News & Events
Miraloma Life: October 2014
- Are You Ready for the Next Disaster?
- Resilient Miraloma Park
- MPIC Senior Resources Fair
- An MPIC Communication to Our City Government
- Summary of MPIC Board Meeting of September 4, 2014
- From the MPIC Safety Committee: Safety During a Heat Wave
- Do You Know Your Neighbor?
- What’s Growing in Our Backyards?
- A Woman’s Eye (AWE) Gallery
Are You Ready for the Next Disaster?
by Kathy Rawlins, MPIC Director
In the past few weeks the Bay Area has been reminded of the possibility of a disaster situation. Napa and Vallejo experienced quite a jolt, with damage to buildings and injury to and displacement of persons. Ever since Hurricane Katrina US citizens have become more aware of the need for personal preparedness, since it is clear the many public agencies will be ill-equipped to assist the multitudes in need. After the 1989 Bay Area quake there were 2000 calls to 9-1-1 in the first few hours. San Francisco has only 46 ambulances and 23 fire engines. I personally worked on ambulances for 5 years and with the Red Cross Disaster Action Team (DAT), including setting up seven emergency shelters. I saw how stretched local agencies can become from just a fire involving one apartment building. A city-wide disaster will quickly deplete what assistance there is. My time working with the Red Cross gave me a front seat to how people can be affected by a disaster. As a nurse I helped those who had lost their medications or eye glasses get replacements. This was not easy, but thanks to 24-hour pharmacies I was able to get it done in a timely manner. In a city-wide disaster, when many pharmacies will be closed or limited as to what is on the shelves, this alternative will not be available. We will all have to rely on supplies we have prepared in advance.
The Bay Area holds two disaster drills each year. The next drill will be in October, the anniversary of the 1989 quake, which occurred during the third game of the World Series and was the incentive for the formation of Neighborhood Emergency Response Teams (NERT). In Miraloma Park over 200 residents were trained to be NERTs in the first few years. As a Neighborhood NERT Coordinator, I helped with several drills held at one of the Staging sites for those responding to a neighborhood disaster, the Miraloma Playground at Sequoia and Omar. We had tremendous participation, with over 80 residents attending, including adults and children. In the drills, participants played the role of victims who had to be rescued and there were ham radio operators who communicated with the City Incident Command Center. The event was televised, with SF Mayor Frank Jordan and his assistants participating. We held a celebration barbeque afterward. Unfortunately as the years passed many of us became complacent and stopped attending the annual City Wide Drills. The neighborhood caches were abandoned as we lost the motivation to remain on alert.
NERT certification requires re-certification every 2 years. So this year back I went to the training and now have a green helmet to add to my collection. I am looking over my home emergency “Go Bag” as well as the one in my car, to update the contents. I know since 1989 my tastes have changed for what I might want to eat when restaurants are closed and supermarkets are low on stock. I also know that making a meal without gas, electricity, or running water will be a challenge. It won’t be 3 days but more like a week or more before supplies are back on shelves. It is a good idea to keep that last pair of glasses in case your present pair is damaged or lost in a disaster. If you have a chronic medical condition, ask your physician to order a 2 week “emergency supply” of medications in order not to run out. Many healthcare plans only allow medications to be ordered on a set schedule, but this “work-around” will ensure that you are well supplied. Remember to set-up in advance a contact person out of California, because long distance calls will be working long after local calls fail. Also, food and medication for pets will probably be in short supply, if available at all, for at least 2 weeks. Fortunately most temporary shelters will be taking pets, since many people have been reluctant to leave their heavily damaged homes without their pets. Carriers and leashes are supposed to be available at the shelters, but again supplies will be limited. If you have an extra leash it would be good to add that to your “Go Bag.”
Visit to view a list of SFFD NERT classes and their dates, times, and locations. Since the Napa/Sonoma quake interest in these classes has increased so much that they are now being offered in segments of two classes per day, so you can complete them faster than ever. If you miss a class you will have 6 months to make it up; just let the coordinator know when you will attend so you can get your ID and equipment.
The SF Police Department (SFPD) runs a program called Auxiliary Law Enforcement Response Team (A.L.E.R.T.) comprising volunteers who support the SFPD in the aftermath of disaster, including traffic control, safety patrols with officers, securing property and resources, well-being and welfare safety checks, administrative support at police stations, reunification assistance at shelters and schools, supporting other disaster relief agencies, and more. For information, visit, email, or phone 401-4615.
The Resilient Miraloma Park group is working on community disaster logistics, but all of us individually should take personal responsibility and do what we can to ensure our own care and safety. So please get your water, food, medication, first aid kits, eye glasses, and pet supplies ready. Make sure all large pieces of furniture in your home are secured to walls and nothing over the bed can come loose and fall on you. Hang a wrench close to the gas shut-off valve so if you smell gas you can quickly make the quarter-turn of the valve that will shut off the gas and save your house from fire—the main cause of damage after a quake. Find out where the main water shut-off valve to your house is so you can turn it off and stop flooding and water loss if pipes break. Have a flashlight and shoes ready at your bedside for a quick escape if necessary.
Before the next “big one” hits closer to home, be prepared to duck under a secure area (e.g., a heavy table), hold on until the shaking stops, and let an out-of-state relative or friend know you are OK. Once your family is safe, if you are trained you can assist others in the neighborhood. Knowing how our weather can change minute by minute, let’s be prepared for heat, cold, dampness, and fog. Individual forethought, preparation, and training (such as NERT classes), will help make us resourceful, strong, and resilient as a community when (not if) disaster strikes.
Resilient Miraloma Park
by Robert Gee, MPIC President
On behalf of the Miraloma Park Improvement Club and our Resilient Miraloma Park program partners, I’d like to extend a big “thank you” to everyone who made it to our August 20 meeting regarding earthquakes. It was our most successful meeting yet, with 90 neighbors working side by side inventorying the pportunities we have to be more resilient when the next “big one” hits.
Our guest presenters, The City’s Chief Resilience Officer, Patrick Otellini; Lieutenant Erica Arteseros of the SF Fire Department; and firefighters from our own Station 39, were all very impressed by the record turnout and the commitment the participants showed to caring for their neighbors. Many participants who arrived knowing few other attendees left with a new set of friends and acquaintances. As a result, they are more empowered and Miraloma Park will be more resilient.
We hope those neighbors who haven’t made it to one of our meetings yet will attend one before the end of the year. Stay tuned for upcoming invites. For more about the Resilient Miraloma Park initiative, please visit our website at
MPIC Senior Resources Fair
by Kathy Rawlins, MPIC Director
The Senior Resources Fair rewarded both the attendees and those presenting information. The many agencies participating connected with over 50 residents who filled the MPIC Clubhouse on Friday, September 19. Most attendees were from Miraloma Park but some from out of the area had heard about the event on the Nextdoor Miraloma website and from the many posters around the area.
SF Assessor-Recorder Carmen Chu and her staff presented information on tax exemptions for seniors who will their property to their children or grandchildren. Homeowners are also granted an exemption: if you own and occupy property as your primary residence you get $7000 off the assessed value for property tax (applicable to one piece of property only). Ms Chu offered to do an evening presentation to the MPIC residents if there is an interest. For more information, phone 554-4579.
The Institute on Aging (IOA), also present, provides home care services including case management to personalize home care, communicating with family and health care givers. They also can help with money management, including conservatorships. Their Adult Day Clubs provide social and recreational activities, meals, and transportation. Their Friendship Line is available 24 hours a day to assist and check in with home-bound seniors. The IOA also has a home delivered meal program for disabled younger adults aged 18-59 (phone 750-8795). For general information, visit or phone 750-4111.
The University of California at SF (UCSF) School of Nursing provided information on the LEAF study of caregivers of persons with dementia. The study involves one-to-one meetings to assist caregivers and computer video conferencing via a tablet computer provided. For more information or to sign up visit or phone 514-2935.
SF’s Department of Aging and Adult Services described their programs, which include Adult Protective Services, In-Home Supportive Services, Home Delivered Meals (355-6700), a Community Living Fund, a Transitional Care Program, and the SF Connected Program. The SF Connected Program (355-3555 ) provides computers in six different languages to senior centers and arranges supportive housing in SF. The computers have special software that makes them especially accessible to people with a range of disabilities. Many of these programs are funded by the City and County of SF and are free to participants. The Department also has an Options Counselor to assist disabled persons in remaining independent. The Integrated Intake Unit of the Department has a website at ((Site no longer available)) ; email at or by phone at 355-6700.
The Cornerstone Trinity Baptist Church Community Volunteers group offers clean-up services to Miraloma Park residents. On November 22, they will sweep front sidewalks, mow lawns, and do weeding. To sign up for these services, phone 566-5756.
An MPIC Communication to Our City Government
On Sept 9, the MPIC submitted a letter to Supervisors Cohen, Kim, and Wiener, who comprise the SF Board of Supervisors Land Use and Economic Development Committee, commenting on their forthcoming consideration of the AirBnb legalization measure promoted by Supervisor Chiu. This letter follows.
Dear Supervisors:
The Miraloma Park Improvement Club (MPIC), which numbers 500 members and represents about 2200 homes in a single-family (all RH-1-zoned) neighborhood, asks you not to refer to the full Board of Supervisors the legislation proposed by Supervisor Chiu regarding AirBnbtype, short-term rentals in San Francisco. Mr. Chiu’s legislation is tantamount to rezoning all of San Francisco as commercial with little regulation or oversight. Such a monumental land-use change, which would render the single-family zoning designation meaningless, should not be undertaken by legislative fiat and without broad and compelling public agreement, particularly since Mr. Chiu has refused to implement several modifications to his proposal recommended by the Planning Commission.
You may have heard from some people stating that online short-term rentals enable them to keep desired homes in SF they otherwise could not afford. But other home-owners in single-family-zoned neighborhoods also have desires and quality-of-life needs, and should retain rights they have been promised. The MPIC has heard complaints from home-owners near houses rented out by AirBnb members, including excessive noise and vehicular use. When these complainants purchased their Miraloma Park homes, they were assured of RH-1 zoning that, if enforced, would prevent such problems by excluding short-term rentals. To abolish this zoning on behalf of a few residents at the expense of many others would be neither fair nor reasonable.
If Mr. Chiu’s legislation is approved, inevitably many single rented units (legal and illegal) in R-1 and R-2 districts, as well as entire buildings with multiple apartments, would become dedicated to short-term rentals and thus removed from long-term rental availability. This able long-term housing in SF, driving up already exorbitant housing costs up for both renters and new owners. The short- to mid-term result would be further depletion of SF’s single-family and multiple-family homes, increased exodus and exclusion of families and long-term renters, and the consequent need for massive and unzoned new-housing construction. This would degrade SF’s visual character, livability, and viability as an attractive choice for residence and tourism, likely consequences that should be assessed by an EIR under CEQA. The proposed legislation would primarily benefit profiteers and developers, to the ultimate detriment of home-owners and renters who claim they could not afford to reside in SF unless permitted to rent out their units short-term.
We further oppose Supervisor Chiu’s legislation because it redefines commercial use of a home (rental as a hotel or B&B) as a “residential use” across the entire city, negating CC&Rs and zoning laws that currently forbid commercial use of homes. Neighborhoods should be considered individually for this commercial use. What may be right for SOMA or North Beach may be wrong for Miraloma Park. If the City is to be rezoned to allow short-term rentals, it should be done by zone or Supervisorial District, given the unique needs of SF’s residential neighborhoods. And surely radical changes to zoning should mandate full environmental evaluation as well as public participation and power of decision, not just approval by a majority of supervisors.
Robert Gee, MPIC President
Summary of MPIC Board Meeting of September 4, 2014”
by Dan Liberthson and Carl Schick, MPIC Directors
Treasurer’s Report (T Sauvain): The MPIC’s net worth in August was $25,086, up $1725 from July. August rental activity decreased a bit as is normal this time of year: $3775 in August vs $3975 in July. We received $875 in membership dues in August, and expenses out of the ordinary included $804 for the Resiliency events, $108 for Clubhouse furnace inspection, and $32 for Clubhouse supplies. The reserve total is $14,448.
Committees: Membership (B Kan)—The MPIC had 520 members as of Aug 31 (up from 503 members as of July 31), including 4 new members, 21 renewals, and 5 upgrades. One new household joined at the $100 level. Membership breakdown was: families, 47%; seniors, 29%; singles, 9%; supporting, 8%; and contributing, 8%.
Clubhouse Maintenance (K Rawlins)—A eucalyptus limb overhanging the parking lot needs removal, which after numerous inquiries has been promised by DPW at the behest of PUC. Inspection of the original 1937 floor furnace during cleaning showed a large crack along the exhaust pipe. The furnace must be replaced and bids were presented. K Rawlins moved to accept the bid from Apollo Heating and Ventilation at $6553 to install a one stage, variable-speed, forced-air furnace (passed).
Planning (K Breslin, T Armour)—T Armour attended a planning meeting for a renovation project on Myra Way. The ZAP committee is now receiving pre-application notices for projects in the neighborhood and has made good connections with the SF Planning Dept. If you see a home expansion in progress with no visible notification or permit, please notify the ZAP committee. On Sept 15, the SF Board of Supervisors Land Use Committee will hold a hearing on the Air BNB legislation. D Liberthson will send a letter to the committee stating the Board’s opposition to the legislation (see letter in this newsletter issue).
Resilience (R Gee, D Homsey)—D Homsey distributed a program guide that explains what the Resiliency Project is about. The August community meeting was attended by 90 people. The goal is to create a working group to implement the resiliency plan in the neighborhood. R Gee moved to allocate expenditures up to $2900 for nine Resilient Miraloma Park (RMP) meetings: (1) for each of the Oct 1 and Nov 5 Community Meetings at Cornerstone Trinity Baptist Church, $200 rent, $150 insurance and up to $400 for food/refreshments; (2) for the initial RMP Working Group Meeting at the MPIC Clubhouse tentatively scheduled for Oct 30, up to $200 for food and refreshments; (3) for six future RMP working group meetings expected to occur on a monthly basis in 2015 at the Clubhouse, up to $200 for food and refreshments per meeting. K Rawlins moved to amend to the motion to remove “funding food” (failed). S Kirkham moved an amendment asking the church to waive the rental fee for the remaining two Community meetings this year (passed).
Events (R Gee)—A senior resources fair organized by K Rawlins will be held from 3-6 pm on Friday, Sept 19 at the Clubhouse. C Schick volunteered to coordinate the annual Holiday Potluck scheduled for Sunday, Dec 7 and K Wood volunteered to recruit volunteers.
Safety (Committee)—See article in this issue re safety during a heat wave.
Community Organizations: Coalition for SF Neighborhoods (K Breslin)—The following actions were taken re November ballot: Prop A, 2014 Transportation & Road Improvement Bond, opposed; Prop G, Anti-speculation surtax, no position; Prop I, Proposed Park Code Amendment, opposed; Prop B, Population Based Adjustment to General Fund Appropriation to Transportation Fund, opposed; Prop C, Children’s Fund, no position; Prop E, Soda Tax, no position. Resolution passed to maintain the façade and not cut trees in front of the historical building at 110 Embarcadero (the Commonwealth Club recently bought the building and plans to change the façade and cut down the trees).
Old Business: On Sept 13 R Gee will host a meeting for parents who want to be part of a playground committee to revamp the Miraloma School playground.
From the MPIC Safety Committee: Safety During a Heat Wave
The July 23 Resilient Miraloma Park Community Meeting focused on preventing health problems resulting from heat events. The SF Department of Public Health (DPH) anticipates increased problems of this kind due to the effects of climate change in an urban environment characterized by a high density of built and paved areas. The DPH also warns that people living and working in areas with cooler temperatures are likely to be more vulnerable to the effects of moderate heat events—temperatures in the 80s—because they are unaccustomed to such heat and require adaptation, which takes time.
Courtesy of the DPH and the Federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Miraloma Life will present, in serial form, suggestions for preventing heat-related health problems, not only for ourselves, but also—importantly—for our most vulnerable neighbors. Heat related deaths and illness are preventable, yet from 1979 to 2003 excessive heat exposure caused 8,015 deaths in the United States. During this period, more people in this country died from extreme heat than from hurricanes, lightning, tornadoes, floods, and earthquakes combined. In 2001 alone, 300 deaths were caused by excessive heat exposure.
What Is Extreme Heat? Conditions of extreme heat are defined as temperatures that are substantially hotter and/ or more humid than average for a location at a given time of year. Humid or muggy conditions, which add to the discomfort of high temperatures, occur when a “dome” of high atmospheric pressure traps hazy, damp air near the ground. Droughts occur when a long period passes without substantial rainfall. A heat wave combined with a drought is a very dangerous situation.
The best defense against heat is prevention. Here are some prevention tips:
- Drink more fluids (nonalcoholic), regardless of your activity level. Don’t wait until you’re thirsty to drink. Warning: If your doctor generally limits the amount of fluid you drink or has you on water pills, ask him how much you should drink while the weather is hot.
- Don’t drink liquids that contain alcohol or large amounts of sugar–these actually cause you to lose more body fluid. Also, avoid very cold drinks, because they can cause stomach cramps.
- Stay indoors and, if at all possible, stay in an air-conditioned place. If your home does not have air conditioning, go to the shopping mall or public library–even a few hours spent in air conditioning can help your body stay cooler when you go back into the heat. Call your local health department to see if there are any heat-relief shelters in your area.
- Electric fans may provide comfort, but when the temperature is in the high 90s, fans will not prevent heat-related illness. Taking a cool shower or bath, or moving to an air-conditioned place is a much better way to cool off.
- Wear lightweight, light-colored, loose-fitting clothing.
- NEVER leave anyone in a closed, parked vehicle. [Animals included.]
- Although any one at any time can suffer from heat-related illness, some people are at greater risk than others. Check regularly on: infants and young children, people 65 years of age or older, and people who are mentally or physically ill—especially those with heart disease or high blood pressure.
- Visit adults at risk at least twice a day and closely watch them for signs of heat exhaustion or heat stroke. Infants and young children, of course, need much more frequent watching.
Important: Get to know elderly and/or disabled neighbors and arrange to check on them during a heat event. What is their preferred means of support in case your phone call or doorbell ring doesn’t elicit a response: phoning a relative or caregiver, or using a key provided by the neighbor to enter the home? Some of us have had experiences in which an elderly relative or neighbor has perished or has been permanently disabled because of a heat wave. We need to check on these folks, and to do so we need to make prior arrangements with them.
Do You Know Your Neighbor?
by Joanie van Rijn, Neighborhood Watch Captain and Los Palmos Garden Volunteer
What would you do if you locked yourself out of the house? Who could you borrow a cup of sugar from? Do your neighbors know the name of your pet? Is there a case of a natural disaster?
A neighborhood can be described as a geographical location on a map, but more meaningfully it can be said to be a small group of homes that have a friendly relationship that can contribute to resilience in the event of disaster. One neighborhood in Miraloma Park is Los Palmos-Foerster, which includes about 50 homes.
Some of these homes participate in our Neighborhood Watch Group, which has developed a map and database including names, phone numbers, email addresses, and even pet names. We use this so we can help each other if needed. The Watch Group was formed in cooperation with San Francisco SAFE. If you are interested in forming a Neighborhood Watch Group, please contact 673-SAFE.
On Los Palmos, between Foerster and Teresita, there is a community garden. This garden is maintained by volunteers and funded by donations from the neighborhood. The Los Palmos Community Garden has a newsletter and hosts two garden work parties a year to keep the garden maintained and planted. The main stairway going down to the lower garden has been rebuilt with funding by neighbors’ generous donations. There is an annual Halloween Party in the garden, attended last year by over 60 neighbors. This summer following the garden work party there was a BBQ. New neighbors attended and a home brew master treated us to his newest creations.
Everyone living in the neighborhood understands the value in knowing one another. Some of us have each other’s house keys, in case we get locked out. We watch each other’s houses when we go on vacation. We call when we see a pet wandering the neighborhood unaccompanied. If there were to be a natural disaster, we have made the social investments and developed communication channels. We have a strong community, keep our neighbors informed, and can deliver information by going door-to-door if we lose electrical power.
Each of us should be individually prepared for potential disasters. We need to have our earthquake supplies ready and be self-sufficient for 72 hours, have a good working flashlight, and most importantly, know our neighbors so we can join together to survive and recover in the event of a crisis. A good source for emergency preparedness information is
Who is your neighbor? Go next door and introduce yourself—it’s not difficult. If everyone in Miraloma Park did this, we would all be connected, and that much more resilient in the face of emergencies.
What’s Growing in Our Backyards?
by Denise Louie
On September 10 I volunteered with the Natural Areas Program to remove French broom from Mt. Davidson near O’Shaughnessy Blvd. My reward was seeing native wildflowers in bloom: pearly everlasting, whose white flowers resemble pearls; goldenrod, with gold flowers covering tall stems; and willow herb, with its petite pink flowers. Because different native plants bloom at different times of the year, native plant gardens can have green foliage and colorful flowers year round and help wildlife. On this day, we saw honey bees collecting nectar from the native willow herb.
Lately, I’ve wondered about links between synthetic chemical use and human health. Instead of using herbicide on dandelions, maybe we should just eat them! They are edible and have more beta carotene than carrots. If you want to eat what’s growing in your backyard, try using compost or compost tea instead of chemical herbicides, pesticides, and fertilizers. Chemicals kill soil organisms, whereas compost and compost tea feed the soil organisms that make nutrients available to plant roots. It’s fun to make your own compost tea. Visit to find out more.
If you have a lawn and want to keep it, try applying soil aeration (removing plugs of soil), compost tea, and organic pellets that feed soil organisms. See what’s possible even on a large scale without any synthetic chemicals at ((Site no longer available)) to water that lawn, letting it go brown, or replacing it altogether with drought-tolerant native plants.
I asked SF Recreation and Park Department (RPD) how they keep the grass green in our parks. Starting early September, 2014, they replied, the Bay-Friendly Landscaping & Gardening Coalition will conduct a month long certification program specifically for the RPD. “The training will equip the Department to implement sustainable parkland management practices in response to alterations in ecosystems throughout the City’s park system caused by changing weather conditions associated with climate change. The sessions are Soil Management, Plant Material, Integrated Pest Management, and Habitat and Water Management.”
The RPD plans Bay-friendly biodiverse planting along Sequoia Way, adjacent to the playground. “This will attract native wildlife, be sustainably drought tolerant, and enhance the beauty of the park. The front lawn will be replaced with a biodiverse area; a rain garden installed along the slope to eliminate puddling on the field; and only organic fertilizers and methods used in the park.”
I especially appreciate Bay-Friendly’s idea about local native plants. “In the same way that there can be microclimates within a garden, conditions can vary in small but significant ways in the landscape scale as well. You can’t find plants better adapted to life in the San Francisco Bay Area—or better fitted to support local wildlife—than the ones that evolved here.” Visit ((Site no longer available))
for more information. If you can’t attend the California Native Plant Sale on Saturday, Oct 25, from 1 to 5 pm, at the Miraloma Clubhouse, please call plant coordinator Ellen Edelson, at 531-2140, to pick some new native plants for your garden.
A Woman’s Eye (AWE) Gallery
by Dan Liberthson
Directly adjoining Ebenezer herchurch Lutheran at 678 Portola Drive, I spent a delightful hour at the AWE Gallery. A cooperative featuring original art by local artists, the gallery is open noon to 5 pm on Saturdays and Sundays. I was amazed at the wealth of powerful art on its walls, as well as the meditative calm of the place, though only a few yards from busy Portola Drive. A peek at the church revealed a lovely and tranquil space as well, decorated with art and, I was told, frequented by musicians who play during services.
AWE Gallery artists comprise four photographers, including Stacy Boorn, also pastor of ebenezer/herchurch, whose “visual spirituality” encompasses images of nature and travel. Chris Kibre “enjoys finding the unexpected designs made by color, forms and lines in both large and small scenes of nature and man-made objects, and exploring alternative processes to create more painterly photographs.” Alice Steele explores the world through both photography and sketches, and Janet Stock displays images that express “her love of the natural world, the beauty of light and the joy of finding color and design always present in nature.” I enjoyed the work of all of these talented artists during my visit, as well as poetry by Kit Kennedy, who “fancies the short poem and welcomes collaborations of all stripes” reflecting on art.
The AWE website at, describes the next event, Non Sequitor, Oct 4-26 (with an artists’ reception on Oct 5, noon to 5 pm), as a “playful, collaborative show” in which each of five artists “will put forth an image or a word challenge to which the others respond. In the spirit of the non sequitor [‘it does not follow’ in Latin], the artists “hope to invite conversation, humor, and intrigue. From Nov 1 to 30, “Earth Medicine” will show the work of 20 artists in various media.
On the weekend I visited, a special exhibit by painter Catherine Sky was mounted . As Catherine, who lives in the neighborhood, puts it: “Finding myself in Miraloma Park, a new neighborhood in an unfamiliar city, I began to explore, gathering images, sketchbook and camera in hand. These paintings are a result of the last 2 years of experiencing this incredible landscape, always humbled and always amazed.” Presenting many different streetscapes in Miraloma Park in stunning colors, unusual perspectives, and solid structural planes reminiscent of Cezanne’s later work, Catherine captures the essential clarity and loveliness of the shapes and hues of our neighborhood. Though the exhibit at AWE is now over, you can look at her work in all its vivid colors on her website at