News & Events
Miraloma Life: April 2013
- MPIC All-Ages Neighborhood Networking Event Review and Summary
- Save the Date: Neighborhood Night Out, 5 pm, August 6, 2013
- From the President’s Corner
- Supervisor Scott Wiener’s CEQA Reform Proposals
- Diddling With San Francisco’s Environmental Review Laws: Supervisor Wiener’s Attempt to Gut CEQA Appeals
- Summary of MPIC Board Meeting on March 7, 2013
- A Terrific Performance of 42nd Street at Ruth Asawa SF School of the Arts—and Madwoman of Chaillot Still to Come
- Just One Tree
- How to be a Resonsible Neighbor
- NERT Notice (Renewing Your Certification)
- MPIC Clubhouse Cleanup
MPIC All-Ages Neighborhood Networking Event Review and Summary
by Kathy Rawlins
On March 9, the MPIC opened the Clubhouse to an event offering residents a multitude of resources, including many not commonly known. One participant, over 100 years old and a 67-year Miraloma Park resident, spoke for all in expressing delight at the resources available.
Jon Shepard of San Francisco SAFE and his staff provided a wealth of safety information. Bill Jeong, our Neighborhood Emergency Response Team (NERT) coordinator, along with NERT responder Randy Chang, staffed a table providing the latest information on local NERT training and the Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and Earthquake Preparedness training offered by the American Red Cross. MPIC President Robert Gee, did hands-on CPR and defibrillator demonstrations on dummies for
several interested persons. Officer Tony Larocca of SFPD’s Ingleside Station introduced himself as our designated parks officer, who also deals with homeless camps in the parks.
Several tables presented Senior Resource information. The first gentleman in the door, from Spokane, Washington, was in town to help his uncle, who had just had
a stroke. Among the resources he discovered was the Institute on Aging ( or 415-750-4136), represented by Rick Appleby. The IOA offers guidance and hands-on assistance to alleviate worries and support independent living of elders at home. They provide Home Care, including in-home caregivers, medication management, help with errands, and escorted travel, and help with money matters, including Court-Appointed Conservators. The IOA offers Adult Day Clubs for socializing, including transportation and meals, and a 24-hour ‘Friendship’ call line for many needs, such as ounseling and medication reminders (415-752-3778). They also provide Home Delivered Meals (415-750-4150 x 324) to those over age 60 who lack a support network, have no safe, healthy alternative for meals, and are also homebound by illness, incapacitating disability, or isolation. They will also provide this service for the spouse/domestic partner or caregiver.
Health care services for seniors were presented by On Lok Lifeways (, 1-888-886-6565), who offer a comprehensive health care plan ranging from in home support to Adult daycare to hospital and skilled nursing homes. The Jewish Home of SF (, 415-334-2500) also has health care services ranging from geriatric psychiatric hospital care to temporary senior living accommodations for rehabilitation.
San Francisco Rebuilding Together, an all-volunteer organization, distributed brochures on their efforts to help seniors and low-income residents be safe and warm at home. They provide and install appliances, such as grabbars for bathrooms and smoke alarms, free of charge, and offer free repair of necessary appliances such as heaters, furnaces and stoves, and other electrical repair. They are always looking for volunteers to help in these services. For more information contact or call 415-905-1611.
San Francisco Paratransit presented information on low cost transportation by reservation with a van or using taxi scripts. SF Access service costs a certified rider $2 per one-way trip. A Regional Transit Discount Card is available also. The office at 2630 Geary Boulevard can be reached at 415-923-6070 or at
The City and County of SF’s Department of Aging and Adult Services (email, phone 415-355-6700) assists older and disabled adults and their families to maximize self-sufficiency, safety, health and independence so they can live in the community for as long as possible and maintain the highest quality of life. This department is specifically charged with planning, coordinating and advocating for community-based services. They provide home-help workers to assist physically fragile adults with household chores like cleaning, laundry, shopping, cooking, or washing dishes. They also assist with personal grooming, provide transportation to and from medical or other appointments, and offer assistance to help veterans and their dependents obtain Veterans Affairs benefits and entitlements. Their resources are listed at The Department also helps fill out paperwork, applications, and forms and offers translation services, including English at 415-487-3370, Spanish at 415-487-3371, Russian at 415-487-3372, and Chinese 415-487-3373. There were also resources for home maintenance for those with low income or aged and disabled. Contact the Department of Aging and Adult Services to obtain a comprehensive publication which gives all their resources. The Independent Living Resource Center (email ,phone 415-355-6700) will help with housing options, dental/medical care, and home maintenance. A free tax service (, 415-555-5510) was also present at the event. Call for an appointment or walk in to their centers throughout the Bay area.
The Parenting Resources table was staffed by Carol Lei from Parents for Public Schools ( A variety of on-line parenting resources were also shared, including a parents’ network Yahoo group you can join by emailing Miraloma parents are also connecting on the site.
Save the Date: Neighborhood Night Out, 5 pm, August 6, 2013
by Joanne Whitney
Neighborhood Night Out is a community police-awareness festival held since 1984 on the first Tuesday of August throughout the United States and Canada. The goal is to increase knowledge about police programs, such as neighborhood watch, drug prevention, safety measures, police community advisory boards and other anti-crime efforts. Ingleside Police District serves Miraloma Park, and I represent our neighborhood on the Police Community Advisory Board (PCAB) for the district. The Miraloma Park Improvement Club has volunteered our Clubhouse and grounds for the 2013 celebration. SFSAFE (Safety Awareness for Everyone) will also participate in the event.
A sumptuous barbecue presided over by the officers of the Ingleside Station will be the centerpiece of the evening. Other entertainment will include information booths, games, party favors, pictures, and good comradeship. Expect to see how police motorcycles and members of the police equine unit. Horses, that is. Bring
your questions for the Police and the many safety organizations that will be there, and most importantly bring your appetite! The festivities will begin around 5 pm on Tuesday, August 6 at the MPIC Clubhouse. Stay tuned to this newsletter for more details.
From the President’s Corner
by Robert Gee
This month, I want to update you on the Teresita Traffic Project. In 2005, residents and the MPIC submitted a traffic-calming application for Teresita Blvd. to the SF Metropolitan Transportation Agency (SFMTA) in order to reduce speeds, improve pedestrian access, and improve appearance where possible. SFMTA granted the request and from 2005 to 2009 some of the planned changes were completed, including a raised island at the northern intersection of Marietta Drive to slow turns onto Marietta, a speed radar sign at this intersection to inform southbound drivers of their speeds, a speed hump at the 400 block of Teresita, channelizing
islands at Teresita and Bella Vista to tighten turns and reduce speeds with relocation of crosswalks for better visibility, and crosswalks at lower Foerster, Teresita, and elsewhere. Unfortunately, in the last 3 years there has been no action to finish the other planned improvements.
Teresita Blvd. is a main thoroughfare connecting Portola to Monterey Blvd. and the Highway 280 entry ramps. Cars are still speeding along Teresita at much faster than the posted 25 mph limit, and MTA has clocked speeds of more than 45 mph. Cars aren’t making complete stops at the stop signs, which also endangers pedestrians. The SFPD has long placed officers at the intersection of Teresita and Reposa and continues to ticket drivers doing rolling stops, but this is no substitute for completion of the traffic-calming project.
Supervisor Norman Yee’s stated first order of business in 2013 was to address pedestrian safety issues in District 7. He has scheduled a public hearing on pedestrian safety on April 4 at the Board of Supervisors’ Neighborhood Services and Safety Committee. Because the MPIC Board does not intend to let SFMTA drop the Teresita traffic-calming project midway, we will make a comment at this hearing and also submit a letter urging the supervisors and SFMTA to fully fund and complete the Teresita traffic project. We need to improve pedestrian safety in our neighborhood.
The MPIC has already asked Supervisor Yee for assistance in urging SFMTA to complete the Teresita trafficcalming plan, now almost 7 years old! At his urging,
SFMTA recently told us that they want to rethink some of the remaining proposals and would like to meet with the Miraloma Park community again to take a fresh look at Teresita Blvd., explore all of the possibilities currently available, and turn the next round of implementation around much faster than in the past. The MPIC Board is working on setting this meeting at the Clubhouse in the next few months. Supervisor Yee has asked the SFMTA to keep him up to date on the latest ideas on how to proceed with this project. The SFMTA has said they expect to finalize the scope, schedule, and budget soon and will contact the MPIC Board about meeting with residents. Stay tuned for more information, including future community meetings.
Supervisor Scott Wiener’s CEQA Reform Proposals
Based on Fact Sheets Provided by Supervisor Wiener
Editor’s Preface: The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requires state and local agencies to identify significant environmental impacts of their actions (such as large development, transportation, and infrastructure projects) and avoid or try to mitigate those impacts. CEQA’s creation followed passage of the first federal environmental protection statute in 1969 (the National Environmental Policy Act), after which the CA State Assembly created a legislative committee to study supplementing federal environmental protections through state law. In 1970, after the Environmental Bill of Rights issued by this committee called for such supplementation, the legislature approved and Governor Reagan signed the CEQA statute. Since then, CEQA has protected Californians from many undesirable environmental impacts, but citizen appeals under CEQA law have made some projects unfeasible and/or unaffordable and considerably delayed or modified others, a source of dismay to governmental and private civic planners and developers.
Many staunch supporters of CEQA’s current process see attempts to modify the statute and/or the process by which it is applied in SF as plays by development interests, such as transit-hub and bicycle-plan advocates, to smooth the way for a more dense and built-up city unfriendly to cars. Past articles in the Miraloma Life described the MPIC’s participation in a successful lawsuit claiming that the City’s CEQA-mandated assessment of the potential environmental impact of the Housing Element of the General Plan was flawed. The MPIC has not yet taken a position on Supervisor Wiener’s attempts to overhaul the CEQA appeals process (or Supervisor Kim’s; see below), but our Board has generally strongly supported rigorous enforcement of current CEQA statute and process. Consequently, the better to stimulate public awareness of conflicting views on these issues, I include both a summary of Supervisor Wiener’s proposal (below) and a following article in response to that effort written by former West of Twin Peaks Central Council President George Wooding. — Ed.
Supervisor Scott Wiener is sponsoring City legislation to create a statutory process for appeals to the Board of Supervisors under CEQA. Currently, he maintains, “no such statutory process exists in San Francisco for many projects, and as a result, our CEQA appeal process is opaque and unpredictable. The projects affected by this poor public process are not large developments, but rather smaller public and private projects such as transit, bike, and park improvements, affordable housing, and home improvements like remodels and window installations.”
The proposed legislation, Supervisor Wiener maintains, will address a lack of predictability in the current CEQA appeal process that impedes transparency and public participation. He intends to create “a more open process to resolve CEQA disputes, one that is accessible to average citizens and not just those skilled in supporting/opposing projects…by creating clear appeal deadlines, improving notice to the public of CEQA determinations, and clarifying appeal procedures.” The Supervisor feels that SF’s current CEQA appeal process “is so confusing that it usually requires hiring a land-use attorney to understand even the most basic procedure: the deadline for filing an appeal. Even staff in the Planning Department and at the Board of Supervisors—the entities that process, issue and make determinations on CEQA appeals— cannot give clear answers as to whether a CEQA appeal is timely. Rather, every single CEQA appeal, when it arrives at the Board of Supervisors, must be referred to the City Attorney’s Office to determine if the appeal is timely and thus properly before the Board of Supervisors. This is bad policy—frankly, bad government—that results in uncertainty and waste and makes it very difficult for the average citizen to fully understand and participate in the process.
“We need definitive and clear rules—with robust public notice for proposed projects—as part of a process in which everyone, whether proposing or opposing a project and with or without an attorney, knows the rules going in and can act accordingly. The legislation achieves this goal by establishing clear time frames for filing appeals, enhancing noticing to the public, and requiring that CEQA appeals be considered simultaneously with underlying project approvals instead of in separate, duplicative proceedings.
“Contrary to opponents’ claims, the legislation does not affect Environmental Impact Reports(EIRs), typically required for large projects, and does not amend CEQA itself, since only the State Legislature can do that. The legislation has gone through a robust public process, including three large roundtable discussions with neighborhood and environmental organizations, resulting in 34 amendments, and will have had six public hearings at the Planning Commission, Historic Preservation Commission, and the Board’s Land Use & Economic Development Committee by the time it reaches the Board of Supervisors. The legislation is supported by various good government, neighborhood, transit, park, affordable housing, and other organizations.”
Supervisor Jane Kim has proposed different CEQA reform legislation designed to address concerns about “gutting CEQA protections” raised by Mr. Wiener’s proposals. Supervisor Wiener says in a Fact Sheet that Ms. Kim’s alternative legislation, in contrast to his, was not drafted or “approved as to form” by the City attorney, nor was the Planning Department involved in its development. He claims that the Kim plan, rather than streamlining the CEQA process, would worsen it, making it “longer, more expensive, more cumbersome, more bureaucratic, and less predictable.” Disadvantages of the Kim legislation, he maintains, would include:
• “Over-the-counter permits would no longer be an option for buildings 50 years or older, more than ¾ of buildings in San Francisco”
• “Dramatically increased time and cost associated with even small park and open-space projects”
• A requirement that “every negative declaration for a park, open space, or building greater than 50 years old be considered by both the Historic Preservation
Commission and the Planning Commission” (currently only the latter need be involved)
• A requirement that an EIR must be ordered by the Planning Commission if it finds a negative declaration (statement of no significant environmental impact)
inadequate (currently the Commission has discretion to order a revised negative declaration rather than the more lengthy and costly EIR)
• Required appeal of a CEQA document each time a discretionary permit is issued for a project (currently only one appeal on the document is allowed), allowing
multiple appeal hearings at the Board of Supervisors for a single project
• Highly inefficient micromanagement of project administration within the Planning Department, requiring approval of even minor changes by both the Planning Commission and the Historic Preservation Commission
• A requirement that the Planning Dept. send hard copy rather than electronic versions of all notices
• Prohibiting the Planning Department from delegating even minor CEQA exemption determinations to other City departments, vastly increasing the Department’s
Diddling With San Francisco’s Environmental Review Laws: Supervisor Wiener’s Attempt to Gut CEQA Appeals
by George Wooding
So far City Supervisor Scott Wiener, who represents District 8, has failed to demonstrate that his newly-proposed amendments to San Francisco’s environmental appeal laws are necessary. That’s not stopping him, as he continues tinkering with San Francisco’s open government laws.
Wiener’s legislative changes are primarily designed to reduce the amount of time citizens have to review and appeal environmental impacts of proposed development projects. He seeks to restrict appeals regarding projects to a short time period, so that government and project developers can then go behind closed doors to modify projects without further citizen oversight.
As federal Judge Damon J. Keith wrote in a unanimous opinion for the Federal Court of Appeals of the Sixth Circuit concerning the Detroit Free Press v. Ashcroft
case, “Democracy dies behind closed doors.” Judge Keith concluded that “When government begins closing doors, it selectively controls information rightfully belonging to the people. Selective information is misinformation.”
Keith also noted that the framers of the First Amendment “did not trust any government to separate the true from the false for us,” in their efforts to protect the people against secret government. “The public’s interests are best served by open proceedings,” Keith wrote.
Wiener, on the other hand, appears to be seeking to expand secret government by limiting environmental appeals. Wiener’s proposal seeks to prevent government officials from having to answer citizen’s questions, worsening the excessive secrecy that already undermines San Francisco’s local government. Wiener’s proposal would slam the door shut, locking out many citizens.
On November 29, 2012 Bill Wycko, an Environmental Review Officer (ERO) in San Francisco’s Planning Department wrote: “An important consideration beyond the amount of time that appeals add to different types of projects is the monetary and time cost of appeals.”
The Planning Department receives approximately 90% of its operating income from developer’s fees. The uncertainty of the public environmental appeals process is
considered to be “bothersome,” as appeals cost the Planning Planning Department time, and money. How much money is involved is rarely discussed, but it is thought to be a fraction of the total.
The Planning Department is already brimming with excess cash. According to Keith DeMartini, the department’s financial manager, “We’re projecting better than
a $6 million surplus by the end of the fiscal year. We’ve seen more volume of development and more large projects.”
In a “Build, baby, build!” city like San Francisco, citizen appeals are considered to be a monkey wrench in the machinery of development. Developers contribute money to politicians, who in turn help developers build projects. This time-honored “you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours” process tries hard to restrict citizen involvement to the barest possible minimum.
Wiener’s attempt to “streamline” the public environmental appeal process looks more like an attempt to “steamroll” a favorable path for developers through SF’s Planning Department.
His proposed legislation would allow a Planning Department ERO, such as Bill Wycko, to “exempt” an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for a project at his discretion. The Planning Department would then automatically approve the ERO’s exemption. This subversion of open government would make it easier for the Planning Department to approve projects that might require an EIR or avoid doing an EIR altogether. Citizens would be the losers in this process, as they would never even find out that an EIR project had been exempted.
Summary of MPIC Board Meeting on March 7, 2013
by Dan Liberthson and Carl Schick
Presentation: JustOneTree talked about their campaign to promote fruit tree plantings in SF for better sustainability and self-sufficiency (see article in this issue).
On-Line Vote: 12/14—Allow the Girl Scouts to sell cookies at the MPIC 3/9 event (approved).
Treasurer’s Report (T Sauvain): MPIC net worth is $27,927 (+$95 since Dec.) with a reserve of $18,000). In Jan., rental income was $3085, Miraloma Life advertising income $225, and membership income $1188. We had only one single-event rental in February, but still had robust income from the recurring renters.
Committees: Traffic and Transportation (K Breslin)—K Breslin reported that sometime this spring Supervisor Yee will arrange for the SF Municipal Transportation
Agency (SFMTA) to meet with the Board to talk about traffic neighborhood safety issues. R Gee will attend Supervisor Yee’s pedestrian safety hearing on Apr. 4
at City Hall at 10 am and comment regarding need to advance the Teresita traffic calming project. D Homsey also suggested the Club send a letter in advance to Ed
Riskin, SFMTA head. Safety—Run-down houses in our neighborhood are a safety as well as an esthetic concern. D Homsey announced an action plan to revitalize
the Neighborhood Emergency Response Team (NERT) by holding an informative social event and organizing a family preparedness workshop event. Membership (R
Gee)— As of 2/28, we have 536 members, up 6 from last month, including 4 new members and 67 renewals (4 at the $50 contributing level and 1 contributing $200).
Events (S Chu)—See article in this issue. Clubhouse Maintenance (C Mettling-Davis)—K Rawlins is arranging site visits for potential contractors to redo the floor. D Liberthson reported that the new gardener is doing a good job. Dan will continue filling in the cracks in the parking lot with asphalt patch over time. R Gee sent a comprehensive operating proposal to the Committee to consider. New Committee Chair still needed. Zoning and Planning (C Mettling-Davis)—Pre-application meeting on 3/19 for a project at 331 Teresita to add a story to the split level house and a front addition to the garage. Permit for 555 Rockdale project filed.
Community Organizations: West of Twin Peaks Central Council (WOTPCC, K Breslin)—First meeting at our Clubhouse while theirs is renovated was Feb. 25. In appreciation of using the Clubhouse WOTPCC has waived MPIC dues this year. Supervisor Mark Farrell plans legislation to pre-fund the 4.4 billion unfunded liability for public employee’s long term health care and legislation to streamline the Tennants-in-Common to Condo conversion process. SF has a $180-million deficit. La Boulange reps spoke about their plan to lease the West Portal space occupied by St. Francis Market. Most seemed to feel it would be a good addition to the neighborhood. Sally Stephens reported on the DEIR for UCSF’s tree-removal plan on Mt. Sutro. Coalition for SF Neighborhoods (CSFN, Feb 19, K Breslin)—Lee Hsu spoke about the Nextdoor Network Plan. Supervisor Peskin spoke about the proposition for the November ballot to oppose the proposed 136-ft development at 8 Washington St; motion to oppose introduced for vote in Mar. Also plans for 359-ft high-rise condo at Embarcadero and Howard and 165-ft Warriors stadium at Pier 30-32. Concern these developments will wall off our spectacular waterfront. Suggestion to work on a general plan for the waterfront instead of fighting individual projects. Ingleside Community Police Board (ICPAB, J Whitney)—Neighborhood Night Out Miraloma Park will be held on August 13, 2013 (see article in this issue). Community CEQA Improvement Team (K Breslin)—This group, opposing Supervisor Wiener’s legislation to amend CEQA (see article in this issue), requested he conduct additional public outreach and stakeholder involvement. Next Commission hearing is Mar. 14. J Breslin encouraged submission of comments regarding problems with the legislation.
New Business: Discussed MPIC facilitation of Miraloma playground renovation group’s efforts (playground received a D rating from SF Playground Association).
A Terrific Performance of 42nd Street at Ruth Asawa SF School of the Arts—and Madwoman of Chaillot Still to Come
by Dan Liberthson
The talent of Ruth Asawa SF School of the Arts students and the extraordinary production values of their performances were once again on display in the March presentations of the musical 42nd Street. Set designs and direction were as good as any I’ve seen in downtown theaters, and choreography for the dance numbers was precise and expressive. The familiar tunes, performed with verve and spirit by the young singer-actors, were as relevant to capturing the trials and travails of mounting a Broadway production now as they were during the Great Depression setting. “You’re Getting to be a Habit With Me,” “I Only Have Eyes for You,” “We’re in the Money,” “Shuffle off to Buffalo,” and the other old favorites shone in the light of bravura performances. It was a magical experience to be in the audience for this Broadway show happening right on Miraloma Park’s doorstep, at prices affordable even for the financially challenged.
If you missed it, don’t despair: the good news is that another full production, Madwoman of Chaillot, is on its way. In this story of the triumph of good over evil (not likely, you might scoff, but it is theater, not life, after all), an eccentric Parisian woman recruits fellow outcasts to put on trial corrupt corporate types, “wreckers of the world’s joy.” Don’t miss! Performances on 4/19 (4:30 pm), 4/20 (2 and 7:30 pm), 4/26 (4:30 and 7:30 pm), 4/27 (2 and 7:30 pm). Go to and get your tickets!
Just One Tree
If you’ve already got spring fever…Grow lemons! That’s the idea behind JustOneTree (JOT), a program of the San Francisco-based nonprofit Urban Resource
Systems. With a goal of fostering community resilience through fruit tree production, JOT is partnering with neighborhood associations, nonprofits and City agencies to achieve sustainability in lemon production. Myer lemons, especially in dwarf or semi-dwarf size, are an ideal crop to illustrate the possibility of greater fruit production in dense cities such as San Francisco. Citrus trees are evergreen, comprise a key ingredient in the diet of many cultures, and can produce up to 200 pounds of fruit per year. They can also be grown indoors in a sunny window, allowing everyone to participate in the sustainability effort for San Francisco.
JOT is presently gathering data on San Francisco’s existing lemon trees. With a self-sufficiency need estimated at about 12,000 trees, establishing a baseline of the number and location of lemon trees is crucial for targeting specific neighborhoods to plant more trees and to assist those who want to share extra lemons. JOT relies on “Lemon Ambassadors” and neighborhood associations to catalog lemon trees in the JOT registry. This tool tracks the number and location of lemon trees in the city so that JOT can target specific neighborhoods for future tree planting efforts.
Please help JustOneTree by registering your lemon tree,planting a new tree, and encouraging neighbors and friends to be a part of the movement. Visit for registration and more information, or contact Isabel Wade, JOT, 415-601-6992.
How to be a Resonsible Neighbor*
Curb your dogs and dispose of dog waste by bagging it and placing it in a public garbage can or your own (not someone else’s). Do not simply bag the waste and leave it on the street or trail, so it sits there forever or until someone else has to pick it up and deposit it in the garbage for you. This bad habit is being practiced by more and more lazy or selfish people, who seem to assume that City employees are available to do the job. They aren’t. They won’t. Your neighbors have to do it.
If you have household junk to get rid of, take it to the dump, put it in the garbage, or pay a disposal company to take it away. Don’t deposit it on the street or next to a City trash can.
If you see trash or junk dumped on the street, don’t ignore it. Do yourself and your neighbors a favor: phone the Department of Public Works (DPW) at 3-1-1, describe it to them, and ask them to remove it. Trash or junk on the street attracts more, and more trash and junk lowers quality of life and property values for us all.
What if you find just one or two pieces of trash on the street after a windy garbage night, or some inconsiderate bozo has left behind his or her drink or food container, as so often happens? Here’s a suggestion that will improve your physical fitness as well as our neighborhood. Pick up the discarded item, and carry it to a trash can. Bringing a small plastic disposal bag for this purpose is a good idea. What if we all did this?
If you are drinking or eating on the street, don’t leave your empty containers behind for someone else to pick up. Keep Miraloma Park and our City clean by disposing your trash properly. If you can carry it to the bus stop you can surely carry it away.
*These suggestions were contributed by Miraloma Park residents. We welcome additional submissions from readers for this ongoing column.
NERT Notice (Renewing Your Certification)
by Bill Jeong, Miraloma Park NERT Coordinator (email
NERT certification expires 2 years from date of training. Renew your NERT certificate at any NERT training location by attending classes 5 (NERT response) and 6
(hands-on session with review of take-home exam). In the 2-day intensive class, class 5 begins by 11 am on day 2.
To find the location and date of the required sessions, check the schedule below, register on-line as indicated for a session that has RECERT spaces available, and sign up for a RECERT ticket for the class (if the class is full you may add your name to the wait-list). The ID machine was updated in 2007. If you have a white ID card, you will need to take a new photo during the class 5. Please indicate this in your registration email.
If you don’t see a class that fits your schedule, please periodically check “Training Schedule & Registration” in the NERT website ( The schedule is updated whenever a new class is confirmed. The schedule for April-June follows.
Duboce Ave @ Castro St., Davies Hospital N. Tower, Auditorium, Thurs. 6:30-9:30 pm: Class 5, 4/18; Class 6, 4/25. Register at:
Forest Hill Christian Church, 250 Laguna Honda Blvd., Tues. 6:30-9:30 pm: Class 5, 4/30; Class 6, 5/7. Register at:
90 – 7th Street @ Market, Federal Building. Mon. 9 am to 4 pm: Class 5 & 6, 4/29. Register at:
1563 Page Street @ Masonic, The Urban School of SF, Thurs. 6:30-9:30 pm: Class 5, 6/6; Class 6, 6/13. Register at:
MPIC Clubhouse Cleanup
All residents are invited to help with a general cleaning of cupbards and closets at the Clubhouse on Sat., Apr.13 from 10 am to 2 pm. Snacks provided. Questions: 281-0892 or