News & Events
Miraloma Life: March 2012
- How the Planning Commission and Department Failed Miraloma Park
in the Design of the Future Portola CVS Store - From the MPIC Safety Committee: Community Policing and SFPD Staffing Concerns
- Now You Can Join the MPIC or Renew Your Membership Using PayPal or a Credit Card
- MPIC Safety Committee Google Group
- Letter from Arthur M. Shapiro, Distinguished Professor of Evolution and Ecology, UC Davis, to the Environmental Review Officer for the Natural Areas Management Plan
- Summary of Minutes of MPIC Board Meeting of February 2, 2012
- The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute
- The Ruth Asawa School of the Arts Performance Schedule
- From the Legal Files: What You Should Know and Do if You Are Bitten by a Dog
- Our New Neighbors: Cornerstone Trinity Baptist Church
- Canary (poem)
How the Planning Commission and Department Failed Miraloma Park in the Design of the Future Portola CVS Store
by Dan Liberthson
Despite the best efforts of the MPIC Zoning and Planning Committee, the CVS store on Portola will not havethe façade design envisioned by the neighborhood and agreed to by CVS, a design including the Art Deco elements characteristic of the neighborhood, but rather will have a contemporary design created without neighborhood input. As a cautionary tale for future dealings you might have with the Commission and Department, and as an inspiration for their potential reform, I will provide below a description of how neighborhood wishes and efforts came to be ignored in this project.
In 2008, Walgreens proposed a new store at 701 Portola to replace the gas station located there, which the proprietor wished to close. The MPIC worked closely with Walgreens’ architects to align the design of the new store to the style and character of the existing Art Deco architecture of Tower Market and many Miraloma Park residences. The Art Deco influenced design submitted by Walgreens was presented to Miraloma Park residents in two public forums sponsored by the MPIC and the design was supported with no opposition. The Planning Commission at that time approved the design on October 23, 2008.
Mock-up of Original Art Deco Design
Walgreens later withdrew from the project and CVS took over. In meetings with the MPIC and the community, CVS stated their plan to execute the Walgreens design, but when CVS re-submitted this design to the current Planning Commission last year, the design was surprisingly rejected based on the strong dissenting opinion of one Commissioner, who felt that the design was out of keeping with the surrounding architecture because of the Art Deco look and persuaded the other Commissioners to his viewpoint. The Commission sent the design back to the Planning Department and the CVS architect with direction to modify the style so that it would appear more contemporary. The MPIC Board’s representative at the hearing, Gary Noguera, understood from the Planner assigned to the case that minimal alterations would be made. Therefore, we did not appeal the Commission’s decision to the Board of Supervisors, which we could have done within a month of the Commission’s decision, though we received no written statement of the decision or any indication that an appeal was possible, and by the time we were sent the approved design the month during which we could have appealed had passed. About two months after the Commission hearing, we were sent a revised design with little similarity to our neighborhood architectural character, lacking any of its distinctive Art Deco elements. We were told that this design was final and were provided no opportunity for further input.
Mock-up of Approved Contemporary Design
In response, last November, we met with CVS’s attorney and architect and they told us they would be willing to put back some Art Deco elements into the new design with Commission and/or Department consent: notably curved rather than rectilinear parapets, porthole windows near the store ends, and the rounded corner entrance. Representing the MPIC, I testified twice before the Commissioners and also wrote to them requesting restoration of Art Deco elements in the design in accordance with CVS’s agreement, but they did not respond except for Commissioner Antonini, who felt that we should have input and contacted the Department on our behalf. According to Commissioner Antonini, he was told by the Department that he had no say in the matter and should stop his attempts to give the neighborhood a voice in the design. I subsequently wrote to and phoned the Zoning Administrator because the Motion summarizing the Commission hearing had commended the original Art Deco design and contained no directive to create a completely new design, but the Zoning Director said he would not reinstate any Art Deco elements, maintaining that a statement in the Motion gave the Department the latitude to completely redo the façade (“The project sponsor shall continue to work with Planning Department on the building design. Final materials, glazing, color, texture, landscaping and detailing shall be subject to Department review and approval.”). Finally, I contacted in writing the Planning Director, left him a voice message, and spoke with his secretary, who said that he had said he would get back to me. Three weeks later, I have not received a reply. Meanwhile, the gas station has been taken down, activity at the site implies preparation for building, and we have been told that CVS plans to open in July.
The overriding issue here is one of appropriate and healthy process. Our community consensus and prior Planning Commission consent—a model of inter-organizational partnership—was overruled based, at least initially, on one Commissioner’s opinion, without consultation with our organization, and without consideration of the collaborative effort on the part of MPIC and CVS. We learned during our work on this project that in San Francisco the currently seated Planning Commission has the final word on any application for any project: they can modify or overturn prior Commission or Department commitments as they please. However, the Commissioners are unpaid political appointees who may have limited background in urban planning and architecture and, in our twenty years of experience on permit issues, have not always demonstrated an appreciation of the varied architectural characters of San Francisco’s diverse neighborhoods and the imperative need to preserve and foster this heritage.
Therefore, we urge the Mayor and the Board of Supervisors to consider ways and means by which the Planning Commission can be induced—by procedural, administrative, or even Charter reform if necessary—to observe a process of community dialogue and render decisions that respect the architectural characters of our neighborhoods. At the very least, new Commissioners should receive a comprehensive orientation in (including on-site tours of) the neighborhoods so that they will be familiar with their built environments and knowledgeable of the need to respect them. In addition, we ask that the Planning Department be required to solicit, support, and respect neighborhood and community input when implementing Commission decisions that involve revision of designs based on community-sponsor agreements. For the architectural character of San Francisco’s neighborhoods comprises a great portion of our City’s quality and appeal, and as long as those charged with maintaining this character are dismissive of their responsibility, further degradation of our neighborhoods’ architectural heritage is inevitable.
From the MPIC Safety Committee: Community Policing and SFPD Staffing Concerns
For more than a decade, the MPIC has worked to build healthy working relationships between community members and police officers. Consistent and reliable communication between officers and community is essential to a safe and thriving community. But these basic components of effective community policing are severely constrained by the current reduced Police Department staffing.
Once again, SFPD staffing has dropped below City Charter mandated levels. Recessionary pressures have almost completely eliminated Academy classes. In June of this year, hundreds of experienced officers will retire, while only approximately 30 new Academy graduates will take their places.
The MPIC has a long history of collaborating with the SFPD, and we spend many hours each week working with Ingleside Station on community safety challenges.* Prompted by concerns related to staffing levels at Ingleside Station and City-wide, MPIC Board members Robert Gee and Karen Wood recently met with SF Police Chief Greg Suhr and Ingleside Station Captain Daniel Mahoney. Our goal was to identify ways in which the MPIC could be of assistance in addressing the serious SFPD staffing challenges faced by the City as a whole and by our own district. Without adequate Police Department staffing, police are only able to respond to emergencies—as is the situation in Oakland—rather than also providing ongoing, proactive prevention—community policing, in other words.
To stem the erosion of services and restore Police Department staffing, and thus to enable effective community policing, Chief Suhr’s budget for the coming two fiscal years will support at least four Academy classes during fiscal years 2012-2013 and 2013-2014. Holding four Academy classes annually throughout 2014-2017 would build and sustain a fully funded SFPD. Chief Suhr stated that thousands of applicants have already tested, yet the Academy remains empty due to funding constraints.
In addition, to maximize currently available SFPD personnel resources, Chief Suhr has developed a plan for implementing voter-mandated civilianization of SFPD positions not requiring staffing by sworn officers. Although hiring civilian staff requires designated funding, such funding is, in effect, a long term investment in cost savings and Department sustainability.
Because SFPD short-staffing will inevitably result in deterioration of safety and quality of life in the City as a whole, the MPIC will advocate in support of the 2012-2014 SFPD budget before the Police Commission, which will initially review the police budget, and in April before the Board of Supervisors Budget and Finance Committee. In addition, we’ll make every effort to work collaboratively with other neighborhood associations to raise community awareness of the importance of sound investment in the future of the community through support of a fully staffed SFPD.
*Some MPIC safety projects:
• Permanent closure of three drug houses
• Development and implementation of a multi-agency plan for abatement of youth-related problems at and near the Portola shopping strip
• Blocking packaged alcohol sales at the planned Portola Drive CVS Caremark store
• Development and implementation of the Miraloma School Traffic and Parking Congestion Survey and Mitigation Plan to abate serious traffic and parking congestion in the immediate vicinity of Miraloma School
• Abatement of illegal encampments in Mt. Davidson Park and July 4 fire prevention in the Park
• Follow-up on serious crimes in Miraloma Park, including (1) letters to the District Attorney requesting prosecution for serious crimes committed in Miraloma Park, and (2) circulation of neighbor alert flyers and informational prevention-oriented articles based on SFPD information in the Miraloma Life and to email groups.
Now You Can Join the MPIC or Renew Your Membership Using PayPal or a Credit Card
by Robert Gee
If you are one of the 140 members who joined the MPIC or renewed your membership back in January of 2011, your membership just expired on December 31, 2011. So it’s time again to renew! The MPIC relies on a large membership to advance our mission of safeguarding and improving quality of life in Miraloma Park. The larger our membership, the more effective we are as a community advocacy organization. Your membership means you support our efforts to sustain and improve quality of life in our neighborhood.
We just updated our membership web page at On our home page menu, look for “Join – Renew – Participate”. You can now join or renew your membership by using your PayPal account or a credit card. Just go to our membership page and select the type of membership, and you’ll be taken through PayPal screens where you’ll enter your name, address, and payment information. PayPal will notify the MPIC and send you a confirmation email. It’s fast and easy. There’s no need to complete a membership form or find an envelope and stamp.
Our updated membership web page now has a fillable form where you can let us know of your interest in volunteer opportunities, such as helping out in the following committees: safety, disaster preparedness, planning and zoning, club events, graffiti abatement, and traffic calming. Just choose from the drop down menu. If you don’t see a volunteer opportunity that interests you, there’s an option to select “Other” and then space to fill in your suggestion. You’ll need to complete the remaining information boxes and then click the submit button. You’ll receive a confirmation email from the MPIC and a Board member will contact you. Volunteering is a great way to make a difference in your community, meet your neighbors, and work with board members.
You can still join or renew your membership by mailing your dues check with a membership form to the MPIC at 350 O’Shaughnessy Blvd., San Francisco 94127. The MPIC membership form is in your monthly Miraloma Life newsletter or you can print the form from the website membership page.
In the future, we will send a reminder email when your membership is about to expire, or we’ll drop a short note to you in your mailbox. Thank you for your support, and please let us know how we are doing.
MPIC Safety Committee Google Group
by Robert Gee
In an ongoing effort quickly and efficiently to deliver valuable safety information to our community, the MPIC Board of Directors Safety Committee has initiated a Google Group to communicate safety alerts that impact Miraloma Park. Based on information provided by the San Francisco Police Department (SFPD), a Safety Committee member, or a resident, the Safety Committee will draft a short Google Group Alert and will send it to our SFPD contact to confirm factual accuracy. The Alert will then be sent out using MPIC membership email addresses. Be assured that your contact information will remain confidential. If you do not wish to receive Safety Alerts from the MPIC, simply ignore the preliminary email invitation.
A very big thanks to Board Member Brian Stone for administering this Google Group.
Letter from Arthur M. Shapiro, Distinguished Professor of Evolution and Ecology, UC Davis, to the Environmental Review Officer for the Natural Areas Management Plan*
Dear Mr. Wycko:
Consistent with the policy of the University of California, I wish to state at the outset that the opinions stated in this letter are my own and should not be construed as being those of the Regents, the University of California, or any administrative entity thereof. My affiliation is presented for purposes of identification only. However, my academic qualifications are relevant to what I am about to say. I am a professional ecologist (BA University of Pennsylvania, PhD Cornell University) and have been on the faculty of U.C. Davis since 1971, where I have taught General Ecology, Evolutionary Ecology, Community Ecology, Philosophy of Biology, Biogeography, Tropical Ecology, Paleoecology, Global Change, Chemical Ecology, and Principles of Systematics. I have trained some 15 PhDs, many of whom are now tenured faculty at institutions including the University of Massachusetts, University of Tennessee, University of Nevada-Reno, Texas State University, and Long Beach State University, and some of whom are now in government agencies or in private consulting or industry. I am an author of some 350 scientific publications and reviews. The point is that I do have the bona fides to say what I am about to say.
At a time when public funds are exceedingly scarce and strict prioritization is mandatory, I am frankly appalled that San Francisco is considering major expenditures directed toward so-called “restoration ecology.” “Restoration ecology” is a euphemism for a kind of gardening informed by an almost cultist veneration of the “native” and abhorrence of the naturalized, which is commonly characterized as “invasive.” Let me make this clear: neither “restoration” nor conservation can be mandated by science, only informed by it. The decision of what actions to take may be motivated by many things, including politics, esthetics, economics and even religion, but it cannot be science-driven.
In the case of “restoration ecology,” the goal is the creation of a simulacrum of what is believed to have been present at some (essentially arbitrary) point in the past. I say a simulacrum, because almost always there are no studies of what was actually there from a functional standpoint; usually there are no studies at all beyond the merely (and superficially) descriptive. Whatever the reason for desiring to create such a simulacrum, it must be recognized that it is just as much a garden as any home rock garden and will almost never be capable of being self-sustaining without constant maintenance; it is not going to be a “natural,” self-regulating ecosystem. The reason for that is that the ground rules today are not those that obtained when the prototype is thought to have existed. The context has changed; the climate has changed; the pool of potential colonizing species has changed, often drastically. Attempts to “restore” prairie in the upper Midwest in the face of European Blackthorn invasion have proven Sisyphean. And they are the norm, not the exception.
The creation of small, easily managed, and educational simulacra of presumed pre-European vegetation on San Francisco public lands is a thoroughly worthwhile and, to me, desirable project. Wholesale habitat conversion is not.
A significant reaction against the excesses of the “native plant movement” is setting up within the profession of ecology, and there has been a recent spate of articles arguing that hostility to “invasives” has gone too far ¬that many exotic species are providing valuable ecological services and that, as in cases I have studied and published on, in the altered context of our so-called “Anthropocene Epoch” such services are not merely valuable but essential. This is a letter, not a monograph, but I would be glad to expand on this point if asked to do so.
I am an evolutionary ecologist, housed in a Department of Evolution and Ecology. The two should be joined at the proverbial hip. Existing ecological communities are freeze-frames from a very long movie. They have not existed for eternity, and many have existed only a few thousand years. There is nothing intrinsically sacred about interspecific associations. Ecological change is the norm, not the exception. Species and communities come and go. The ideology (or is it faith?) that informs “restoration ecology” basically seeks to deny evolution and prohibit change. But change will happen in any case, and it is foolish to squander scarce resources in pursuit of what are ideological, not scientific, goals with no practical benefit to anyone and only psychological “benefits” to their adherents.
If that were the only argument, perhaps it could be rebutted effectively. But the proposed wholesale habitat conversion advocated here does serious harm, both locally (in terms of community enjoyment of public resources) and globally (in terms of carbon balance-urban forests sequester lots of carbon; artificial grasslands do not). At both levels, wholesale tree removal, except for reasons of public safety, is sheer folly. Aging, decrepit, unstable Monterrey Pines and Monterrey Cypresses are unquestionably a potential hazard. Removing them for that reason is a very different matter from removing them to actualize someone’s dream of a pristine San Francisco (that probably never existed).
Sociologists and social psychologists talk about the “idealization of the underclass,” the “noble savage” concept, and other terms referring to the guilt-driven self-hatred that infects many members of society. Feeling the moral onus of consumption and luxury, people idolize that which they conceive as pure and untainted. That may be a helpful personal catharsis. It is not a basis for public policy. Many years ago I co-hosted John Harper, a distinguished British plant ecologist, on his visit to Davis. We took him on a field trip up I-80. On the way up several students began apologizing for the extent to which the Valley and foothill landscapes were dominated by naturalized exotic weeds, mainly Mediterranean annual grasses. Finally Harper couldn’t take it any more. “Why do you insist on treating this as a calamity, rather than a vast evolutionary opportunity?” he asked. Those of us who know the detailed history of vegetation for the past few million years, ¬particularly since the end of Pleistocene glaciation, understand this. “Restoration ecology” is plowing the sea.
*This letter is reprinted by permission of Dr. Schapiro. For more background on the Natural Areas Plan (NAP), please see articles in the January and February issues of Miraloma Life, which may be found on-line at
Summary of Minutes of MPIC Board Meeting of February 2, 2012
by Dan Liberthson and Carl Schick
On-line Votes: MPIC Board shall sponsor three community meetings at the MPIC clubhouse in the summer/fall of 2012 at no charge for the City to discuss and hear community input on the proposed restoration project at Mt. Davidson (T Sauvain; passed). MPIC to give a $100.00 gift certificate to Peter Renteria for his volunteer work (K Wood; passed).
Treasurer’s Report (T Sauvain): The MPIC’s current net worth is $26,648.37, increased from $23,807.56 in December. January income was quite high because many members paid their yearly dues. Over and above usual monthly expenses (Miraloma Life costs, utilities, etc.), we paid yearly Coalition for SF Neighborhood dues of $125, yearly web hosting fees, and $250 for the new fireplace lighter and screen in the Clubhouse. Current reserve total for Clubhouse maintenance is $18,750. We’ve instituted a regular cleaning service after large group rentals and continued garbage removal service for renters, but placed descriptive flyers about how to separate trash throughout the Clubhouse and indicated that $500 of a renter’s $1000 security deposit will be retained if garbage is not properly sorted and bagged. This system appears effective, as recent renters have left the Clubhouse in good condition.
Committees: Safety (K Wood)—Please see articles about safety in this issue. Zoning and Planning (ZAP, C Mettling-Davis)—The committee deemed acceptable the proposed 3rd story development at 278 Juanita. D Liberthson reported that it looks like the revised design for the CVS store is moving forward.
Membership—As of 1/31/2012, the MPIC had 614 members, including 192 who renewed in January (six at the $50 Contributing level). Thanks to P Renteria, who collected and opened the membership letter and remit envelopes in the January Miraloma Life. Clubhouse Maintenance (C Mettling-Davis, CMD)—CMD moved to authorize up to $700 to be spent for iron handrails on the stage steps (passed) and to authorize up to $600 for sanding and painting the front exterior stairs and porch (passed).
Events (S Chu)—Potential dates and formats for this year’s Spring Fling were discussed. J Whitney proposed doing a presentation of “Evil” or “Devious” plants similar to the “Wicked Plants” series at the June general meeting.
Delegate Reports: K Breslin reported that the West of Twin Peaks Central Council would prefer to have all their member organizations in a single district. A Redistricting Task Force member suggestion to move all of Miraloma Park into District 8 was rejected by the Task Force. Go to for Task Force meeting information. J Whitney reported that the Community Police Advisory Board met with Supervisors Avalos and Elsbernd regarding bike safety education and possible registration of bicycles in SF.
Old Business: Brian Stone will replace Sue Kirkham as Advertising Treasurer.
Guest Presentation: SF Forest Alliance President Eric Miller spoke against the Natural Areas Program (NAP), expressing concerns that removing trees will destroy the scenic beauty of SF’s parks, closing trails and parks will adversely affect residents, tree removal will destroy the natural habitat in SF and cause erosion, the removal process uses potentially harmful pesticides and toxins, and taxpayer money is being used for this plan without taxpayer approval. The Alliance asks people who oppose NAP’s plan to contact Mayor Ed Lee, the SF Board of Supervisors, and the SF Park Commission to express their views.
The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute
by Jacquie Proctor
I have lived in Miraloma Park since 1980 and have become close friends with many wonderful neighbors. As some of them retired, I admired the fact that they used the opportunity to take on new challenges: learning to swim, volunteering for the local museums, and more. One, who recently passed away at the age of 92, said the key to an enjoyable retirement was to keep learning and creating. Now that I am retired myself, I have followed her advice to explore my curiosity and interest in the world, my love of learning, and my appreciation of beauty. Last year I found out about The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) and since then I have enjoyed every class I have taken there. The program is very affordable, fellow students are enlivening, and the classes are both interesting and enjoyable. Classes are held on the main SF State University (SFSU) campus at 19th Avenue and Holloway and downtown in the Westfield Center. For more information on OLLI, visit or call 817-4243. Better yet, come to the next information session: March 21, Creative Arts Building Room 146, SFSU Main campus at 19th Avenue and Holloway.
The Ruth Asawa School of the Arts Performance Schedule
by Sandra Halladey
Any neighbors lucky enough to have been at the City Hall celebration of Tony Bennett singing “I left my Heart in San Francisco” may have seen some of our school Choir, many of whom also be perform in our Musical, The Producers, which runs through March 3 (enter coupon code miraloma for discounted tickets at
Upcoming events in March also include:
March 9, 7:30 pm—Wind Ensemble Concert, featuring the music of Eric Whitacre, Michael Markowski, Gordon Jacob, and others.
March 10, 7:30 pm—Concerto Concert. A chance for seniors to show off their hard work over the years, featuring music by Grieg, Hue, and three world premieres by the students themselves. Tickets are $5 for Students and $10 for Adults.
March 15, 5:30 pm—Senior Visual Art Show
For more information, please visit our website ((Site no longer available ))
From the Legal Files: What You Should Know and Do if You Are Bitten by a Dog
by Mary Catherine Wiederhold, Esq.*
You or your child approaches a strange dog in order to pet it. The dog bites you or your child. Besides obtaining appropriate medical care, this column discusses what other steps you should take. Depending on the severity of the bite, you might consider legal action against the dog’s owner.
After being bitten, you should call San Francisco Animal Care and Control and report the bite. This will create a record of the bite. Animal Care and Control needs to have a record of a dog frequently biting in order to eliminate a dog that might be a danger to the community or to force the dog owner to comply with strict rules regarding the dog. Depending on the severity of the bite, an Animal Care officer can either give the dog’s owner a citation or quarantine the dog until there is a hearing.
If you decide to take legal action, most personal injury attorneys will have you prepare a detailed account of what happened regarding the incident. For example, were children teasing or petting the dog, were they trespassing on the pet owner’s property, was there a history of the dog biting, was there a history of aggressive dog behavior with strangers, etc.
Dog-bite victims are usually entitled to compensation if they can meet the requirement to show that they were bitten and that the defendant owns the dog. In other states, there is a “one bite free” rule. In California, a dog owner is legally responsible for his or her dog’s biting someone the first time. A victim of a dog bite might be awarded damages for some or all of the following: medical treatment, emergency room and hospital stay, future medical treatment for scar reduction, therapy, and other damages.
*Please e-mail with ideas for future topics.
Our New Neighbors: Cornerstone Trinity Baptist Church
by Robert Gee
The MPIC welcomes Cornerstone Trinity Baptist Church, which recently purchased the former Miraloma Church at 480 Teresita Boulevard at Arroyo Way. The Reverend Daniel W. Yee is the pastor. The MPIC interviewed him for this article.
Cornerstone Trinity Baptist Church has had a long presence in the city’s Sunset District. Started in 1975, the church held its first worship service in a high school auditorium and Sunday School classes in rented classrooms. As the congregation and ministry grew, they acquired a building on Lawton Street and other Sunset sites. Initially reaching out to youth from San Francisco’s Sunset and Richmond Districts, the church now includes congregants of all ages as part of the larger Cornerstone Evangelical Baptist Church, which has sites in Daly City and in San Francisco on Silver Avenue. Each location has its own congregation, and the church also operates Cornerstone Academy, an elementary and high school, at the Silver Avenue venue.
For the last 5 years, Cornerstone Trinity has sought a new church location for its increasing Lawton Street congregation, which currently numbers 200 congregants largely from the Sunset District. They discovered the Miraloma Church when it was for sale and subsequently purchased it. Now, on Sundays, the church has lots of activity with worship services. Its parking lot fills to capacity and additional cars park on the streets. The Church has tried to ensure that this traffic does not negatively impact its neighbors. They have placed orange cones to make sure no one parks in the faded red zone at the corner of Arroyo and Teresita until they can get SF-MTA to repaint the curb.
Cornerstone Trinity Baptist Church aspires to be a “family community church” offering an encouraging, family environment for worshippers of all ages. Reverend Yee would like the church to play an active role in the Miraloma Park community, and is very sensitive to any impact the church might have on its neighbors. He has generously offered the church space for community events.
The MPIC was quite concerned that a developer might purchase the Miraloma Church property and seek to erect multi-unit housing there, which would have changed the fabric and zoning of the neighborhood. We are relieved and happy that the building will continue to be used as a church. We are also pleased to report that Cornerstone Trinity is committed to avoiding placement of any cell phone transmitter placement in the church tower.
Over the last 2 months, the Cornerstone Trinity has been making many improvements both inside and out. As you walk or drive by the building, you can’t miss the many signs of this activity, including scaffolding and black netting. The church has recently installed a brand new roof, repainted the entire exterior, replaced all of the windows, repainted the steel fencing, and re-striped the parking lot. Their “to do” list includes working on the sprinkler system for the landscaping to ensure that the grass remains green. The new windows have really brightened up the sanctuary. New paint has freshened up the interior, and there is a new stove and refrigerator in the kitchen. The church is still waiting for a City permit to change the front sign at the corner.
At this time, there are no church programs at the Teresita location during the week. In the future, the church plans to relocate its youth, college, and adult fellowship programs from the Lawton Street location to the more spacious Teresita building
For more information about Cornerstone Trinity Church, visit their website at or contact them by phone at 415-566-5756 or by email at
Orange flame in a cage
but absolutely free
in moments of motion,
he rocks on his swing
to and fro, side to side,
swaying in the unforced
wind of impulse,
smiling as a bird smiles,
in his entire posture,
with all the joy
of any child or dancer,
any live being
burning through its gift
of flesh, swinging up,
down, in life’s cage.
by Dan Liberthson
Art by Nikki Ausschnitt