News & Events

Miraloma Life: November 2012


  • MPIC Holiday Party and Pot-Luck Cook-Off on December 2
  • From the MPIC Safety Committee
  • Summary of MPIC Board Meeting on October 4, 2012
  • The West Portal Fire
  • Dido and Aeneas by Henry Purcell: A Superb Performance at Ruth Asawa SOTA
  • Getting Ready for Winter Rains
  • Are You Ready for a Big Quake or Other Disaster?
  • Miraloma Park Residential Design Guidelines

MPIC Holiday Party and Pot-Luck Cook-Off on December 2

by Dan Liberthson

It’s time to fire up the oven and get out your favorite recipe to prepare for the MPIC Holiday Party and Cook-Off. This has always been the highlight of the year, as neighbors join together to share the warmth of the fire, the tastes of many wonderful dishes, the merriment and entertainment, and the festive atmosphere and decorations in our newly renovated Clubhouse. This is a great way for those new to the neighborhood to meet their neighbors, and for those who have lived here for years to renew old acquaintance, all the while sampling culinary delights and fine Holiday entertainment.

This is one event you do not want to miss! All Miraloma Park residents and business owners are invited to the premiere event of the MPIC calendar. Please put the date on your calendar now, as the next newsletter will come out too late to provide notice.

Date: Sunday, December 2
Time: Eat, drink, make merry: 5 pm to 8 pm; Boswick the Clown appears from 6 to 7
Ambience: Music provided by Lauralee Brown & Company will comprise a medley of Holiday favorites. Boswick the Clown will provide a zany interlude for the delight of kids and the amusement of their parents.
Feast: The MPIC will provide meats (usually ham, turkey and/or chicken, and roast beef) and drinks (wine, softdrinks, coffee/tea, and the locally famous Champagne Punch).

But the real stars of the show will be the potluck specials brought by you, our neighbors and guests. Because the centerpiece of all the fun and the object of the Pot-Luck Cook-off Contest is to taste each other’s fine creations, admission will be free to those who bring a dish to share that will feed at least 6 people. One family can bring one dish, but if you are a large family please bring correspondingly more. The more you bring, the more people can sample your dish, and the better your chances to win one of the excellent prizes donated by our local merchants. The Holiday Pot

Luck has had an international flavor in past years, with such favorites as Taco Mix, Stilton Cheese, Moroccan Pasta, Chicken Mogul, and a host of other treats. Categories include Appetizers/soups/salads, Main Dishes, Side Dishes, and Desserts. Guests who do not bring a dish to feed at least six people will be asked to pay $10 for each person in their party over age 7 to help defray costs. If you have any questions, please phone 281-0892 and leave a message. Please come, show off your best culinary skills, and share this celebration of the Holiday season with your friends and neighbors. And be sure to bring the kids, who will love Boswick the Clown (formerly of Ringling Brothers/Barnum & Bailey circus) and his fantastic and funny acts and balloon creations.

From the MPIC Safety Committee

October Burglary Update
To address the unusual increase in burglaries in Miraloma Park, Ingleside Station has increased officer patrols, both by uniformed and plainclothes officers. But the best means of keeping Miraloma Park one of the safest neighborhoods in SF is to know our neighbors and keep their phone numbers handy in case it is ever necessary to check with them about unknown persons on their property and, most important, to call police about any suspicious activity.  The SF Police Department says most burglaries begin with someone watching the house targeted and/or the burglar ringing  doorbells to see who is home and then breaking in if there’s no response.

Following is an updated tally of Miraloma Park (MP) burglaries and burglary attempts reported since August 15, 2012:
1. Unit block of Sequoia Way (entry made through a rear door).
2. 300 block of Molimo (front door forced).
3. Unit block of Molimo (entry made while resident at home; there may have been a witness).
4. 500 block of Bella Vista (front door forced; the home had a functioning security system, but no system sign in front; the forced entry set off the alarm, causing the burglar to flee).
5. 500 block of Los Palmos (not technically in MP, but near Lulu Alley; front door forced entry).
6. 1000 block of Portola.
7. Unit block of Stanford Heights (two men—one Hispanic and one “possibly Caucasian”—observed by a resident and appearing to be casing the resident’s home []; the resident recorded the men’s license plate, and it has been forwarded to SFPD.
8. Unit block of Agua; two Hispanic men seen by a neighbor on the front porch looking in windows, testing the (dead-bolted) side gates, and looking through the mail slot on the garage door, presumably to determine whether or not residents were at home. The home’s alarm was set off by a disruption, probably shaking.  The alarm was activated approximately 20 minutes after the homeowners had left for the day, suggesting that the home was being watched and
their departure observed.
9. Suspicious activity was also observed on the 400 block of Myra (two men in an unmarked white van removing the MPIC Neighbor Alert notices from utility poles. A resident called 311 and was told that these men were not City workers.
10. In mid-August, two Hispanic men rang a door bell on the 100 block of Teresita and asked if there were any Hispanic people in the house.  The resident showed good judgment by calling police. (Note the proximity of this address to that of the Agua attempted burglary. Maybe if all available information were provided to the SFPD, some of these crooks could be apprehended.)

The MPIC Board enjoyed meeting and talking with Ingleside Captain Timothy Falvey at our October 4 meeting, and we thank Captain Falvey for making time to attend.

Summary of MPIC Board Meeting on October 4, 2012

by Dan Liberthson and Robert Gee

On-Line Votes: 9/25/2012 motion by C Mettling-Davis (CMD)—The MPIC rental manager may accept a Board Member’s
homeowner insurance with limits less than $1 million liability and $500,000 property damage when Board Members use their annual Clubhouse rental privilege if the Board member will be in attendance during the entire time of the rental. Passed.
Guests: SFPD Captain Tim Falvey, Ingeside Station, discussed safety.—Overall crime in Ingleside District is down. No burglary reports in last 15 days in Miraloma Park. The recent burglaries occurred weekdays with Captain Falvey to welcome him and discuss neighborhood safety concerns including the recent burglaries. In response to the recent burglaries, the Captain has sent plainclothes officers to patrol Miraloma Park. No burglaries were observed but plainclothes officers did arrest two persons for auto boosting/thefts in progress. The Captain has identified two new officers who will be patrolling our sector and will work with MPIC and the neighborhood. He said that a community meeting is scheduled on 10/23/2012 at the Scottish Rite temple from 6-8 pm re SFPD’s use of less lethal weapons. There is a 90-day study on the use of guns vs batons and tasers.

Jacquie Proctor discussed the potential impact on Mt. Davidson of the endangered Franciscan Manzanita— She summarized concerns, presented two handouts from SF-Forest, and noted that 11/5/2012 is the deadline for submitting comments to US Fish and Game. She is not recommending a position at this time.

Greg Crump, SF Department of Public Works (SFDPW), discussed the 2011 Road Repaving and Street Safety Bond—Mr. Crump presented an overview of the bond, which was approved by voters in November 2011. He distributed a city map of all planned street repair projects. Information is available at ((Site no longer available)). Specific repaving projects impacting Miraloma Park are: (1) all of Teresita Blvd, (2) all of Bella Vista Way, (3) Arroyo, (4) Chaves from Fowler to Rockdale, (5) Myra Way from La Bica to Reposa, (6) Reposa from Myra Way to Rockdale, (7) Molimo from Dorcas to Bella Vista Way and (8) Molimo from Myra to Bella Vista.

Treasurer’s Report (T Sauvain): The MPIC’s current net worth has increased by $1957.99 since August to $26,307.00. September income included $870 in rental fees (down from $2170 in August), $800 in Miraloma Life advertising sales, and $754.26 from membership dues. Costs over and above normal monthly expenses (newsletter costs, utilities, etc.) included $300 for the gardener, $815.35 in Fall Fiesta expenses, and $125 in Clubhouse cleaning fees for the one single-event renter. The current reserve total is $15,200.

Correspondence (D Liberthson): The MPIC received emails from two neighbors opposing placement of the endangered Franciscan Manzanita on Mt. Davidson due to the potential impact on recreational use, and received a request from a neighbor for free use of the Clubhouse for a neighborhood SAFE meeting.

Committees: Safety—Please see articles in this issue and “Guest” section above in these minutes.
Membership (R Gee)—Membership decreased from 618 at the end of to 575 at the end of September because of expiring
memberships. Two new members joined in September and 25 renewed current memberships, many in response to reminder letters recently delivered. The Membership Committee (K Wood, V Antal, B Stone, R Gee) met on September 11 and discussed (1) minor modifications to the remit envelope to include option to be notified of safety issue or MPIC events, (2) member interest follow up, (3) revisions to the membership reminder and new homeowner letters to make them shorter, and (4) website hits on the PDF or text versions of the Miraloma Life.
Events (S Chu)—Discussed 12/2/2012 Holiday Party action items, including article/flyer in Miraloma Life for November.
Clubhouse Maintenance (CMD)—D
Liberthson drafted parking lot repair addendum for contractor, who said he would follow up but has not thus far. Smoke alarms and fire extinguishers are all up to compliance.
Zoning and Planning (ZAP, CMD)—CVS to open soon. Independent architect is still reviewing 555 Rockdale plans to determine if compliant with residential Miraloma Park Residential Design guidelines.
Audit and Finance (R Gee)—V Antal will conduct annual audit. Discussed legal requirement to prepare annual budget.
Delegate Reports: West of Twin Peaks Central Council (WOTPCC, K Breslin)—WOTPCC seeks temporary meeting space for the next few months. Discussed possible use of Clubhouse with/without fee and question of insurance. Coalition for SF Neighborhoods (CSFN, K Breslin)—CSFN voted “no” on Prop B.
New Business: Discussion of neighbor vs. neighbor parking, ticketing, and towing disputes and how to help resolve them. J Proctor provided 2012 SF Park Alliance Playground Report Card, on which Miraloma Park Playground receiving a “D” rating. Discussed follow-up investigation of ways to improve playground and rating.

The West Portal Fire

by the West Portal Merchant’s Association

Many are saddened by the fire that has destroyed the building at the corner of West Portal Avenue. The biggest tragedy is that there are over 60 displaced employees. Loss of employment just before the Holidays adds to the stress. An account has been set up with Bank of America to accept donations. You can walk into any B of A bank and ask to deposit into the “West Portal Fire” account. ALL money received will be distributed to the displaced employees. All overhead costs are being funded by the West Portal Avenue Association, A.K.A West Portal Merchants Association.

Please be generous to those most affected by the fire.

Dido and Aeneas by Henry Purcell: A Superb Performance at Ruth Asawa SOTA

by Dan Liberthson

We have adjacent to our neighborhood a cultural treasure in the Ruth Asawa School of the Arts (SOTA). In this latest of several performances I have attended at the school, the high-school students demonstrated the usual high level of professionalism and craft. Staging, direction, and orchestration were remarkable, and a host of dance students added impressively choreographed movement to the drama and vocal heights of the work. The production was mounted with help from the SF Opera and guided by Director Todd Wedge.

This ambitious project originated with the students, largely sophomores and juniors, who were willing to learn their parts over the summer and spend two weeks of full-day rehearsals before the start of school in order to master and perfect the performance. Throughout the school year, Ruth Asawa SOTA will offer theatrical, musical, film, and other events featuring their gifted young students. So, why rush downtown to a show? Avoid the hassle and traffic and the high cost of tickets and parking.

Check out the schedule at and treat yourself to a low-cost, highly polished performance right next door, at the school’s comfortable, dedicated theater, easily accessible from O’Shaughnessy Boulevard (and with plentiful free parking). You’ll see tomorrow’s stars today! Ruth Asawa SF School of the Arts Performance Calendar Nov. 8-10—Tartuffe, by Moliere (directed by Keith Carames). An evening of Rococo fantasy and hilarious comedy: the story of a pious imposter who nearly gets away with it all. Produced by the award-winning Technical Theatre Department and featuring live, original music composed by alum and Artist-in-Residence Cole Thomason- Redus and students from all departments. Best ticket prices on-line (( Site no longer available)) .  Use coupon code miraloma for a discount!

Nov. 17— 7:30 pm. School of the Arts Jazz Band
Nov. 30-Dec. 1—7:30 pm. School of the Arts Band/Orchestra/Symphony Concert

All events are at the Dan Kryston Memorial Theatre, 555 Portola, accessed from O’Shaughnessy Boulevard

Getting Ready for Winter Rains

by Sue Kirkham

Many Miraloma Park homes have light wells, center patios, and gutters that can become clogged by wind driven leaf/needle debris, bird’s nests, and even roofing materials from adjacent recently roofed homes. Fall is a good time to check these rarely viewed areas and clear them of accumulated debris. Not doing this routinely each year can result in water damage to your home, and possibly dry rot and mold (both expensive items to eradicate).

A mesh cover for drains is a good idea to prevent plant and other material from getting into and potentially plugging the drain, and to allow for easier cleaning. Check for rusted gutters and downspouts, particularly in light wells; an exceptionally heavy rain can fill your light well with water, even with a clear drain (spoken from experience).

Take a look around the perimeter of your foundation and the exterior drains to ensure that they are clear and adequate for heavy rain runoff.

Do you have any other tips to share with our Miraloma Park neighbors? If so, please e-mail them to

Are You Ready for a Big Quake or Other Disaster?

from the Website

Make a Plan
After a major disaster, it is unlikely that emergency response services will be able to immediately respond to everyone’s needs, so it’s important to be prepared to take care of yourself and your family. Plan to be on your own for at least the first 72 hours. These steps will help you prepare for any emergency:

• Designate an out-of-area contact person. Try to select someone far enough away not to be affected by the same emergency. Provide this person with the names and contact information of the people you want to keep informed of your situation. Instruct family members to call this person and tell them where they are. Long distance phone service is often restored sooner than local service.
• Duplicate important documents and keep copies offsite, either in a safety deposit box or with someone you trust. Documents may include: passport, drivers license, social security card, wills, deeds, financial statements, insurance information, marriage license, and prescriptions.
• Inventory valuables, in writing and with photographs or video. Keep copies of this information off-site with your other important documents.
• Make a household/family plan. Involve all key people in planning.
• Make your home safe.
• Put together a disaster supply kit. Plan to have supplies for yourself and your family for at least 3 days following a disaster.

After a major disaster the usual services we take for granted, such as running water, refrigeration, and telephones, may be unavailable. Be prepared to be self-sufficient for at least three days. Store your household disaster kit in an easily accessible location. Put contents in a large, watertight, easily moved container (e.g. a large plastic garbage can with a lid and wheels).

Your basic emergency kit should include:
• Water – one gallon per person per day
• Food – ready to eat or requiring minimal water
• Manual can opener and other cooking supplies
• Plates, utensils and other feeding supplies
• First Aid kit & instructions
• A copy of important documents & phone numbers
• Warm clothes and rain gear for each family member.
• Heavy work gloves
• Disposable camera
• Unscented liquid household bleach and an eye dropper for water purification
• Personal hygiene items including toilet paper, feminine supplies, hand sanitizer, and soap
• Plastic sheeting, duct tape and utility knife for covering broken windows
• Tools, such as a crowbar, hammer & nails, staple gun, adjustable wrench, and bungee cords.
• Blanket or sleeping bag
• Large, heavy duty plastic bags and a plastic bucket for waste and sanitation
• Any special-needs items for children, seniors, people with disabilities, or pets (see below).

A component of your disaster kit is your Go-bag. Put the following items together in a backpack or another easy to carry container in case you must evacuate quickly. Prepare one Go-bag for each family member and make sure each has an I.D. tag. You may not be at home when an emergency strikes, so keep some additional supplies in your car and at work, considering what you would need for your immediate safety.
• Flashlight
• Radio – battery operated
• Batteries
• Whistle
• Dust mask
• Pocket knife
• Emergency cash in small denominations and quarters for phone calls
• Sturdy shoes, a change of clothes, and a warm hat
• Local map
• Some water and food
• Permanent marker, paper and tape
• Photos of family members and pets for re-identification purposes
• List of emergency point-of -contact phone numbers
• List of allergies to any drug (especially antibiotics) or food
• Copy of health insurance and identification cards
• Extra prescription eye glasses, hearing aid or other vital personal items
• Prescription medications and first aid supplies
• Toothbrush and toothpaste
• Extra keys to your house and vehicle
• Special-needs items for children, seniors, people with disabilities, or pets (see below).

When planning, consider the special needs of children, seniors or people with disabilities, family members who don’t speak English, and pets.

• Include your children in family discussions and planning for emergency safety.
• Teach your children their basic personal information so they can identify themselves and get help if they become separated from a parent or guardian.
• Prepare an emergency card with information for each child, including his/her full name, address, phone number, parent’s work number and out of state contact.
• Know the policies of the school or daycare center your children attend. Make plans to have someone pick them up if you are unable to get to them.
• Regularly update your child’s school with current emergency contact information and persons authorized to pick up your child from school.
• Make sure each child knows the family’s alternate meeting sites if you are separated in a disaster and cannot return to your home.
• Make sure each child knows how to reach your family’s out-of-state contact person.
• Teach children to dial their home telephone number and Emergency 9-1-1.
• Teach children what gas smells like and advise them to tell an adult if they smell gas after an emergency.
• Warn children never to touch wires on poles or lying on the ground.
• Role-play with children to help them remain calm in emergencies and to practice basic emergency responses such as evacuation routes,

Drop, Cover & Hold and Stop, Drop & Roll.
• Role-play with children as to what they should do if a parent is suddenly sick or injured.
• Role-play with children on what to say when calling Emergency 9-1-1.

Kit for Children:
• Include a family picture and a favorite toy, game or book for each child in his/her Go-bag.
• Include your child’s emergency card and include information on reunification locations and out-of-area contact.
• Provide comfort food and treats for each child in your family disaster supplies kit.
• Keep a recent photo of your children in your Go-bag.

Seniors & Disabled
• Set up a Personal Support Network: Designate someone to check on you in an emergency and to help with evacuation or sheltering-in-place.
• Prepare and carry with you an emergency health information card: This will help you to communicate if you are found unconscious or incoherent. Include information about your medications, adaptive equipment, blood type, allergies and sensitivities, insurance numbers, immunization dates, communication difficulties and preferred treatment, as well as contact information for your health providers, personal support network and emergency contacts.
• Personal Care Assistance: If you receive assistance from a home healthcare agency or in-home support provider, find out how the provider will respond in an emergency.

Designate backup or alternative providers that you can contact in an emergency.
• For Persons Using a Wheelchair: Plan for how you will evacuate in an emergency and discuss it with your care providers. If you use a motorized wheelchair, have a manual wheelchair as a backup.

• For Persons who are Blind or Visually Impaired:  Keep an extra cane by your bed. Attach a whistle in case you need to attract attention. Exercise caution when moving, as paths may have become obstructed.
• For Persons who are Hearing Impaired: Keep extra batteries for your hearing aids with emergency supplies. Consider storing your hearing aids in a container attached to your nightstand or bedpost, so you can locate them quickly after a disaster.
• For persons with Communication Disabilities: Store paper, writing materials, copies of a word or letter board and preprinted key phrases in your emergency kit, your wallet, purse, etc.

Keep a collar, current license and up-to date ID tags on your pet at all times. Consider having your pet microchipped. Make sure your pet is comfortable being in a crate, box, cage, or carrier for transport. Keep an updated list of trusted neighbors who could assist your animals in case of an emergency.
Tighten and secure latches on birdcages. Fasten down aquariums on low stands or tables.
Make a Go-bag for each pet. For information on what to put in the Go-bag and how to prepare for evacuation of your pets, please visit

Other sources of information:
Animal Care and Control: Call 3-1-1
San Francisco Disaster Preparedness Coalition for Animals:   ((Site no longer available))

Miraloma Park Residential Design Guidelines

Adopted in 1999 by the SF Planning Commission to promote preservation of neighborhood character by encouraging residential design compatible with neighborhood setting, these Guidelines facilitate the complex process of permit application and design review and can prevent costly, time-consuming Discretionary Review proceedings.
The Guidelines are at