status and Effective Input by Residents
  • See the Natural Areas Program’s Plans for Mt. Davidson on a Guided Walking Tour: Saturday, February 25, 10 am
  • Here We go Again: UCSF, the Sutro Stewards, and the Fund-raising “Fire Hazard”
  • From the MPIC Safety Committee
  • Summary of MPIC Board Meeting on January 5, 2012
  • Pressure Cooker
  • From the Legal Files:If a Tenant’s Dog Bites Someone, is the Landlord Liable?
  • The Producers Opens at Ruth Asawa School of the Arts Starting February 23
  • Rebuilding Together San Francisco: A Home Safety Program for Low-Income Residents
  • San Francisco Recreation and Parks Urban Trails Corps: Get Out and Volunteer with SF Rec and Park

The Redistricting Process: Status and Implications

by George Wooding, Vice President, West of Twin Peaks Central Council (WTPCC)

A very large turn-out testified at the Redistricting Task Force’s June 9 meeting. Supervisors John Avalos (D11) and Scott Weiner (D8) spoke at length to protect the integrity of their current Districts. Supervisor Sean Elsbernd (D7) has been meeting with individual Re-election Commission members privately and did not speak at this meeting.

The WTPCC has formed a committee to work on the redistricting issue. The City and County of SF Redistricting Task Force has released a new set of 10 maps that show possible supervisorial districts. The maps can be viewed on their web page in the main SFGOV site at ((Site no longer available)). The many meeting attendees were extremely unhappy with the Redistricting Task force’s plans. The WTPCC is seriously concerned about the possibility of having our voting power diluted by the potential moving of seven of our member organizations into adjoining districts. Of maps of potential options, the Task Force chose to use map #7 after Board of Supervisors President David Chiu complained that every other map moved him out of his district. Map #7 moves Forest Knolls, Midtown Terrace, Mount Sutro Woods, The Woods, and the rest of the Twin Peaks Improvement Association (TPIA) neighborhood associations into District 8, and Lakeshore Acres and Merced Manor neighborhoods into District 4.

The WTPCC believes there are ways of achieving the goals of balancing the district populations without splitting the WTPCC member organizations and portions of our established neighborhoods off into separate districts, or deviating from established geographic boundaries. We are therefore submitting our own map representing the community’s interests in not splitting among districts neighborhoods that have long-established geographic boundaries. The WTPCC map achieves the goals of: (1) balancing the district population to within 0.02% of the mean population for the new districts, 2) placing all WTPCC member organizations in District 7 and unifying District 3), and unifying the Ocean Avenue commercial corridor in District 7. Both District 11 and District 7 have developed plans that the Redistricting Task Force is now considering. All District 7 neighborhoods should send speakers to future Redistricting Task Force meetings to help keep District 7 intact.”

Supervisor Elsbernd Talks to the MPIC Board About the Bicycle Plan: Status and Effective Input by Residents

Supervisor Elsbernd attended the January 5 Board meeting to inform us about the Bicycle Plan being implemented across the City and specifically the recent changes on Portola near Mollie Stone’s. The Bike Plan was approved by the Board of Supervisors in 2004, but went on hold as a lawsuit required the City to complete an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) on its impact. That EIR was completed and the Plan approved for implementation in 2009/2010, and the City has been implementing parts of it as time goes on. Most of the funding for this comes from a bond measure, Prop B, which appeared on a recent ballot and specifically earmarked funding for the Bike Plan.

The Supervisor indicated that the changes on eastbound Portola between O’Shaughnessy and Evelyn are not necessarily permanent. The City is monitoring the effects of these changes and will modify them if safety issues arise. The Board thought the changes exacerbated problems with (1) turning onto eastbound Portola from Teresita, where it gets very congested, especially in the mornings, and (2) turning left onto Fowler from westbound Portola, where the immediate pedestrian crosswalk is not well marked.

Supervisor Elsbernd urged the Board and neighbors to quickly email Mike Sallaberry, who is the Municipal Transportation Agency (MTA) person in charge of the traffic studies checking on the effects of the changes, at if they have feedback on any of the traffic impacts we have personally experienced due to the recent changes. The Supervisor recommended providing specific details about the experiences (i.e. “at 5:05 pm on 12/20/2011, I waited for 3 traffic signals trying to turn left onto Fowler, and saw several motorists running the light and not stopping at the pedestrian crosswalk from the bank”) so that people go on record with real and specific feedback. He also said that residents should tell Mr. Sallaberry that their emails were sent to him at Supervisor Elsbernd’s suggestion.

See the Natural Areas Program’s Plans for Mt. Davidson on a Guided Walking Tour: Saturday, February 25, 10 am

Local historian, City Guide, and MPIC member Jacquie Proctor will lead a special walking tour of Mt. Davidson to discuss the impact on Mt. Davidson Park of the City’s Natural Areas Program. Joining her will be Rupa Bose, to share her research about eucalyptus tree facts and fiction. Meet at the 36 bus stop shelter on Myra Way at Sherwood Avenue for the 1.5-hour walk.

Some notes from the Editor: In the Dec. 15 Bay Area edition of the Wall Street Journal, Jim Carlton had an article entitled “Split Over Plan to Cull Trees,” which he begins by writing “San Francisco officials are nearing final approval of a Recreation and Park Department plan to remove more than 18,000 healthy but nonnative trees from to block it.” The Sacramento Bee and the SF Examiner have also reported on this issue, and the three articles can be found at the following web locations: php?id=100000470436615&ref=tn_tnmn#!/notes/sanfrancisco- forest-

Clearly, many SF residents city-wide are concerned about losing too much forest to the NAP program, which encompasses all of the urban forest in the City. According to Mr. Carlton’s article, City officials defend their plan and claim there will be no “clear cutting,” but because they have yet to address the deficiencies pointed out in Miraloma Park’s letter (see December Miraloma Life article), and because of the eternal tendency of government programs to ignore or pay lip-service to citizen concerns, many Miralomans and other SF residents remain unconvinced by the arguments of NAP backers.

One such person is Rupa Bose, a Mount Sutro resident also mentioned in Mr. Carlton’s article, who has deep personal interests in science and ecology, and specializes in collecting and analyzing data and presenting it accessibly. She is actively involved in leading the new coalition San Francisco Forest Alliance,website: ((Site no longer available))  which is advocating for balanced preservation and management of SF’s forests.

Ms. Bose questions the commonly held belief that eucalyptus trees pose a fire hazard in SF, on the basis of which some San Franciscans support radical “nonnative” tree removal plans like those the NAP is considering. According to her, the myth of the volatility of eucalyptus is based on the lethal East Bay firestorm in 1991, an incident not relevant to SF because our climate differs from that of Oakland: trees in SF are kept wet and cool much of the year by the City’s fog. Clearly, Mt. Davidson shares many characteristics with Mt. Sutro, and because the MPIC Board feels that many of Ms. Bose’s arguments against UCSF’s attempt to deforest Sutro Heights also hold for Miraloma Park, we present below (with permission) an extensive section of her research from her website.

Here We go Again: UCSF, the Sutro Stewards, and the Fund-raising “Fire Hazard”

by Rupa Bose

A few months ago, UCSF applied—with support from the Sutro Stewards—for a grant of $75,000 from the California Fire Safe Council. And it’s again raising the specter of acute fire danger in what may be the wettest place in San Francisco that’s not actually under water.

A Cloud Forest is Not Dry!
The application starts with a reference to the East Bay “…blue gum eucalyptus, the species that fueled the 1991 East Bay Hills fire in which 25 people lost their lives and 3400 structures were destroyed. It doesn’t note that the East Bay has a completely different climate from San Francisco’s fog belt. The East Bay climate is more extreme and much drier—it’s hotter in summer and colder in winter, even going to below freezing. It also doesn’t note that any tree would have fueled the East Bay fire, which were driven by hot dry winds that don’t occur in San Francisco. (In fact, eucalyptus is not a special risk factor even in the East Bay (see http://

This century-old dense forest lies completely within San Francisco’s fog belt, which makes it functionally a cloud forest. In addition to the rainfall, it gets 33% more moisture from harvesting fog all through the summer. As a result, it is damp or wet year round. When we kept a “fog log” (see in 2009, a dry year, we found the longest “dry spell” for the forest (i.e., no fog, no rain) was 7 days. At no time did the forest dry out at all.

The planned actions—thinning the forest and removing undergrowth—will actually increase the fire hazard by opening up the cloud forest (see, causing it to dry out. At present, the forest is always damp and often wet, even when there has been no rain.

Not an Unhealthy Forest
The application insists that the forest is unhealthy, and infested with dangerous pests, including the “newly detected eucalyptus snout beetle.” In fact, when we asked certified arborists to examine the forest, they found it healthy (see the-arborists-report/). The numbers of dead and dying trees are normal for a naturalized forest. This is a forest, not a garden. The “snags” or standing dead trees are also critical as habitat elements for birds, especially woodpeckers and flickers, and the insects on which they feed. Because the forest is damp year-round, they do not become a fire hazard. A certain level of insect activity is also normal in a naturalized forest. They’re part of the food chain.

And as for the particularly-mentioned Snout Beetle? The Snout Beetle is largely found in southern California, and has been effectively controlled with a parasitic wasp deliberately released. According to the University of California’s website, California Agriculture on Line (see, “ where pesticide use has not disrupted the actions of the parasitoid, there have not been further reports of damage, and the biological control program has provided an effective and permanent solution to the problem, requiring no further input.” Mount Sutro Forest has been free of pesticide use for several years.

Are the Trails a Fire Hazard?
We thought this issue had been addressed at the hearings about the new trail that opened last year. Neighbors were very concerned that the trails would increase the fire hazard by increasing ignition risk. Ray Moritz, a forester, described the fire hazard as “mild” and described his experiments to demonstrate that ignition risk was low (see trail/).

Since Craig Dawson, Executive Director of the Sutro Stewards who signed a letter of support for this UCSF application, was present at that meeting, we were surprised to find this statement in the zpplication: “A trail system that has recently been improved by volunteers, the Sutro Stewards, has grown quickly in popularity, raising the potential for fire ignition. The forest is ripe for a hot, fast-moving wildfire during periods of low humidity and high temperature.” It’s exactly what they assured the neighbors was not the case. Mr. Moritz also pointed out that the “window” periods of “low humidity and high temperature” were small in San Francisco. And in fact, given the cloud forest conditions with summer fog, they are even smaller in this forest.

Calling Fire in a Crowded Neighborhood
Here’s why we’re dismayed by this effort to raise funds with a purported fire danger:

    1. 1. The proposed actions can actually increase the fire hazard by opening the forest and drying it out (see


      1. (( Site no longer available ))
      . Plans to amputate vines to ten feet above the ground will leave trees full of drying and flammable leaves and twining stems. And plans to leave the chipped and fallen trees and logs in the forest will only increase the fuel.

2. The forest is surrounded by residential neighborhoods. Aside from unnecessarily frightening the
residents, the purported fire hazard can become an issue both for insurance and for disclosure at the time of sale of homes in these neighborhoods—even if it’s not true.

3. If the fund-raising succeeds, it diverts funds from other areas where they would actually reduce fire risk, not increase it.

From the MPIC Safety Committee

Miraloma Park has a low crime rate, but burglaries have occurred, and some if not all might have been prevented by alert and proactive neighbors. During the last three months, three burglaries have occurred in a relatively close proximity: on Gaviota Way, the 100 block of Bella Vista, and the 600 block of Teresita. At all three burglarized residences, the front gate or door was kicked in. According to police, these crimes could be the work of one individual, but so far, there are no leads. In other words, prevention is critically important. It is reasonable to assume that whoever burglarized these homes was watching and or ringing doorbells to determine whether or not residents were at home.

The SFPD urges citizens (1) to call 911 whenever observing suspicious persons or vehicles; (2) to record the license plates of suspicious vehicles; (3) when calling Dispatch, to let the call-taker know the seriousness of this concern by explaining that the suspicious person may be “casing” and that the neighborhood has had “recent burglaries”; and (4) to make the call early—do not think too much about it—and let police check out the situation. you may save yourself of a neighbor from the painful, costly, and frightening experience of home burglary.

In our recollection, businesses on Portola experience some increase in crime during the holiday season. In December, burglaries occurred at two business establishments—one on the 600 block, one on the 700 block of Portola Drive. In both cases, entry was gained by smashing glass front doors. Please support our local merchants by calling police regarding suspicious activity around their local businesses.

Incident on the #36 bus: On January 4, an outbound #36 bus in the vicinity of Reposa Way was the scene of an aggravated assault involving youth. Police were called, and investigators assigned to the SFPD Muni Task Force are working on this case. At least two of the suspects are in custody.

Captain Mahoney offers the following information on the Ingleside Station webpage, We have seen an increase in the reported theft of vehicular paperwork (registration and insurance forms) during vehicle break-ins. Unfortunately, this can lead to identity theft and/or house break-ins since the thief has some of the owner’s personal information. My recommendation is to either carry that information with you or secure it in a hidden location in the vehicle.

Summary of MPIC Board Meeting on January 5, 2012

by Dan Liberthson and Carl Schick

On-line Votes: R Gee moved that the Club now accept membership payments using PayPal (passed). G Noguera moved to pay MPIC’s CSFN membership dues of $125 (passed).T Sauvain moved that the MPIC Clubhouse single-event rental fees be increased by $100 and the refundable security deposit for single event rentals be raised to $1000 (passed). T Sauvain also moved that garbage removal services be reduced for large single-event rentals, requiring some larger renters to haul away their own garbage. The amount of reduction and whether to remove some or all of this service would be at the sole discretion of the Clubhouse Rental Agent, Rental Manager, and Treasurer (tabled for further discussion). R Gee moved that the Club approve spending $375 plus shipping and tax (to be determined) for the purchase of remit envelopes for Club membership dues (passed).

Guests: Supervisor Elsbernd (see article in this issue).

Treasurer’s Report(T Sauvain): MPIC’s 2011 income was $940 higher than in 2010. Clubhouse rental income decreased in 2011 by $2,000, but membership income increased by over $2,700, and we retained a few more rental security deposits. Non-routine expenses in December 2011 included a variety of Clubhouse repairs ($669); year-end bonuses for our rental agent, newsletter delivery kids, newsletter designer; and Holiday Party expenses ($1365.81). Net worth for 2011 decreased by over $2000 from the 2010 level because of increased cost of Clubhouse repairs ($5,688 in 2011 vs $900 in 2010), including kitchen sink and floor replacement, bathroom repairs, rat proofing, re-keying, and a variety of emergency and non-emergency work.

Our Clubhouse cleaning expenses were almost tripled as we brought in the cleaners more often after our rentals. Landscaping costs were $590 higher in 2011 than 2010. Miraloma Life printing costs were $1737
higher in 2011. Office expenses were $900 higher in 2011 as we bought envelopes and letter-head to support our successful membership campaigns. Both increased membership and Clubhouse rental income continue to help us offset the costs of printing and delivering the Miraloma Life, and of all our other events and committee efforts.

Committees: Safety (K Wood)—Please see “From the MPIC Safety Committee” in this issue. Zoning and Planning (ZAP, C Mettling-Davis)—C Mettling-Davis sent a letter to the Planning Commission regarding the CVS design. CVS Architects are willing to incorporate some of the original art-deco design elements but need direction from the Commission. Membership—As of 1/1/2012, the MPIC had 507 members, as compared with 380 on 1/1/2011. In order to continue to maintain and increase our membership, the Club needs to stay focused on what the role of the Club is, continue its core activities, and communicate accomplishments to the members and the community. Membership highlights in December 2011 included: 61 renewals received, three new members and two tenants joined, and four $50 memberships received. The membership web page was updated to accept PayPal payments (18 members renewed or joined via PayPal) and to allow a member to indicate to the Board interest in helping out on specific issues. Two members did not renew because they said they disagreed with the Board’s stance on issues. Graffiti (S Kirkham)—Phil Laird sent a letter requesting that all volunteers of the graffiti abatement team be trained in effective ways to paint out tags and obtain matching paint colors from DPW, as when paint-outs don’t match the surface he needs to repaint them.

Matching the color of the structure with the tag painted out is also the recommendation of the Graffiti Advisory Board. Clubhouse Maintenance (C Mettling-Davis)—C Mettling-Davis (CMD) and K Rawlins noted that a new fireplace ignition switch was installed to make it easier to light. CMD is still waiting for a contractor’s estimate for painting the front steps. T Sauvain pointed out that the Clubhouse floors were damaged by colored streamers that left marks during a 12/17 event. Whether the floor needs to be re-sanded or whether action should be postponed until further wear and tear was discussed. The Maintenance Committee will meet to discuss options for waste disposal after events, as even with two large blue and green bins there is still not enough room for a week’s worth of waste and renters are not correctly separating out garbage, recyclables, and compost.

Delegate Reports: West of Twin Peaks Central Council (WTPCC, K Breslin) and Save the Forest—Please see articles in this issue.

Old Business: R Gee moved that the Board set aside $18,500 in a reserve account for major Clubhouse repairs, with $2600 to be added each year. The repairs would need to be approved by MPIC board members.

New Business: S Kirkham announced that she is stepping down as Advertising Treasurer after 22 years! Kudos to Sue! Brian Stone will replace her. R Gee proposed that the Board do a critical assessment of MPIC’s actions in 2011 and goals for the future to better serve the needs of the Miraloma Park community. Carl Schick agreed to be Recording Secretary.

Pressure Cooker

by Stephanie Gee

As a residential neighborhood, Miraloma Park has its share of newlyweds, old couples, and single bachelors. But there is also a small group of college-bound highschoolers who unfortunately live in an extremely competitive era. The teenagers of Miraloma Park may just be dipping their feet into freshman year, or they could have already come down with a severe case of “senioritis.” But the common ground that most of us share or have shared is the looming pressure of college.

If Bill Gates and Steve Jobs were both college drop-outs, then why do some people see success as setting foot into an Ivy League school? I have pondered this question for the past two years and have come to a simple conclusion: the odds of becoming wildly successful are better if one attends college than if one drops out. However, this is not to say college is for everyone. I do humbly recognize that entrepreneurs and CEOs who may not have attended college work hard every day and are equally successful.

To be a high-school student in this neighborhood has its ups and downs. While it is a close-knit community of individuals, a college-bound student can feel like a small fish in a big pond. Abbreviations like SAT, ACT, PSAT, NMSQT, AP, and SAT Subject Tests become part of the daily language of a “college-bounder.” This pressure to succeed has only been amplified in the past year with books such as Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, which blew up all over the New York Times.

The intense Miraloma teenagers in the neighborhood may even have a countdown to SAT day, just as high schools have for prom night. Some of us have come to accept the harsh reality that getting good grades alone will not make the cut, and to gain acceptance to a desired university also requires leadership and entrepreneurial skills. Our heads spin with early action, early decision deadlines, personal statements, and letters of recommendation.

Is all this studying worth it when acceptance rates to Ivy League colleges can be as low as 8%? We’ll have to see.

Editor’s Comment: I don’t know what sort of school Stephanie attends, but for those students not academically gifted enough or personally inclined to go to college, much less an Ivy League School, I’ve long believed that a career in the trades ought to be a respected choice in our society. Aren’t plumbers, electricians, construction workers, etc., as necessary to our well-being as lawyers, doctors, and academics? There is a bias against the trades in our society, but my plumber may be happier than many in white collar jobs, and he makes more than a lot of them. And if your kid were to become a professional tradesperson, he or she wouldn’t be saddled with (or saddle you with) hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt for a college degree that may not yield either a lucrative or satisfying career. Plus, you could save a mint on plumbing!

From the Legal Files: If a Tenant’s Dog Bites Someone, is the Landlord Liable?

by Mary Catherine Wiederhold, Esq.

You rent out your Miraloma Park home and the tenant’s dog bites someone. As the landlord, are you liable to the person bitten? You could be, in certain circumstances, as determined in several court cases.

A landlord can be liable if a tenant’s dog bites a person and the landlord knew about the dog’s viciousness prior to the attack. In one case, a tenant’s two rottweilers attacked a 14-pound dog, then attacked the dog’s owner when she picked her dog up, and then kept attacking her even after she put her dog down. The landlord testified that he did not know about the vicious nature of the tenant’s rottweilers. However, interviews with a neighbor and a parcel carrier convinced the court otherwise. The parcel carrier would throw packages over the fence to the tenant’s home rather then enter the property. A neighbor stated he kept a baseball bat near his front door just in case the rottweilers entered his yard.

However, landlords have not been found liable when it can be shown that they had no knowledge of the animal’s nature. A small dog encountered an elderly tenant in the hallway, knocked her down, and caused many injuries. The court found that the condominium complex and the condo owner were not responsible to the tenant. It concluded they had no notice of the dog’s tendency to jump on people.

Landlords have also been found not liable when they had no knowledge of the dog at all. A bank that purchased a property at foreclosure was found not to be liable to a third party injured by dogs on the property when the property owners were contesting bank’s unlawful detainer proceedings. The bank lacked both actual knowledge of danger from the dogs and the ability to control the dogs. In another case, the landlords were found not liable because they did not know their tenant owned a 100-pound German shepherd when it attacked a cable company field engineer. The tenants were allowed to have a dog as part of their lease agreement, but the landlords argued they never saw the dog, never went to the property, and had received no complaints about the dog.

If you rent out your home to tenants with a dog, you should protect yourself. Ask what type of dog the tenants have and verify that the dog is what the tenants say it is. The other action to take is to check whether your property insurance covers tenants and their dogs. Certain kinds of dogs, such as pitbulls and rottweilers, are sometimes excluded from coverage.

The Producers Opens at Ruth Asawa School of the Arts Starting February 23

by Sandra Halladey

A 2-week run of the musical The Producers opens at Ruth Asawa School of the Arts on February 23. We hope our neighbors in Miraloma Park will attend the show and we are delighted to offer readers of Miraloma Life a discount of $2.00 per ticket purchased online in advance.

Students at The Ruth Asawa School of the Arts have academic classes in the morning and in the afternoon work in their arts disciplines. All students audition into the school and upon graduation are accepted into top colleges and conservatories across the country. Over the next few weeks, students from various disciplines will work hours each night and on weekends on the school-wide production of The Producers. Working under Director Keith Carames, and with artists in residence, this talented group is also building sets and sewing costumes.

The Producers is a musical theatre comedy: two producers think they can make money if they produce a Broadway flop, so they select the most awful, distasteful script they can find. (The comedy may be too mature for very young children.) School-wide musicals usually sell out—including previous productions Ragtime, Seussical, and Beauty and the Beast. The cast of The Producers will have you doubled up with laughter and you’ll be amazed at the quality of the pit orchestra and impressed by nine scene changes. As part of our 30th Anniversary Season, many other performances can be found on our website.

Rebuilding Together San Francisco: A Home Safety Program for Low-Income Residents

by Kathy Rawlins

Do you know people on a fixed, low-income budget who need repairs to their homes, such as fixing a faulty water heater or leaking windows? Or perhaps you are aware of an elderly neighbor or friend who would be safer at home with grab bars installed in the bathroom or a banister on the stairs? Or are there disabled neighbors who cannot do work for themselves? Rebuilding Together San Francisco is a program that provides seniors and low income residents or disabled persons with FREE safety education and modifications for the home. Their work is made possible through tax-deductible donations.

One part of the Rebuilding Together program happens the last weekend in April every year. Thousands of skilled and unskilled volunteers come together to repair and renovate the homes of low-income, elderly or disabled persons, FREE OF CHARGE.

An ongoing effort is a service called “Home Safety & Independence.” This program includes jobs like installing grab bars, railings, smoke detectors, and bathroom safety equipment. Jobs are done throughout the year after an application is submitted by the person(s) needing help.

To be eligible for the program, applicants must be living on a fixed low-income and rent or own the home in need of repair. If the home is rented, written permission must be obtained from the landlord prior to having the work done. All financial information received from applicants is treated as confidential. Rebuilding Together cannot respond to immediate requests for repairs, fix roofs, or build ramps, but they can install many other safety and assistance features. To obtain an application and the specifics of the program, or to donate or volunteer, please visit or phone (415) 905-1611.

San Francisco Recreation and Parks Urban Trails Corps: Get Out and Volunteer with SF Rec and Park

Would you enjoy helping to build trails in SF? For more information or to volunteer for SF Rec and Parks’ urban trail-building program, contact Joe Grey at 415-831-6328 or email No experience is necessary, and all tools, training, and snacks are provided. Trailbuilding projects are from 9 am to 12 pm. Scheduled for next year are Corona Heights on 2/25 and Mount Davidson on 3/17.