News & Events
Miraloma Life: May 2011
- The Destruction of San Francisco’s RH-1 and RH-2 Neighborhoods
- Auto Break-ins in Miraloma Park
- Miraloma Community Church Cell Tower – On Hold Indefinitely!
- Welcome, NERT Members: Coming Activities
- Let’s Plant More Trees in Miraloma Park
- From the Legal Files: Should Condominium Homeowners Associations Be Shielded From Lawsuits?
- NOTICE: Nominations Open for MPIC Board
- Summary of Minutes of MPIC Board Meeting of April 7, 2011
The Destruction of San Francisco’s RH-1 and RH-2 Neighborhoods
by George Wooding, President, West of Twin Peaks Central Council
San Francisco neighborhoods that consist of single-family homes had better get ready for major changes. On March 24, the San Francisco Planning Commission unanimously approved the 2009 “Housing Element.” The Housing Element is the Planning Department’s blueprint for what can and cannot be built in neighborhoods. All new Planning Department decisions will be based on this new planning constitution. Current RH-1 (residential housing/one family) and RH-2 (residential housing/two families) are based on single-family units being built on individual property lots. The single-family houses in West of Twin Peaks neighborhoods are almost exclusively RH-1 homes. Neighborhood planning decisions used to be based on lot size for single-family homes.
The 2009 Housing Element will replace the current lot size designations and instead allow Planning to base zoning decisions on density. The new density zoning means that the Planning Department will now be able to create secondary units or rebuild single family homes as multi-unit housing in single-family neighborhoods. The new density-based zoning will someday allow your neighbor to subdivide his/her current house into smaller separate units, or tear down an existing house and rebuild it as a multi-unit structure. John Rahaim, SF Director of City Planning states, “It is important to understand that the Housing Element is a policy document, not code. In order for the Planning Department to change the zoning classification, heights, densities, parking requirements, etc. in any part of the City, the Planning Code must be changed. Any such changes must be reviewed by the Planning Commission, and approved by the Board of Supervisors and the Mayor. The Housing Element draft is very clear that when we do propose such changes, we must do so after a public process involving stakeholders.” But note that the 2009 Housing Element lays the necessary foundation for Code changes allowing greater building and population density in R-1 and R-2 neighborhoods.
The 2009 Housing Element has undergone three revisions, with the third revision being made public in February including several changes made by the Planning Department after the 2009 Housing Element Environmental Impact Report (EIR) had been completed. This final (February) revision included the new changes in density zoning to RH-1 and RH-2 neighborhoods and substantially increased the number of additional single-family homes throughout San Francisco that will qualify for density zoning.
Why did the Planning Department decide to base neighborhood zoning on density, rather than on lot size? In 2008, Senate Bill 375 was signed into law by Governor Schwarzenegger. Its purpose: to promote reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by limiting vehicle miles traveled (VMT’s); approximately 1/3 of greenhouse gas emissions come from cars. Although San Francisco already has one of the lowest greenhouse emissions for a major city in California and the nation, the City will receive more State and Federal transit funds if it tries to reduce VMT’s and create and design mixed-use, transit oriented, high -density housing. In addition, the average SF property tax is based on a purchased home value of $357,000 and the density per lot averages about 2.1 people per house. Since Proposition 13, collectable property taxes have remained low in relation to the value of individual homes. Increasing building density in the RH-1 and RH-2 neighborhoods will enable the City to charge more and higher property taxes, since every new unit will have to pay a property tax based on current value.
MUNI is an underfunded basket-case featuring unreliable service, constant service cuts, an 8.5- to 7.5-mile per hour average speed, a $40 million annual shortfall in revenue, and it is headed for insolvency. Who would want to buy a 850-square-foot,“density” condo with no garage for $550,000 on or near a undependable transit line? Oh by the way: your kid goes to school five miles away from your house, your new job is in San Mateo, and one-third of your 100-unit condo development is devoted to affordable housing. Your $550,000 condo is one of the affordable housing units. Your vandalized car is parked eight blocks away in front of somebody’s house with a secondary unit, which no longer has a garage. Meanwhile, in the RH-1 and RH-2 neighborhoods people are converting their garages into secondary housing units to generate rental income. The house across the street was just torn down and turned into a triplex that is 10 feet taller than any of the surrounding homes. The triplex can be larger because it conforms to the 40-foot height limit for RH-1 neighborhoods—even though every other house in the area is only 30 feet tall. Once a few other homes in the neighborhood have added a third story, Planning will claim that there is a height precedent “in the zoning envelope” that is already developed. There is absolutely no parking, because most of the RH-1 parking garages have been turned into secondary units, more people live in your neighborhood, and the people who purchased housing near transit lines with no parking are using your RH-1 density-zoned neighborhood to park their cars.
Middle-class families can no longer afford to purchase RH-1 single-family housing because they are now competing with developers who want to build a second unit or rebuild the original house for clients willing to pay an additional $150,000 more than the middle-class family. Welcome to the future of density planning and the end of the middle-class family in San Francisco.
The final betrayal of RH-1 and RH-2 neighborhoods: Planning revised the term “neighborhood-supported” to “community-based.” The “neighborhood-supported” designation meant that your neighborhood was the major stakeholder in defending its own character. RH-1 and RH-2 homeowner and associations and their established neighborhood covenants, conditions, and restrictions (CC&Rs), as well as neighborhood associations, will eventually lose their right of self-determination to well-financed community-based developers. After substitution of the term “community-based” in the 2009 Housing Element, the document now states: “Any new community-based planning processes should be initiated in partnership with the neighborhood and involve the full range of City stakeholders.” Why would neighborhood stakeholders need citywide input from the developers, lobbyists, think-tanks, and non-profits that claim to be the community-based component? Director of Planning John Rahaim explains, “The Planning Department has always included a broad variety of stakeholders in our work. We cannot deny anyone the right to speak about a project or plan. I do not believe it is appropriate for me to state that one point of view is more important than another. In each planning effort we must consider a range of issues, some of which apply to the immediate neighborhood and some to the City at large. The term ‘community based’ simply reflects this broader participation.” Basically, this is a nice way of telling the lower income RH-1 and RH-2 neighborhoods that they are screwed.
The Winners: Developers; contractors; the Planning Department, since approximately 85% of its revenue comes from developer fees; the City, which may receive more State and Federal funds and more property taxes. The Losers: RH-1 and RH-2 neighborhoods, homeowner’s associations, neighborhood associations, middle-income families with children, and anyone who has to rely on MUNI as their sole means of transportation.
The primary goal of the 2009 Housing Element was to create 31,000 housing units in San Francisco and thereby to reduce VMT’s. The 2010 census reported that San Francisco already has 31,131 vacant units, or 8.3% of the 376,942 total units. The City has approximately 30,000 illegal in-law/secondary units; between 2000 and 2008, only 80 of these illegal units were legalized and only 204 illegal units were removed. The new 2009 Housing Element revisions to the RH-1 and RH-2 secondary units—and the recent revision to add secondary units to housing in proximity to major MUNI transit lines—have opened the door to almost 70,000 potential new housing units. Why do we need so many new housing units when so many existing units are currently vacant?
The laws of unintended consequences are about to shine on the Planning Department. San Francisco’s greenhouse gas emissions will increase rather than decrease. More people will result in more greenhouse gas emissions. The average vehicle miles traveled will increase as the number of cars increases due to under-funded and under-maintained mass transit and job commutes. San Francisco will become overbuilt, while middle-class families with kids flee the City and vacancy rates continue to increase.
Be assured that the RH-1 and RH-2 neighborhoods will fight the Planning Department at every step to maintain our neighborhood character and keep secondary units and multi-unit housing out of our neighborhoods.
To make your views known about the 2009 Housing Element, contact Board of Supervisors President David Chiu at and District 7 Supervisor Sean Elsbernd at
Auto Break-ins in Miraloma Park
by Captain Louis Cassanego, Ingleside Police Station
I would like to address the increase of auto break-ins in the Miraloma Park Neighborhood. For the entire Ingleside Police District, we’ve had 237 such break-ins, compared to 165 at the same time last year—a 44% increase. Glen Park has been hit hardest, and Miraloma Park more than usual. Miraloma Park was historically isolated from this type of crime due to its hilly terrain and distance from major transit routes. But this natural barrier has been breached. From witnesses’ accounts, suspects have been seen fleeing in cars after breaking into victim’ cars. So, the suspects are extremely mobile and are able to slip in and out of the area quickly. The thefts usually occur from 2 to 6 AM, when residents are asleep in their homes.
Why are the suspects choosing your neighborhood? It is because the area is upper middle class, the streets are dark and quiet with very little vehicular or pedestrian traffic late at night, and the residents may feel secure and therefore leave items in their cars. In other words, the suspects are going to an area with a higher chance of success in stealing valuable items from cars.
How can we defeat these thieves? The basic answer is to leave nothing in your car to steal. Note, I didn’t say leave nothing of value in your car, but leave nothing at all. Whether it is a laptop bag, sunglasses, or a nickel, the thief will take the chance to break-in. A laptop is a great find. Expensive sunglasses can be sold for five dollars. And a nickel may indicate there’s other currency in the car. A thief who breaks into cars is like a gold prospector; he is willing to pan a stream for a life time after seeing a tiny gold nugget shining near the water’s edge. Even so, in about a third of our car break-ins nothing was taken because there was nothing to take. Some thieves will smash a car window and rummage through the glove compartment on the chance of “hitting it big.”
Neighbors need to be vigilant for each other. If you see a suspicious person or vehicle in the area, call the police. You will know what is suspicious, because you are the expert in your neighborhood. You know who fits in and who doesn’t. You know what is out of place. It’s what’s called time, manner, and place. If any of these three pieces doesn’t fit in the puzzle, it’s probably suspicious.
Ingleside officers are briefed on the crime patterns in the district. It’s part of our Daily Mission. Targeted enforcement is the key to arresting the criminals and stop the crime. As plainclothes officers are preparing to conduct surveillance operations, uniformed officers are combing the area in both marked and unmarked cars. So far, the thieves have either been lucky or have had their sixth sense dialed up. You must picture the terrain. The sound of any car driving down a winding street or of footsteps of a resident walking his dog will send the criminal away or to secret himself until the threat is gone. That is why your neighborhood is so attractive to these thieves. The terrain gives them the advantage. Our officers have conducted traffic enforcement on the streets leading in and out of the area in hope of deterring offenders before they enter your neighborhood. Teresita Boulevard is our focus.
Finally, inform your neighbors. Please talk to everyone on your block about the problem. Join your neighborhood watch group or association and visit Ingleside’s website at Ingleside Police Station for reports, arrests, crime prevention tips, and resources.
Captain’s Prevention Tip: Leaving the front porch light on throughout the night can serve as a deterrent to vehicle crimes. An energy efficient compact fluorescent bulb casts a lot of light.
Miraloma Community Church Cell Tower – On Hold Indefinitely!
by Jane and Jerry Risk, Norman Nager, and Faruq Ahmad
There have been many encouraging developments since our last article in the March 2011 Miraloma Life, as described below:
On March 1, we met with Mike Hayes, Treasurer of the Interim Board of the Miraloma Community Church. He informed us that the Interim Board is recommending to the Reformed Church in America (RCA) that the Miraloma Community Church property be sold for suitable community use. The Interim Board opposes the construction of a cell tower in the church steeple on the grounds that it could hinder the sale of the property. We were glad to see that the goals of the Miraloma Community Church Interim Board, the neighbors, and the MPIC are closely aligned.
On March 17, we held a neighborhood meeting in the MPIC Clubhouse. Approximately 25 neighbors attended. They signed petitions, completed cell phone surveys, and offered many good suggestions for ways to give an effective presentation in front of the Planning Department. It was most encouraging to know that we have the support of a substantial number of neighborhood residents. Special thanks go to all of you who wrote the letters opposing the construction of the cell tower that we saw in the Planning Department’s case file.
On March 20, the following news item appeared in the New York Times:
AT&T to buy T-Mobile USA for about $39 billion
From the Associated Press
March 20, 2011
AT&T Inc., the country’s second-largest wireless carrier in the United
States, on Sunday said it will buy T-Mobile USA, the fourth-largest, from
Deutsche Telekom AG in a cash-and-stock deal valued at $39 billion.
On March 30, after requesting an update on the Miraloma Community Church file from the San Francisco Planning Department, we received the following letter from Adrian Putra, case planner: “At the request of T-Mobile this application is being put on hold indefinitely. From my understanding T-Mobile wishes to conduct more community outreach.”
On April 2, we received a letter from Mike Hayes. He told us that the Interim Board has received permission from the RCA’s Central California Classis to sell the church property and will be requesting T-Mobile not to go forward with the cell tower permit process. “Then hopefully this will all be behind us,” Mike wrote.
While everything looks good, something unexpected could happen, so we need to stay focused until T-Mobile formally withdraws its application in writing.
Let’s watch and hope!
Welcome, NERT Members: Coming Activities
by Bill Jeong, Mt. Davidson/Miraloma Park NERT Coordinator
Welcome, NERT Members and prospective NERTs, to Mt. Davidson/Miraloma Park NERT! I am now your NERT Coordinator. Thanks for your patience and interest in learning to help yourself, your family, and your neighborhood in times of emergency and disaster. There is no “IF,” but only a “WHEN” the next disaster will happen. Many of you have such questions such as: do we meet regularly, do we have a place to meet, and do we have a staging area?
We can’t answer all of these queries yet, but we will be working on them. We do have a previously identified staging area: Miraloma Playground, Omar at Sequoia Streets. I’d welcome suggestions or ideas of where, when, how often we should meet.
Some great news: the Miraloma Park Improvement Club (MPIC) strongly supports increasing the number of NERT responders and providing the information residents need to get prepared for the next disaster. The Miraloma Life will continue to post NERT-related articles (including how to prepare for disaster). The MPIC’s support offers a strong foundation for our NERT group, so that we can help neighbors survive and thrive in disasters. But we need your personal energy too! Please contact me if your are interested in helping the team grow, at, mobile phone: 510-508-0700, or office phone 415-427-8012.
Following are NERT training classes starting in May and June. We could hold our own NERT training classes if we get at least 30 neighbors to sign up.
Contact me if you are interested.
Haight: 1563 Page Street, The Urban School of San Francisco
Tuesdays 6:30-9:30 pm, Sessions 1-6, one each week, starting May 10
Western Addition: 916 Laguna at Golden Gate, Bethel AME Church Hall
Thursdays, 6:30-9:30 pm, Sessions 1-6, one each week, starting May 19
Financial District: 215 Fremont Street, Charles Schwab
Fridays, 9 am-4 pm, Sessions 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 on June 10, 17, and 24, respectively
Marina: 2325 Union at Steiner, St. Mary the Virgin Church Hall
Thursdays, 6:30-9:30 pm, Sessions 1-6, one each week, starting June 23
Ham Communications Team Training (HCT):
SFFD Division of Training, 2310 Folsom Street at 19th St.
(Park in lot at 19th St. along the back wall.)
All classes 6:30- 9:00 pm
Tuesday, May 24: HCT Buttons and Knobs—Basic Hands-on Radio Operation
Wednesday, May 25—HCT Messaging for HAMs and Non-HAMs
Thursday, May 26: HCT Buttons and Knobs—Advanced Hands-on Radio Operation
Let’s Plant More Trees in Miraloma Park
by Robert Gee
Back in 2002, I participated in a Miraloma Park neighborhood tree planting with the help of the non- profit Friends of the Urban Forest of San Francisco (FUF). It was a memorable event. A large group of us gathered early on a Saturday morning at the Miraloma Church where all of the new trees were stored. After coffee and bagels, we headed out to different houses to plant the trees. Under the watchful eyes of FUF and with the help of my neighbors, I planted a skinny 5 foot tall tree in front of my house. Now, nine years later, it’s a beautiful, healthy twelve-foot tall evergreen that withstands our wind and fog.
The benefits we receive from an urban forest are immense. Trees create relaxing, beautiful, healthy spaces. They absorb traffic noise, calm traffic, and increase privacy. Trees also clean the air by helping to remove carbon dioxide and provide oxygen. Better yet, the involvement of neighbors in the planting and care of local trees can help build a stronger sense of neighborhood and civic pride.
If you were to plant your own tree in front of your house, the cost of planting could be over $400. However, the subsidized cost for a FUF tree through a neighborhood planting is just $75. FUF will help with the permit processing, check for underground utilities, cut and remove the concrete, auger the holes, order the trees, assist with the planting, and conduct tree care over the first 18 months.
To qualify for the subsidized tree planting through FUF, we’ll need to sign up at least 25 to 30 neighbors. Once we get the minimum number of neighbors, the Miraloma Park Improvement Club (MPIC) can help coordinate and distribute the application forms, working with FUF to begin the process of communicating to you the procedures, including marking your sidewalk where the tree is wanted, selecting the right tree that does well in our area, and announce a planting date.
On the day of the scheduled planting, we’ll get together to help distribute the trees and supplies and FUF will demonstrate how to plant the trees. We’ll break into smaller groups and then help plant everyone’s trees. When we are all done, we can celebrate our hard work with a potluck lunch at the MPIC clubhouse.
But this is more than just about planting a few trees … it’s about improving our entire neighborhood’s quality of life. So invite your neighbors and participate in a neighborhood tree planting. If you are interested in participating, please call the MPIC at (415) 281-0892 or send an email to with your name, address, and phone number. Also indicate in your message whether you can help with coordination of this event. It takes a team to make this successful.
To learn more about FUF and their neighborhood tree planting program, visit their website at
From the Legal Files: Should Condominium Homeowners Associations Be Shielded From Lawsuits?
by Mary Catherine Wiederhold, Esq.
Generally, a condominium homeowners association (HOA) enjoys immunity from civil suits concerning the maintenance and repair of the common areas.
This is called “judicial deference.” Courts generally defer to the decisions of the HOA. But what if an HOA fails to act on a known problem? An appellate court recently ruled that an HOA is not immune from civil suits if it fails to act appropriately to fix long-standing problems.
In 1986, the Affans bought a first floor condominium unit in a Huntington Beach building as a vacation home. From 1999 to 2005, every time they arrived at their home for visits, they found sewage residue in their kitchen sink or in their bathroom sink and tub. Every time, they reported the problem to the property manager of the complex. The Affans also reported the problem to at least one member of the HOA. After each report, the HOA would hire a plumber to snake the Affans’ lines. Drain pipes were shared between the units and were considered part of the common areas. The problem persisted, but the HOA did not take more aggressive action.
In 2005, the HOA did hire a plumber to perform routine maintenance on the main drainage plumbing of the entire building. The plumber performed a procedure that involved forced-water cleaning of the drainage line to the sewer system. This is an inferior method of clearing blockage. Some plumbers use instead a “scouring” procedure because the water might not have the force to remove the problem. Two weeks later, a major sewage backup damaged the Affans’ unit. Kitchen sink debris and grease from the upstairs units “erupted” through the drain into the Affans’ bathroom, sink, tub, and vanity closet. Sewage poured onto the floors of the bedrooms. The plumber made some emergency repairs.
The Affans filed a lawsuit alleging that the HOA failed to undertake any maintenance of the condominium’s main plumbing lines despite the recurring plumbing problems. Even after filing the suit, there was another sewage backup into the Affans’ home. The HOA finally hired a plumber to properly clear out the drain lines leading to the sewer using the scouring method.
The appellate court found that judicial deference regarding the HOAs handling of the Affans’ sewage problem was not applicable. Judicial deference does not shield an HOA for their failure to take appropriate action, the court ruled. Rather, it shields HOAs from actions that condominium homeowners do not agree with. In this case, though the HOA talked about taking action when they learned about the problem in 1999, they did nothing until 2008.
One legal commentator believes that this decision will cause a “backup” of litigation because disgruntled condominium owners will sue their HOAs over lack of repairs or incomplete repairs. But it is one thing for HOAs to make an informed but ultimately wrong decision regarding repairs. It is quite another for an HOA to know about a sewage backup problem for years and not act appropriately to fix it.
NOTICE: Nominations Open for MPIC Board
On Thursday, May 19, from 7:30 pm to 8 pm, at the MPIC Clubhouse, nominations from the floor for MPIC Director may be made by MPIC members in good standing (2011 dues paid by April 19, 2011).
Summary of Minutes of MPIC Board Meeting of April 7, 2011
by Joanne Whitney and Dan Liberthson
A quorum was present, with President Karen Breslin presiding. The minutes of the February Board meeting were approved with corrections. An e-mail motion by G. Noguera to support hours of 7 am to 10 pm for CVS since they promised not to sell liquour was unanimously approved.
Treasurer (T. Sauvain): Current MPIC net worth is $32,770.75, increased nearly $2000 from February. March rental income was robust and MPIC ad income was over $2000. Finishing work in kitchen (new floor and sink) cost $1734. Strong recommendation to repair and slip-proof front stairs and set aside a fund for future major clubhouse repairs. Switching to State Farm insurance will save $2500 per year, reducing annual insurance cost to $3600.
Based on feedback from R. Gee’s audit (see below), T. Sauvain is now providing Ads Coordinator S. Kirkham with quarterly report on all advertising checks and reconciled his and her records for first quarter 2011. R. Gee assisted by Viviane Antal conducted an extensive review of fiscal procedures and reported all aspects generally in good shape including advertising and rentals. Gee recommended some procedural changes, including greater detail in monthly reconciliations between income and expenses. Facilitation of conversion of MPIC from 501(c)4 to 501(c)3 corporation, so that donations to MPIC will be tax deductable, is in progress.
Membership Committee (R. Gee): MPIC now has 572 members. Approved request by R. Gee for approval to purchase mailing supplies to contact neighbors re membership. E-mail query planned to create member e-mail trees to help with various Club activities.
Zoning and Planning (ZAP; C. Mettling-Davis): Boad of Supervisors (BOS) approved plan to convert one lot into four at Los Palmos-Foerster and build three additional homes despite opposition by MPIC and some neighbors, leaving civil lawsuit as the sole remedy. The BOS also approved the 2009 Housing Element and certified its EIR. Broad opposition expected by neighborhood groups (see lead article in this issue of Miraloma Life). The sale of the gas station at Portola where CVS will be located is official. CVS has agreed not to sell alcoholic beverages at the store, as requested by MPIC and other community representatives, and MPIC in turn agreed to 7 am to 10 pm hours of operation requested by CVS (see e-mail motion above).
Graffiti (S. Kirkham): Tags on Clubhouse to be removed or painted over ASAP by any available Graffiti Team member and then repainted in matching paint by Maintenance Committee as soon as practicable.
Community Organizations: Coalition for SF Neighborhoods (CSFN; G. Noguera): Amendment to change term of officers from 3 years to 5 years passed. Also passed, a rule that a delegate may hold more than one position. Supported extension of period to examine new laws concerning unleashed dogs in Golden Gate Park. Discussed appeal to Bank of America to limit new building at Park Merced complex. West of Twin Peaks Central Council (WOTPCC; K. Breslin): High speed rail discussed. Planning Comissioner Antonini questioned and attempted to explain why he voted for Housing Element. All agreed that Housing Element an important item and density consideration may be critical to the maintenance of West of Twin Peaks neighborhoods (see lead article in this issue of the Miraloma Life). Ingleside Community Police Advisory Board (CAB; J. Whitney): Safety Posters and cards warning pedestrians to be alert to potential threats in their surroundings translated into Spanish and Chinese and will be printed gratis. Paper must be paid for. City-wide meeting of all 10 Police Advisory Boards will be held on May 10. J. Whitney said she will continue to attend and report on Ingleside Commuinity Police Advisory Board.
Clubhouse Maintenance (G. Issacson): C. Mettling Davis will take over as Maintenance Committee Chair for next quarter. Kitchen sink and flooring installed. Mettling-Davis investigating method of making outside stairs safe. D. Liberthson suggested that the contract for maintaining the grounds at the clubhouse and caring for the native plant garden be given to Casey Allen, President of the SF Native Plant Assn, after resolution of questions about draft contract e-mailed to Board Members. June 4 will be a workday where all Board members and any interested party may come to work on the MPIC building and grounds. All members of the Maintenance Committee will take turns checking on the condition of clubhouse after rentals. D Liberthson will check phone calls once a day
J. O’Donnell joined the Building and Maintenance Committee. K. Rawlins asked for a detailed contract for the Clubhouse Rental Agent.
Newsletter (D. Liberthson): Liberthson moved approval of $100 per issue to pay layout person to replace P. Laird; motion approved; Liberthson to seek candidates.
New Business: K. Breslin appointed a nominating committee comprising K. Wood, R. Gee and M. Naughton. J. Whitney announced that she would not be running for another term after hers expires in June.
Guests: Peter Renteria (helping out with various tasks such as mail pick-up and delivery); Charles Higuera (neighbor for 27 years on Juanita, wanting to get up to date on MPIC activities); and Greg Miller of the San Francisco Ocean Edge Association. Mr. Miller described efforts to stop construction of 11 acres of new soccer fields and a water treatment plant at the far western edge of Golden Gate Park, including 7 acres of artificial turf with lights would be 60 feet tall shining into people’s homes, brightening the night sky, and making star gazing from the sea shore impossible. Over 123 trees would be removed as well as native plants and grasses, impacting native flora and fauna and urbanizing the west end of the Park. Mr. Miller invited to submit an article to the Miraloma Life.