News & Events
Miraloma Life: March 2008
- Social Event to Promote Neighborhood Safety
- “A View of San Francisco’s History from its Highest Point”
- Legal Ease
- Design Matters
- From the President…
- Backyards and Gardens Tour
- Wanted Writers for Miraloma Life
- Poem: That Fighting Spirit or Never Say Die
- Springtime in Miraloma Park
- Teresita Traffic Calming Update
- Miraloma Nursery School Silent Auction
- Letter from State Senator Leeland Yee
- Scholastic Book Fair
- Beauty and the Beast
- Have a Recipe to Share?
- NERT News
Social Event to Promote Neighborhood Safety
by Mike Naughton
The Miraloma Park Improvement Club will be hosting a social event to promote neighborhood safety at the clubhouse from 3:30 – 5:30pm on Sunday April 6. All Miraloma Park residents are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Miraloma Park is among the city’s few truly safe and peaceful neighborhoods. It is critical to maintain this quality of life by watching out for our neighbors, understanding how to keep our homes safe and secure, calling the police when witnessing suspicious activity, and being prepared to react in case of an emergency. Our event will provide the opportunity to get to know your neighbors over refreshments, as well as useful information on these topics.
There will be three speakers. A representative from San Francisco SAFE (Safety Awareness For Everyone) will speak about proven ways to enhance the security of your home, making it a deterrent, not an invitation, to burglars. SAFE’s mission is to promote neighborhood safety through educational presentations and outreach.
Captain Denis O’Leary, Commanding Officer at Ingleside station will speak about the critical role neighbors play as the police department’s “eyes and ears” in the community. Recognizing and reporting suspicious behavior as it occurs is the key to preventing criminal activity.
Jed Lane will speak about the city’s NERT program (Neighborhood Emergency Response Team). NERT is a free training program run by the San Francisco Fire Department for individuals, neighborhood groups and community-based organizations to learn the basics of personal disaster preparedness. The course is hands-on disaster skills training that teaches individuals how to respond to a natural or man-made disaster emergency. Once trained, a person is better able to care for themselves, their family and those around them when a disaster strikes.
Wine, soft drinks and snacks will be served. Our speakers will begin at 4:00 and speak until about 5:00, leaving plenty of opportunity for questions and to socialize with your neighbors. We hope you’ll join us. Getting to know your neighbors is the first and most important step in maintaining the safety we currently enjoy, and our speakers will provide the valuable information needed to insure it.
MPIC Event with the San Francisco History Association
“A View of San Francisco’s History from its Highest Point”
You are invited to learn about the unique history of Miraloma Park and adjoining neighborhoods on the slopes of Mt. Davidson in a power point presentation by Jacquie Proctor for the San Francisco History Association at the Miraloma Park Improvement Clubhouse, Wednesday, March 26, at 7pm. Find out how the Gold Rush, discovery of the Comstock Lode, building of the Market St. Railway and San Francisco’s tallest skyscraper, the 1906 Earthquake, Women’s Suffrage, the Great Depression, and World War II left their mark on our part of the city.
With historic photographs, Jacquie provides a view of San Francisco’s history from its highest hill, through the eyes of those who lived it. Detailing the amazing story behind the effort to save the open space at its peak, as well as, the building of the City Beautiful Movement-inspired residence parks surrounding Mt. Davidson, find out how those who dared to dream created our “earth friendly” and very “livable” part of San Francisco.
Preview her presentation at and find out more about the San Francisco History Association at
Jacquie Proctor is a longtime resident of Miraloma Park and cofounder of the Friends of Mt. Davidson Conservancy. Her work to preserve Mount Davidson Park and its monument after the court decision concerning separation of church and state in 1997 sparked her interest in local history. Information collected to apply for landmark designation of the site was initially published in articles for the San Francisco Museum and Historical Society, West Portal Monthly newspaper, Miraloma Life newsletter, and for the Western Neighborhoods Project. Her research has now been expanded into the first book exclusively devoted to the history of Mt. Davidson and the neighborhoods around the park. Her Arcadia book, San Francisco’s West of Twin Peaks, will be available for signing and sale at this free event.
Legal Ease
by Steven Solomon
Q. After the school shooting at Northern Ill. Univ., what is the debate on the right to bear arms?
A. Your question couldn’t be more timely, as the U.S. Supreme Court will be hearing a case next month, Parker v. Dist. of Columbia. In Parker, six Dist. Of Columbia residents challenged laws banning the registration of handguns, requiring all lawfully owned guns be kept unloaded & disassembled & prohibiting carrying a pistol without a license. The trial court dismissed the case interpreting the 2nd Amendment as protecting an individual’s right to bear arms for service in the militia (e.g. National Guard). This “collective right” theory that states can preserve & arm their militias is the 2nd Amendment interpretation most widely accepted by courts (9 federal appeals courts, including the 9th Circuit covering Calif. & 10 state appellate courts), while the “individual right” theory that the 2nd Amendment protects individual possession of firearms for private use is accepted by 2 federal appeals courts & 7 state appellate courts. The federal D.C. Circuit reversed the Parker trial court decision, finding that the 2nd Amendment protected the right of the people, not militia members, to keep & bear arms, a natural right like free speech, & that government may impose reasonable restrictions consistent with public safety. The dissenting judge in Parker argued that D.C. was not a state, & thus was not covered by the 2nd Amendment & that only one of the parties in Parker had standing to challenge only the registration law. A prior U.S. Supreme Court decision interpreting the 2nd Amendment, way back in 1939, has been used by both collective & individual right theorists to support their positions. Parker may, or may not, become a definitive contemporary statement about the 2nd Amendment.
Design Matters
Peter A. Zepponi, AIA – Architect
This is a monthly column addressing basic residential design and home improvement topics of interest to Miraloma Park residents. If you have a question or topic you’d like considered for a future article please send an email to: or call 415.334.2868.
Q: What are some of the major changes to the residential code?
A: There are several changes and it’s a good idea to check the code before relying on an old rule of thumb. I mentioned in my last column that as of January 1, 2008 a new 2007 California Building Code (CBC) that has went into effect. It replaced the old 2001 CBC which was based upon the 1997 Uniform Building Code. I have been using the new code for nearly two months now and will highlight some of the basic residential changes that I have come across that may affect a current or future project you are considering.
Residential Stairs and Landings: (Section 1009)
The new maximum rise is 7.75″ and the minimum tread is 10″ (1009.3). It used to be 8″ and 9″. The effect will be that the stairs are more comfortable, but on the other hand they will require more space .
A ¾” to 1.25″ nosing is now required with the treads are less than 11″ and solid riser. (1009.3) Spiral stairs are now an acceptable means of egress in a dwelling unit without any square footage limitation. (1009.8) Previously a spiral stair could only serve an area of 400 square feet.
Alternating tread design is now permissible in dwelling units, but not as a required exit. (1009.9) Residential Stairways only require a handrail on one side. (1009.10)
Guardrails: (Section 1013)
Guardrail heights have changed from 36″ minimum to 42″minimum except at stairs where it can be between 34″-38″. This will affect any new decks or balconies.
Doors: (Section 1008)
Exit doors need to be a minimum 32″x 80″ clear opening when the door is open in a 90 degree position. It was previously 36″ x 80″. (1008.1.1) Interior doors are a minimum of 78″ high.
Exits: (Section 1019.2)
Only one exit is required in an R3 (single family house) Dwelling without a restriction on square footage. Previously a second means of egress (i.e. second stairway) was required on all third story homes over 500 square feet. This is a major change to the code. The 500 square foot limit is one of the principal reasons why you see so many small third story additions at the back of the houses in San Francisco. This is also why you might see big decks and staircases coming off the third floor.
Light Ventilation and Emergency Egress: (Section 1200)
Natural light: 8% net glazed (window glass) area of the room being served. (1205.2)
Ventilation: 4% open able area of the room served Kitchens now require a minimum clear aisle width of 36″ in front of countertops and appliances. (1208.1)
Kitchens shall not have less than 50 square feet of gross floor area.
Bedroom Egress: (Section 1206)
Bedroom windows are required to have a net open able clear area of 5.7 square feet except at ground level when it is reduced to 5.0 square feet. The minimum clear dimensions are 24″ high and 20″ wide. 24″x20″ does not equal 5.7 square inches so one of the dimensions has to be larger. Most windows are labeled as an egress window if it complies.
Basement Egress: (Section 1206)
One emergency egress or door is required to the outside. All sleeping rooms require an egress to the outside but adjoining rooms do not.
Protected Openings: (Table 602)
Exterior walls need to be 1 hour fire protected if within five (5) feet of the property line. This used to be only three (3) feet and may impact where you can add side windows if you are detached from your neighbor. It will also effect the how close rear decks can be built because it appears they need to stay five feet away from the property line
* This column and its content are intended to be a source of general information. Applicability to your specific project should be verified.
From the President…
by Phil Laird
In the words of a famous curse, we do indeed “live in interesting times.” Big political changes are coming this year, changes that will affect our city, our state, and our nation. In November, four supervisors (McGoldrick, Peskin, Ammiano, and Sandoval) will be replaced because of term limits, and three more district supervisor seats will be up for re-election. Two major decisions will be handed to San Francisco voters in November: a huge bond measure to rebuild San Francisco General Hospital and Chris Daly’s magnum opus, a measure requiring San Francisco to spend $2.7B over fifteen years to build affordable housing in the city. The late Tom Lantos’s congressional seat will be filled, not once, but twice this year: once by special election (primary in April, election in June) and again in the regular election (primary in June, election in November). The defeat of Proposition 93 in February means that many of the most experienced state legislators will be “termed out” this year. And assuming that polling procedures throughout the nation work better than they have in the past few years, we will have a new president in 2009.
Economic changes are looming as well. A college friend once told me that, after four years of studying economics, everything he had learned could be reduced to two Principles of Capitalism: (1) ain’t no free lunch; and (2) them what has, gets. We are seeing these rules at work as serious budget problems confront elected officials around the country.
However interesting the times, budgets are a topic that only an economics major could love. But we’d best perk up our interest, because it’s gonna cost us. State Senator Leland Yee met with the Board of the M.P.I.C. in February to review matters of local concern and told us that the issue concerning him the most was the projected $14.5B shortfall in the California budget in fiscal year 2008-09, together with a $3B shortfall for this fiscal year. Looking back, however, to November 2003, we find that the non-partisan Legislative Analysts Office for the California Legislature documented a “structural budget deficit” showing that predictable revenue streams (taxes, fees, etc.) were insufficient to pay for regular and statutory services (schools, healthcare, parks, infrastructure, corrections, etc). The analysts calculated a deficit of $14B within five years (add it up: 2003 + 5 = …). Recall also that November of 2003 was when Arnold Schwarzenegger replaced Gray Davis after pledging to reform the budget process.
State spending in the interim has increased by about 40%. Tax revenues this year are down because of declines in income taxes from stock options and capital gains. As soon as the governor recognized the problems, he declared a fiscal emergency, and recently he signed emergency legislation addressing this year’s shortfall and some of next year’s—based partly on accounting legerdemain and partly on cuts in fees paid to providers of Medicaid services to the poor. Principle of Capitalism #2 was confirmed again when our legislators defeated and removed from the bill an amendment to close a loophole sparing those who purchase yachts, RVs, and airplanes from having to pay sales tax if they take delivery out of state.
Still facing a $7.5B shortfall for next year, the state is hamstrung by the fact that almost 90% of the state budget is determined by law, a result of voter initiatives that mandate levels of spending on education and services. Passing a tax hike is impossible in the current political climate, and the only sizeable spending cuts available to the government are, of course, K-14 education and health services to the poor, such as Medi-Cal. This situation points up a corollary to Capitalism Principle # 2: them what ain’t got, lose.
The collapse of the housing bubble has also reaffirmed Principle #1: the virtual free lunch is over. With low home sales and high foreclosure rates, revenues from transfer taxes are down and assessed valuations are falling. In San Francisco Mayor Newsom has declared an immediate hiring freeze and, anticipating a $29M deficit for next year, mandated 13% across-the-board cuts for City departments. The reasons for San Francisco’s fiscal problems mirror those of the state: spending is up, revenues are down, and voters have hobbled the city’s budgeteers with ballot measures. But San Francisco voters are often willing to vote to raise taxes to support schools, libraries, hospitals, and parks. We are also happy to impose on businesses the costs of provide living wages, sick leave, and healthcare. Add to these problems the prospect of transit fare increases and rising bridge tolls, and that free lunch is looking pricey.
Interesting times these are, for sure. We may take heart because historically our city and state have been among the most interesting parts of our nation, yet somehow we have always managed to muddle through. At the risk of spoiling the fun, however, here’s the current tab for your lunch:
San Francisco: In a budget of $6B, the projected deficit is $229M (about 4%).
California: In a budget of $150B, the projected deficit is $14.5B (about 9 ½ %).
USA: In a budget of $2.8T, the projected deficit (depending on whom you believe) is $360B (about 13%). Your share of the $9.2T national debt is $30,545.40. (Sorry, no credit cards accepted.)
Backyards and Gardens Tour
by JoAnn Eastep
On Sunday, May 18, starting at 1 PM in the afternoon, there will be a self-guided tour of some of the very special backyards and gardens of Miraloma Park sponsored by the Miraloma Park Improvement Club. Plans for the Backyard and Garden Tour are progressing well.
Many neighbors have agreed to show off their wonderful backyards and gardens. There are even a few front yards and some public gardens that will be included. After the tour there will be a social event at the Miraloma Park Clubhouse where you can partake of cheese and wine and discuss what you saw with your friends and neighbors. It is amazing how many ideas for improving your own property can be garnished from attending this type of event.
We still have room for a few more gardens. If you are a resident of Miraloma Park and have enhanced your backyard, sideyard or frontyard and would be willing to share your ideas with your neighbors please call the clubhouse at 281-0892 and leave a message for JoAnn. We are looking particularly for those innovative people who have used their space to grow herbs, vegetables and other edibles.
Is there a green movement in Miraloma Park? Surely, there is someone out there who grows enormous pumpkins or squash. We have been told that rhubarb is a sure thing. Please share your treasures with us.
Wanted Writers for Miraloma Life
We are always interested in your stories about life in Miraloma Park.
If you write poetry or prose or article about health,gardening, home
improvement, please let your neighbors have the benefit of your
experience and knowledge. Contact the editor at
or call 281-0892
That Fighting Spirit or Never Say Die
Raccoons scream in the backyard
fighting, mating, whatever their business
and our dog whines groans claws
at the door, fierce to wipe anything
not-dog from the gaping planet.
I remember when I was young
someone opened the door and boys
went with blood high shooting through
green vistas at the screaming enemy
caught in his own throes and not—
at first shock—shooting back.
Later, the flood tide of steel shat-
tered the air with screams of a new
meaning, and some came limping
home, pain bitten into their faces,
astonished that so small a people, so
small a place could ravage them through.
Some nights ago our dog caught
the raccoons, outweighed each three
to one but limped home torn bloody
about the ears eyes muzzle
with no evidence in the gray
morning light that any raccoon
was damaged or even fazed.
Nearly healed now he’s ready to go
once more, his young crazy
male heart hormonally mad
to defend to kill to be maimed again
to sacrifice for his pack his tribe his kin
for what if he could speak
he would call his country.
He doesn’t know he’ll never learn
those raccoons are welcome
to the damned backyard all night
so long as he comes home alive
and sound as so many never do.
When I pull him from the door he
whimpers wild with pain of staying:
let me go die for you, let me go.
In the cozy light of our kitchen
suddenly between two breaths
I feel the whole world tilt
and my heart freezes over
white with fear for the future.
c: 2005 by Dan Liberthson
Springtime in Miraloma Park
by Kathy Rawlins
Despite the continued cool weather and persistent rains, Spring has flowered on Mt. Davidson and on the hillsides and canyons of San Francisco. Driving around town, one can’t help but notice the many flowering Acacias and crab apple trees. Along the roads, we see bright yellow oxalis in bloom. Though many gardeners curse it’s existence, it still is beautiful in the early morning and foggy evenings. In Glen Canyon grows not only yellow oxalis but also the pink-purple-white blossoms of wild radish. The California poppy is starting to bush out and already a few of its orange and yellow blossoms deck the hills. On our own Mt. Davidson, yellow Footprints of Spring can be seen along the many of the foot paths.
In neighboring Glen Canyon, we hear the calls of the red tailed and red shouldered hawks, perhaps already encouraging their young to peek from nests and fluff out their feathers to keep warm and prepare for flight. If you are there in the early evening, you will hear the hooting of the owls in the eucalyptus and the frogs croaking in Islais creek. This creek was a small trickle in the Fall, but with the rains has swelled to several feet wide and deep. In the midst of the brush between the shoulders of the canyon walls a coyote has been observed.
Many dog walkers have noted the coyote sitting in the sun beside the brush, watching as its canine relatives take their evening exercise, then meandering back into the brush.
Several signs have been posted cautioning those enjoying the wildness within the City that coyotes are present, and to be alert. I’m not sure if the alert is for the walkers not to disturb the coyotes or to not be disturbed by the coyotes. Either way, we can all appreciate the challenges that wildlife faces from human domesticity encroaching on their lives. Since we all must make allowances for urban congestion to allow one more entity to share our space doesn’t seem that much to ask.
The coyote has been seen visiting the Clubhouse from time to time, as if to check out whether his contributions have been published in our newsletter. It delights me to know that the native wildlife, both in the air and on the ground, continue to flourish despite the abuse we heap on the land. Early in my days of living on the mountain, I learned that we would have to share our space with those who had been here many years before. We saw raccoons who made their nightly treks, knowing which streets had garbage put out in anticipation of pick-up the next morning. Does anyone know what has happened to these creatures, who used to be so abundant here but now are scarcely ever seen? Perhaps the several mating pairs of hawks in the area have reduced their population by eating their young and feeding them to their cheeping brood.
Then there were the skunks who challenged my terrier, who did not know the meaning of retreat, and took every spray as a call to ‘come and get it.’ Apparently “eau du mouffette” was his favorite perfume. And what about the opossums and snakes that were rarely seen and gave us pause to wonder what other evasive critters might be in residence. I can’t help but envy these animals their survival and persistence squatting on this highly valued real estate and yet (unlike we unfortunate humans) paying no tax for the privilege. I hope we never push so hard or build so much that we can’t make time and space for enjoying the wild creatures right under our noses.
Teresita Traffic Calming Update
by Gary Noguera
This is an update on the status of the Teresita Boulevard Traffic Calming project. As a quick refresher, from inception to end of the construction, is usually a five year overall plan. If I recall correctly, we first petitioned MTA in 2005, so things are in fact moving ahead. A summary follows.
Time frames, proposed engineering, final look/plantings etc, are all parts of this complicated project.
Items already finished include the speed cushion and associated warning signs in the 400 block and the stationary radar sign near Upper Marietta.
With ongoing maintenance, more of the existing traffic signs are being well kept. “311” gate-keep manages the correct city service to help on deferred operational matters, such as signs that have been damaged.
We have also asked for the posting of additional 25MPHs. One is to be installed in the 900 block in the uphill direction. While nice to have as many as is reasonable, we are all sadly aware that many drivers consider these “option” instructions, rather than a serious order.
The next area of major focus was to have been the upper Marietta intersection and the replacement of the existing temporary rubber choking triangle to make it permanent. However, since so many people in the neighborhood have expressed concern more about the Bella Vista intersection than Marietta, that schedule is still in flux. Supervisor Sean Elsbernd has asked MTA to switch from funding Marietta first, and to move that funding to Bella Vista. The SFMTA supports building out the Bella Vista islands first because the temporary Marietta configuration is effective in slowing speeds. Bella Vista will see a greater improvement with the island proposal, so MTA will do that first.
Engineering is already well under way for Bella Vista, and work is scheduled to start around June 2008, and should finish around March 2009. We still have not received a final idea of how it will look but have seen some rough sketches, so stand by to be surprised with a creative design!
The “Y” at Fowler design is to be thought out again, as many people still are concerned about speeding, yielding etc. problems. We were told that potentially, three traffic bulbs will go there. Some have commented that the yield sign there is too small.
And finally at lower Foerster at Teresita , the right hand turn onto Teresita will be choked. The problem there is the fact that in order to do so, catch basins which are now a certain number of feet in the street away from the curb, must be completely re engineered and then moved at the same time that the curbs/sidewalks are being widened. Safety concerns there are heightened by the fact that the number of children at Sunnyside Playground has greatly increased since its reopening. We are asking the MTA to be mindful of that, and to accommodate traffic controls to protect the kids and their caregivers. Drivers continue to just blow through the stop signs, and we are asking SFPD for more enforcement there.
So again, please be patient. We are working very closely with MTA on a regular basis to be sure that Teresita continues to retain a high profile, and that due to the community’s hard work, our neighborhood will see the calming plan finished soon.
Miraloma Nursery School Silent Auction
by Danielle Satinover
Miraloma Cooperative Nursery School will hold its annual silent and live auction on March 8, 2008 from 6-10 PM at The Event Center at Saint Mary’s Cathedral in San Francisco. The theme of this year’s gala event will be Our Little Red School Celebrates Spring! “The theme for this year’s auction was an easy choice,” said Sara Andersen, the event planner (and, of course, a Miraloma mom). “The months of preparation leading up to the auction are such a big part of the Miraloma experience for every family at our school.
Indeed, the auction is a major happening for the parent-owned, nonprofit nursery school-a substantial portion of Miraloma’s annual operating budget is raised at the auction each year. The fifty plus Miraloma families have solicited donations of over 800 items to be auctioned off this year. Items include, a one week stay in Kealakekua, Kona, Hawaii, classes for the kids at My Gym, a spa weekend for your pets at Pet Camp, and who can pass up home made cakes baked and delivered throughout the year by one of Miraloma’s own.
Parents have also put together a wine cellar with dozens of great bottles, which is expected to be a hot item on the bid board.
Admission to this year’s auction includes dinner and unlimited beer and wine for only $10 per person, payable in advance to any Miraloma family or at the door. Attendees must pre-register and Miraloma has provided an easy-to-use form on their website located at Saint Mary’s Cathedral is located at 1111 Gough Street .For more information, please contact Sara Andersen through the school at 415/585-6789 or via e-mail at
Letter from State Senator Leeland Yee
State PUC Implements and Expands Renewable Energy Bill
Earlier this month, Assembly Bill 1969, a renewable energy bill which I authored as a member of the State Assembly in 2006, was unanimously voted on and implemented into law by the California Public Utilities Commission (PUC). This law will significantly increase the production of the state’s renewable energy and improve the environment through a reduction in greenhouse gases.
In 2006, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed AB 1969 to allow water and wastewater agencies to sell environmentally-friendly energy, such as small hydro, solar, and biogas, produced by their treatment and delivery facilities to electrical companies, resulting in up to 250 new megawatts of energy into the state’s grid.
The PUC approved full implementation of the bill and also created a companion program which will expand the opportunity to produce renewable energy to all businesses and customers in California. In essence, this increases the amount of potential energy to the state’s grid to nearly 500 new megawatts, or enough energy to power approximately 500,000 San Francisco Bay Area homes.
I am thrilled to see AB 1969 being expanded and offered to a broader audience of customers. AB 1969 will significantly help the state meet our renewable energy goals and improve the environment through a reduction in greenhouse gases.
Prior to AB 1969, hydroelectric energy was unable to be captured at small and medium sized water agencies simply because existing programs didn’t allow them the opportunity to sell that resource. AB 1969 removed obstacles to such production and encouraged the full potential of renewable energy generation by the state’s water and wastewater agencies.
Specifically, AB 1969 required electrical corporations, such as PG&E, to create standard contracts, or “feed-in tariffs,” for the purchase of qualifying renewable energy from public water and wastewater agencies. The law provides new renewable energy generation resources that otherwise would not have been developed; helps electrical companies meet their Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) goals and resource adequacy requirements (twenty percent by 2010); improves the environment through a reduction in greenhouse gases; offsets rising energy demand; and decreases water treatment and delivery costs.
California has a promising opportunity to increase energy production while also helping our environment. As the demand for water and energy grows, it is imperative that all businesses be able to offset their increased needs through the sale of energy being generated at their plants and buildings, which will also result in significant savings for residents.
The rising cost of energy directly impacts consumers, both for their own energy consumption and for their water and wastewater service. The production, conveyance, treatment and transportation of water and wastewater accounts for nearly twenty percent of the state’s overall electricity consumption.
Electricity demand by water and wastewater agencies is also growing in California as treatment requirements increase and agencies turn to more energy intensive sources such as desalination and recycling. As such, it is vital that we seek out new means of expanding our energy supplies in an environmentally-conscious manner.
I thank the PUC for taking this step towards energy independence and a cleaner environment, and look forward to working with them to find similar policy solutions in the future.
Scholastic Book Fair
by Catherine Sparacino
Miraloma Elementary School will host a Scholastic Book Fair from March 7 to March 18 to purchase books for children and classroom libraries. Families, teachers, and the community are invited to attend. The Book Fair will offer specially priced books and educational products for pre-school, elementary, and middle school children, including new releases, award-winning titles, children’s classics, interactive software from more than 150 publishers. For adults there will be a selection of cook books and current bestsellers. Book Fair customers help the school build classroom libraries and improve children’s reading skills by purchasing books through the Classroom Wish List. The Book Fair will be held daily from 8 AM to 4 PM, in the school library. Miraloma Elementary School is located at 175 Omar Way
Beauty and the Beast
by Caroline Grannan
San Francisco School of the Arts (SOTA) will present the beloved, family-friendly musical “Beauty and the Beast” from
March 7-22 on the school’s Main Stage, 555 Portola Drive at O’Shaughnessy. Dancing teapots, singing candlesticks and a classic story of transformation through love – produced by the same team that created last year’s spectactular “Fiddler on the Roof” – will enchant audiences of all ages. The public is welcome – especially children.
For ticket prices and orders, more information and directions, go to . For a truly special experience, SOTA is offering an Enchanted Tea special admission package at $35 per ticket for matinees. Enchanted Tea admission includes the show, lunch at noon before the performance, meeting Belle and some of the other enchanted characters, and a magic rose. Photo opportunities on stage following performance.
Also in March, SOTA’s Visual Arts Department will present its junior class art show and reception on Thursday, March 13, at 5:30 p.m. in the SOTA Gallery, Main Building. The public is invited.
SOTA is a high-performing San Francisco public high school that admits by audition or judging in nine artistic disciplines. For more information on SOTA and its events, go to .
Have a Recipe to Share?
Many folks at the M.P.I.C. holiday party in December have requested recipes for the dishes that people brought. We invite you to send us your favorite recipe and have it published in these pages. You can email a recipe to or mail it to 350 O’Shaughnessy Blvd., 94127. Kathy Rawlins offers this recipe for Crab Mold:
8 oz. cream cheese
3-4 green onions
1 10-oz. can of mushroom soup (undiluted)
1 cup mayonnaise
1 tbsp gelatin dissolved in 3 tbsp cold water
1/2 lb fresh crab or 1 7-oz can crabmeat
1 cup chopped celery
Heat soup, then add dissolved gelatin and allow to cool slightly.
Combine the cooled soup mixture with the rest of the ingredients, adding the crab last.
Pour into mold and chill until firm.
Variation: substitute tomato soup for mushroom soup and shrimp for crabmeat.
by Jed Lane
Welcome to NERT 2008! There are many activities, training opportunities and events in the upcoming months that we would like you to be a part of. One of the most important things is to keep your contact information and ID current. In keeping with the City’s goal to reduce the use of paper, NERT primary communication will be email. You can also keep up on our website: For schedules of events go to
It is also important to stay in touch with your neighborhood volunteer coordinator. A neighborhood team doesn’t happen without everyone’s participation Don’t have one? NERT can help you hold a meeting to get organized. Want to play a bigger role? NERT has block captain training with SF SAFE.
NEW! NERT Block Captain Training. This training is for NERT graduates and non NERTs. Sign up. Tell your loved ones. Spread the word. Get new team members. Get supplies for your block.
Wednesday March 12, 6:30pm-9:30pm., Saturday March 15, 9:30am-12:30pm SFFD Division of Training 2310 Folsom Street/19th St., parking in yard on 19th street.
ICS – Incident Command Wednesday March 5, 6:30pm-9:30pm
This class will again be taught by Chief Cardinale of the San Francisco Fire Department. It is the official command structure for a response required by the Federal Government for all emergency response. NERT teams will also need to use this management structure. You will receive certification in ICS 100/SEMS. SFFD Division of Training.
St. Patrick’s Day Parade Last year the NERT marching unit took first place in the Senior category (over age 18!) Please turn out and show San Francisco we are here, pass out flyers and candy etc. Wear your helmet and vest and comfortable shoes. Be prepared to walk from 2nd and Harrison to Civic Center Sunday March 16, 10am.
NERT rescue Drill Participation with program coordinators approval. This training requires good physical condition and strength.
Saturday March 8, 8:30am-12:30pm SFFD Training Center Treasure Island
NERT HAM Communications Training: HCT 101 You got your license, now what? Introductory class to learn the rules of HAM communication, equipment options, and HAM messaging at this one day training. Saturday March 15, 9:00am-3:30pm SFFD Division of Training Hands on HAM messaging “Dials and buttons and squelch, oh my!” This training is for HAM operators that have training but need more experience. You must have a license, have completed HCT101 or have approval, and provide your own equipment to take this class. March 27, 6:30pm-9:30pm SFFD Division of Training.
Volunteer to be a victim for Graduating N.E.R.T. Classes:
Attend the final session at any of the NERT training sessions. Instructors will make you up to be a victim for the students attending the training so they will have a more realistic experience. No previous experience necessary, all are welcome. Upon arrival, inform class instructors that you are volunteering to be a victim. See the schedule at:
NERT IDs got a facelift. Is your ID expired? Refresh your training and get our new look. Your NERT ID is valid for two years from the date of training. The refresher course is to participate in the NERT class six the final hands on session. What should you do? Check the NERT schedule for available dates and select a class 6. Email or
call 970-2022 to sign up before the class.
Take a digital photo in our new system so we can issue your new ID upon renewal. Photo dates at the Block captain training (see above):
Coordinator’s Meeting: March 26, 6:30pm. SFFD Division of Training
SAVE THE DATE! The City wide Drill will be Saturday April 19, 2008